What a whirlwind the first 3 weeks of term have been. It has been a busy, and very successful start to term 4.
In week 1, we successfully changed platforms for our learner management and finance systems from EDSAS to EMS (Education Management System). This was a departmental requirement and has completely updated how we operate from an admin perspective. We are slowly getting used to the different way of working, and we thank you for your patience over the last few weeks while the change has been occurring.
Week 1 also saw the very successful launch of Children’s Week in South Australia at our site. You would have seen the Audiri post that listed our special guests and shared some phots of the day. We have had very positive feedback on the look and feel of our school, the showcase of learning we shared and the behaviours and welcoming nature of our students. This is a credit to the work of our whole school community – Thank you!
In Week 2, we farewelled Greg Coley, our groundsman. Greg has been at our school (usually on a Tuesday and Thursday) for more than 10 years. We are sad to see him go, and wish him well in his future endeavours.
Friday of Week 2, the 25th of October saw us celebrating World Teachers Day. Classes worked with our SSOs to make cards celebrating their teachers. Teachers enjoyed a celebratory morning tea organised by our wonderful support staff. Thank you also for the many messages of thanks and appreciation received by families.
This term, many of our classes have been hosting preservice teachers in their second year of their studies. We are hosting 18 preservice teachers across the school. It has been wonderful to see them quickly develop relationships with students and staff and work towards improving their teaching practice supported by their mentor teacher.
Unfortunately, we were recently the target of another break-in on our Grounds Shed and other storage sheds earlier this week. Please can I ask that if you see or hear anything suspicious after hours, that you report it to SAPOL on 131444. Thank you for your support.
This term, as a school, we begin to undertake many processes in planning for 2025. One of these processes is student class placements.
As a site, when determining student class placements, we will be dedicating time for our staff to come together and discuss each individual student and their placement for 2025. These discussions are informed by student academic ability, social and emotional needs, peer, friend and staff connections and other additional support as required. All decisions are made with the best interest of the student at the centre of discussions. This process takes many weeks, and our plan is to share 2025 class placements in the last week of term.
An important part of this process is parent involvement and giving families the opportunity to provide any information that may assist with student class placements. Please note that due to the staffing process requests for specific class teachers will not be able to be taken into consideration.
If you wish to provide input into your child’s class placement in 2025, I ask that you please email any information to Julie at julie.raggett939@schools.sa.edu.au before 5pm, Friday November 15th.