Plattsburg Public School Newsletter

February 2025, Term 1 Week 4

A Message from the Principal

Dear Plattsburg Community,

I would like to extend a thank you to all the parents and community members who attended our Parent Afternoon on Wednesday. Your presence and engagement mean so much to us, and it was wonderful to connect and share the great things happening in our school. Your support plays a vital role in our students’ success, and we appreciate the time you took to be part of this event.

This term, our school values focus on Respect, Independence, Empathy, and Connecting. These values guide our daily interactions and learning experiences, helping students build strong, positive relationships with their peers, teachers, and the wider community. Through classroom discussions, activities, and role modelling, we encourage our students to demonstrate these values in all aspects of their school life.

A key focus for us this term is positive and respectful communication. We believe that fostering clear, kind, and thoughtful communication creates a supportive learning environment where everyone feels heard and valued. Our students are learning the importance of expressing themselves in a way that shows respect for others, and we encourage families to reinforce this at home as well.

In classrooms, students will be actively engaged in Maths Reviews, an exciting initiative that supports their mathematical understanding and problem-solving skills. This approach allows students to reflect on their learning, strengthen their foundational knowledge, and develop confidence in their abilities. We are looking forward to seeing their growth and celebrating their progress throughout the term.

Thank you once again for your ongoing support and involvement in our school community. Together, we can create a positive and enriching learning environment for all our students. We look forward to a fantastic term ahead.


Dave Hopson (Relieving Principal)

Community Afternoon

Sports Captain Speeches 

All students in Years 5-6, who are not already school leaders, are invited to write and present a speech to run for their sporting house captain. Two captains will be elected for each house. Speeches only need to go for a minute or two and talk about why the student would like to be captain. Speeches will be presented in week 6.

 Police Liaison Officer Visit

 Senior Constable Cassie Johnston will be visiting Plattsburg Public School on Wednesday March 5th to have a chat to our Stage 3 students about online safety. 

Harmony Day

Harmony Day will take place on Friday 21st of March. A note with detailed information, permission and lunch order details will be sent out during week. 

Distance Education Information

Selective high school and opportunity class applications are now open. If your child is in Year 3 or Year 5 apply today. Please click the link for further information.

Key dates – applying for entry in 2026

7 November 2024 to 21 February 2025 – parents and carers apply for selective high school or opportunity class entry in 2026

2-4 May 2025 – students sit the selective high school or opportunity class placement test for entry in 2026

19 May 2025 – make up test date (approved illness/misadventure requests)

Term 3, 2025 – placement outcomes and offers released to parents and carers

Term 1, 2026 – students who gain entry begin attending their opportunity class or selective high

School Uniform

A big thank you to all the students who wear their full school uniform every day – we appreciate your effort in representing our school with pride!This is a reminder that all students are expected to be in full school uniform every day. If a student is out of uniform, they will be provided with a school uniform for the day.

If your child needs additional uniform items, please reach out to the school – we are here to help.

Thank you for your support in maintaining our high standards.

School Community Charter

Breakfast Club Helpers Needed

The benefits of a full tummy in the morning are paramount. At Plattsy, our Breakfast Club is quite often the first thing our students do when they walk in the gate, even when they've eaten at home.

We rely on parent helpers to keep the toast cooking and the cereal bowls full. If you have a spare half hour in the morning when dropping off your child, we'd love your help.

Breakfast Club is open from 8:30am to 9am, Monday to Friday.

If you think this is something you would like to help with one morning during the week, let us know so we can add you to a roster.

Please email or phone 49559196

Mosquito Alert

Mozzie Alert! There are currently a lot of mosquitos in our playground. if possible, please put insect repellent on your child before school. Students are allowed to bring in ROLL ON only to apply at school. Aerosol cans are not permitted.

Community News

Fundraiser For Jaxon

Fundraiser for Jaxon

Former Plattsburg student Jaxon was recently involved in a serious accident that has left him with life-changing injuries. As he embarks on a long journey of recovery, we are coming together as a community to support him and his family during this difficult time.

In partnership with Newcastle Racecourse, Jaxon’s family has organized a fundraising event to help provide the support and care he needs. Date: Saturday, 26th April 2025

Location: Newcastle Racecourse Tickets/Entry: $180 p.p or $2900 for a Table of 10

How You Can Help: Attend the event, donate, or spread the word!

For more details or to donate, please contact: Newcastle Racecourse on 0422417477#SupportForJaxon #FundraiserForJaxon

Current Notes

P&C Members Form

Kiss and Drop/Kiss and Ride Registration

QuickCliq Registration Instructions

2024 Canteen Price List