Our Cycle 4 students (Year 7 to Year 9) headed off on camp in Week 7 together with Cycle 4 teachers. We asked them to recount some of their adventures!
I liked the rock climbing, and the zipline which is the longest zipline in South Australia! - Ollie, Year 7
The things I most enjoyed about this camp were the night games. We played ‘Spotlight’ in the forest at night - I was not expecting to see a possum run up a tree around a foot away! I also liked running through the maze in the dark and trying to beat the other groups and our personal best. All in all, I thought the night games were a fun activity, and the whole camp was also VERY fun - Matilda, Year 7
One of the best things about the Cycle 4 Woodhouse camp is that it is centred around welcoming the Year 7s to both the school community and Cycle 4 camps. There is a lot of work done to make sure that the Year 7s are included in all the activities and to help integrate them into the friend groups and community - Luca, Year 9
Our first camp of the year has been and gone, in a flurry of shelter-building, orienteering, cooking, water colouring, board-gaming, zip-lining, whittling, and cloud-gazing. As Luca mentions above, our Term 1 camp is about appreciating our adolescent program community, and welcoming new students. As the adults on the camp, we never take for granted the way the students cheer each other on, share jokes and encouragements, and walk alongside in newly-minted familiarity - Riley – Cycle 4 teacher