Pendle Pages

Pendle Hill Public School Newsletter

TERM 3 WEEK 6, 2023

A Message from the Principal

Dear parents/carers,

This week we celebrated Children's Book Week. Book Week is a great time to celebrate books, the love of reading and the joy of literature. An adult reading to a child regularly can have huge impact on their reading development and  their interest and engagement with reading. Dad's reading to boys supports their engagement in reading - so don't to share reading to your child amongst both parents. Thank you to everyone who joined in our book parade and supported the book fair. Thank you also to Mrs Sadler who  worked very hard to plan all of our BooK Week activities.


Gabrielle Buczynski

What's On!

Check out our Diary Dates


Term 3 2023

29.8.23 K-2 parent literacy workshop

6.9.23 Father's Day Breakfast

12.9.23 P&C meeting

19.9.23 K-2 parent numeracy workshop

22.9.23 End Term 3

9.10.23 Term 4 Begins

10.10.23 Kinder Excursion Calmsley Hill Farm

6.11.23-17.11.23 Swim School

Classroom and Preschool News


Book Week

Preschool had a wonderful time dressing up in their favourite book characters to celebrate Book Week. Children were excited to wear their costumes in the preschool and also join in with our whole school Book Character Parade. During the parade children loved seeing family, friends and teachers they knew and a variety of book characters they were familiar with. This was a lovely experience and a great way to connect with our school community. 

Margaret Akamatis

Pendle Hill Public School Preschool

Oodie and Pyjama Day

On the 10th of August 2023, the SRC members from Pendle Hill Public School organised an Oodie and Pyjama Day. We raised $353.00 for the Stewart House charity, which offers a free-of-charge 12-day residential program for children from Year 2 to Year 8 who are enrolled  in public schools in NSW and the ACT. Through this program children receive help to develop their social and emotional skills, build self-esteem and improve their overall wellbeing.  We thank parents for assisting their children to dress up in their Oodie and pyjamas and for making it an enjoyable day.  SRC Members

Northmead CAPA High School Auditions

Northmead CAPA Highschool will be holding auditions for talented students in Dance, Drama, Music, Visual Arts and Circus.

The auditions for Year 6 students (Year 7, 2024) and Years 8-11 (for placement in 2023) are now open.


Talented students with a strong interest in Dance, Drama, Visual Arts, Music and Circus are encouraged are encouraged to apply. Local (in area) students wanting to be part of our selective Creative and Performing Arts program MUST also audition.

Students who gain selection into our school benefit from a range of curriculum and welfare initiatives. Our school also offers modern performance and technical production facilities, specialist teachers and a supportive whole school ethos, which promote excellence in the Creative and Performing Arts.

Many of our Creative and Performing Arts students are multi-talented and have interest in several Creative Arts areas. Our school offers a broad comprehensive curriculum and Music, Dance, Drama, Visual Arts and Circus work together under the banner of the Creative and Performing Arts.

CAPA Audition applications are to be submitted with all documentation, portfolio and video submissions online via a link on the school's website, where parents can also register their interest.

Closing date for submissions is Monday 11th September 2023.

Please see attached audition information for Parents and Students.


Principal's Awards

Term 3

Congratulations to the following students who were nominated for a Principal's Award for consistently being a helpful, safe, respectful learner.

ClassWeek 6
KR Ivaan
3VNaga Sai Nidhi, Bani
5-6S Jahnavi
5-6V Paarvati

Mobile Phones

A reminder that students are not permitted to bring their mobile phones to school. This is in line with the Department of Education Policy. If your child requires a phone for safe travel to and from school, you need to advise us in writing or complete the mobile device form at the office. The phone must be handed in at the office when your child arrives at school at will be returned at the end of the day.

We appreciate your assistance.

Library News

Book Club News

Issue 6 is out.

Closing Date: Friday 8th September 2023

All orders are online to Scholastic Book Club, no cash accepted at school.

A percentage of all purchases is rewarded to the school library.

Andrena Sadler Teacher Librarian

Library Bags

Just a reminder that when your child has their library day, they need a library bag.

The uniform shop has a very sturdy library bag for sale, this type of bag is preferred. 

Message Board

Important Messages and Upcoming Events

School Student Travel

Please see download file for all the information.

Why Is Attendance at School Important?

Regular attendance at school is important for students at our school to reach their full potential. 

We want to do all we can to be sure your child achieves their potential and enjoys being in school. One way we can help make this happen is to be sure your child attends school each day unless they are sick, have COVID symptoms or are absent for a justified reason.

Protecting the wellbeing of our students through the reporting and monitoring of student absences is the responsibility of both parents/carers and schools. Notifying the school either before or on the day that your child is away helps us keep accurate student attendance records to support you and your child.

We know that school is the best place to learn and regular attendance means students can stay on top of their schoolwork and get the most out of their learning. If you are having trouble getting your child to school every day or on time, please talk to our school staff so we can work together, because every day counts. 

Missing a day here or there may not seem like much but absences add up and can impact your child’s learning more than you think. When your child misses one day a week over a year, that’s 40 days of school, 8 weeks of lessons and 2.5 years over their school life lost. 

NSW Department of Education - School Infrastructure

School Infrastructure NSW (SINSW) are looking for businesses to work in maintaining the 2,218 public schools across New South Wales. See attached file for information.

See file download


Office News

Messages, reminders and information from the school office

Attendance and Absences via the Audiri (Skoolbag) App

Parents of children from Kindergarten to Year 6 must ensure their children attend school every day.  On occasion, your child may need to be absent from school. Justified reasons for student absences may include:-

  • being sick or having an infectious disease
  • having an unavoidable medical appointment
  • being required to attend a recognised religious holiday
  • exceptional or urgent family circumstances eg: attending a funeral

Parents must provide an explanation for absences to the school as soon as possible. Absentee notes can be sent through the Skoolbag App to explain your child's absence.

Instructions to make a payment

Click on this link to make an online payment via our School Website.


Have Your Contact Details Changed?

Have you changed your Phone Numbers or Address? If so please access the form in the Audiri (skoolbag) app under the Eforms tab (Click on the school crest to find the eforms  tab) or click on this link:-

Uniform Shop

The Uniform Shop is now OPEN on Wednesdays between 8.30-9.30am.  Online Order at 


Complete an order form and  submit it by email ( or text msg (0405 506 383).

Access the order form in the school bag app under the Uniform Shop tab (Click on the school crest to find the Uniform Shop tab)

Further Information on uniforms can be found on our Website via this link:-   

OOSH Details

Contact the Pendle Hill Activity Centres Inc for before and after school care on the school site  details.

Ph 0403 865 828 email:

How to install Audiri (Skoolbag)

Are you having trouble with Audiri (Skoolbag) or you would like to download it another device? Check out these easy, step by step instructions.

Community News

The Smith family have partnered with by the Department of Social Services and ANZ in a not-for-profit community program Saver Plus. Saver Plus can support eligible families as they prepare for the school education expenses.The money from Saver Plus can be used towards education costs such as 

  • Laptop and tablet
  • Books and supplies
  • Uniform
  • Sports fees and gears
  • Lessons & activities

Participants are paired with a savings coach and make regular deposits towards an agreed goal over a 10-month period. They attend online workshops to learn tips, tricks and information to grow their budgeting and savings. Once they reach their agreed goal, ANZ matches their savings dollar-for-dollar up to $500.More information and program eligibility criteria can be found at

Learn and Play for Families

Cumberland City Council is running some learn and play sessions for children 0-5 years and their parents/guardians/carers where industry professionals will share information on topics relating to children’s learning, health and wellbeing. There will be resources and activities for the children. Please pass the details on to the families at your service, registrations for the sessions can be made here:

Register Here


Wenty Waratah Softball Club

Wenty Waratahs Softball Club is a family-friendly club that caters for children from 3 years old to young at heart adults that still like to play either competitively or socially. Wenty Waratahs is holding a 'Come and Try' day before the next season starts and is seeking your assistance in keeping kids active.

See flyer below for all the registration details and poster for Come and Try Day,


Grasshopper Soccer

Grasshopper Soccer Flyer


Cool Kids Music Co

Cool Kids Music Co Flyer



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