St John the Baptist Ferntree Gully Newsletter

Tuesday June 25th 2024

Letter from the Principal, Kelli Johnston

As we come to the end of a terrific term of learning there is much to reflect upon and celebrate. At the commencement of the school year we launched the theme of “Flourishing Learners” and indeed our students are flourishing.

The students have engaged in all aspects of learning throughout the term.  Whether it be engaging in rich literacy or numeracy learning, Religious Education, Inquiry History lessons or Specialist lessons, our students have enjoyed a wonderful term of learning.

Some of the events our students have participated in include: ANZAC Day Prayer Service, Cross Country, Knox Library Biggest Morning Tea, Level Masses, Secondary School Taster Days, Mother’s Day afternoon tea, Inform & Empower Cyber Safety lessons, Excursions - Puffing Billy, Ambleside Homestead, Immigration Museum, St Joseph’s Lighthouse program and expo, National Sorry Day Prayer Service, Production auditions & rehearsals & St John the Baptist Feast Day Celebration.

We encourage all students to try new things, give everything a go and that our greatest learning comes from making mistakes. Mistakes assist us to know what to do differently or try again, whilst  learning and building on what we already know. Remember practice makes precision and there is no such thing as being perfect!!

Congratulations to all students on a wonderful semester of learning. Our students have truly been outstanding in giving everything their best. 

Congratulations Chizara

On Sunday morning the SJB parish gathered to celebrate the Nativity of St John the Baptist at mass at the special time of 10am. It was wonderful to see the parish come together for this special celebration followed by morning tea after mass.  This celebration was made even more special with one of our parish and school families celebrating their daughter, Chizara receiving the sacrament of First Eucharist. Congratulations Chizara on receiving your First Holy Communion.  We were all most fortunate to be present and celebrate with you.

2025 Prep

We thank all families for submitting their enrolment forms for the 2025 school year. This is an exciting time for families as we start preparations for welcoming our new preps throughout Semester Two. 

Letters of acceptance have now been sent to all families who have enrolled their child for the 2025 school year. We ask families to return their acceptance offers by Wednesday June 26th, 2024. This will allow us to start forward planning early in Term 3.

We ask any families who have not yet submitted their enrolment forms to do so as soon as possible as places are limited.

Term 2 Conclusion

We ask families to please mark in their calendars that school will conclude at 2:00pm on Friday 28th June. 

Semester One School Reports

Semester One reports were emailed to families on Friday 21st June.  If you have not received your child/ren’s reports we ask that you contact the office.  Reports are an opportunity to reflect on student growth and how students are progressing in their learning. Familiarising yourself with your child/ren’s report is always beneficial prior to attending interviews.

In the event that you do not receive your child’s school report please email: 

Wayne Daniell ICT Leader -

Kelli Johnston Principal - 

Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews

Parent/teacher/student interviews will be held today and tomorrow.  We encourage all students to attend interviews with their families. The focus of interviews is to celebrate the hard work students have undertaken throughout the semester, as well as the growth they have made as a result of their hard work. 

Interviews will be held on: 

     Tuesday 25th June 2:30-6:00pm

     Wednesday 26th June 3:30-5:30pm

On Tuesday 25th June there is an optional early finish with interviews commencing at 2:30pm. Where possible we encourage families to collect their children early.

A friendly reminder that if you have a PSG for your child that this includes your Parent/Teacher Interview. Families who attend a PSG do not book an additional Parent/Teacher Interview. 

St John the Baptist Feast Day Celebration - Friday June 28th

As we come to the end of another busy term we have the opportunity to celebrate the Feast of St John the Baptist. The Feast Day of Saint John the Baptist is June 24th.  As a school we will celebrate the Feast of our Patron Saint on the last day of term. We have a wonderful day planned for all. 

Please see the outline of the day below:

9:00-10:30amKaboom Tabloid Sports
10:30amMorning Tea - Snack
11:00amSt John the Baptist Parish Mass
12:00pmLunch including Special Feast Day Lunch Orders 
12:50pmClass session
2:00pmTerm 2 Concludes

Families please note: Given that there is a change to timetabling for the day we ask that all students bring morning tea for first break.  There will be a special lunch in the Canteen on the last day of term, however please be aware that students will receive their orders at 12:00pm. 

Health Update

During the last week we have had several cases of head lice.  We encourage families to regularly check their child/rens hair at this time.  Students with long hair that is long enough to be tied back is required to be tied back at all times.

As we are now well into the cold and flu season we ask families to keep unwell students at home.  We have had cases of influenza, COVID, colds and general feeling unwell occurring throughout the school.

Specialist Timetable Week 1 Changes

There are a number of changes to the Specialist Timetable in Week 1 to work around the Year 4 and 5 students attending Emmaus College’s School Production - Funny Girl. The amended timetable will be sent out to families via the Skoolbag app once it has been finalised.

The Specialist Timetable will then revert back to its usual timetable from Week 2.

School Disco - Save the Date!

This year’s school disco is booked for Friday 9th August. We look forward to students having an opportunity to dance afternoon/evening away with their friends dancing

Beleza Uniforms School Holiday Opening Times

Please be advised that all Beleza Retail Stores will be closed for the first week of the Term 2 school holidays. Stores will close at 2pm on Friday 28th of June and will resume standard trading hours from Monday 8th of July.

The Pirates of the Curry Bean Update

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

I hope you’re enjoying hearing snippets of the production songs being played over the PA at school. You might even have started joining in with some of the lyrics, if your child has been entertaining you with their class item at home!

If you have any questions about your child’s costume, please contact me via email or drop into the Hall for a quick chat at drop off or pick up time on Tues-Thurs.

Tickets for our performance on Friday 23rd August will be available online through for family members and  friends early next term. 

With a seating capacity of almost 900 in the George Wood Theatre, we anticipate a limit of about 8 tickets per family, so please start working out who you’d like to include in your ticket allocation so you’re ready when the tickets go on sale.

 Further details will follow on a separate update at the beginning of next term, along with details about how to pre-order your personal DVD, or digital download if preferred, as a memento of the evening.

Full details about make-up, and arrival times etc for the evening will also be sent out next term.

If you are not familiar with the area, it might be worth a drive over to the venue one weekend, or during the holidays, to ensure you’re aware of where you are heading to on the night. There’s building taking place at the moment, but you should be able to drive through or at least around the school’s block to get an idea of the theatre’s location.

George Wood Performing Arts Centre

84-90 Kalinda Road, Ringwood, VIC 3134

Thanks, in advance, for your support for such an exciting event in our school. 

Sue Cahill

These Little Learners love Literacy!

The Prep students had a surprise party on Monday to celebrate Milo the Monkey’s birthday, a character they've been following since the beginning of the year in the story 'Milo’s Birthday Surprise'. One page was read weekly to hook students into the new letter/s they would be explicitly learning how to read and write. The party commemorated their achievement in learning all 26 letters and sounds of the alphabet, marking a delightful conclusion to their first semester in Prep.

Preparing for the party offered numerous opportunities across various curriculum areas. In Mathematics, students explored patterns and practiced creating and continuing three-step patterns. They then applied this knowledge by decorating party hats with pom poms using their own unique three-step patterns. Additionally, students learned to compose invitations as a new text type, drafting and publishing good copy invitations for Milo’s birthday party.

The afternoon was delightful, capped off by a special appearance from Milo the Monkey, much to the delight of the students!

Bunnings Scoresby Community Partnership - Thank you

Grade 3/4 Exploring Bush Food Plants

This term, our Grade 3/4 students have been diving into the fascinating world of traditional bush food plants as part of their History unit of work. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Bunnings Scoresby for their generous donation of bush food herbs, fruits, and vegetable plants.

Our school veggie garden now proudly features saltbush, native oregano, native thyme, finger lime, midyim berry, wild currants, and murnong. With careful nurturing, we look forward to seeing our students use these unique ingredients to cook up a delicious feast in the near future.

Stay tuned for updates on our garden's progress and our budding chefs' culinary adventures!

Christian der Kinderen

Sustainability Leader

Student Awards

Prep BA

Mason A - for a wonderful first semester of learning in Prep. You have been trying so hard in all learning areas and always do your very best in any activity. Great work!

Prep LC

Jasmine A - for being an amazing role model of being a responsible learner! We love watching you grow in confidence and let your light shine Jasmine.

Leon P - for being an excellent role model of caring for others in the school, who looks after others and includes everyone in his play. We're lucky to have a friend like you Leon!

Year 1/2B

Bethany B - for being a wonderful, caring classmate who always tries her best with her school work. Keep up the great work!

Marlina A - for being a wonderful and caring classmate and always working so hard with your school work. Keep up the great work!

Year 1/2D

Keira M - for enthusiastically contributing your thoughts and ideas to our class discussions and demonstrating an eagerness to learn in all lessons. You are a superstar!

Year 1/2JM

Leonard W - for your enthusiasm towards all aspects of school-life. We love your positive attitude Lenny!

Aaron W - for working hard to achieve your best. We are impressed with your skills in answering questions quickly in Mathematics.

Year 1/2KC

Gretta L - for improving so much in spelling, consistently being a responsible learner and a very respectful member of our school community. You are a star!

Willow P - for consistently following directions, working hard to listen carefully to the sounds in words when writing, and for being a fantastic helper at clean-up time. You are a star!

Fletcher B - for sharing his knowledge about history, improving his spelling skills, and showing respect for others. You are a star!

Year 3/4GA

Jacob N - for all his efforts in his writing and for extending his care for others on and off the playground!

Lacey H - for her wonderful efforts in constructing the elements needed for her History project in Inquiry!

Josie S - for her efforts and creativity in her Author's choice writing as well as her ability to present her work!

Year 3/4HM

Bryce S - for having a positive attitude to his learning and for sharing his warm smile with everyone.

Malvina A - for being a very helpful, hard-working and responsible class member, and a very inclusive friend.

Year 3/4J

Jai P-W - for working hard at being a responsible learner in the classroom, and for improvement in writing.

Zoe v B - for being a responsible learner and reflecting on ways to improve her reading comprehension. For always working hard and being fair to others.

Year 3/4SJ

Leo N - for demonstrating creativity in both his thinking and his artwork. You are a star!

Harriet H - for being a deep thinker and a classmate who is kind and considerate of others. You are a star!

Jeremy G - for being a responsible learner in all that he does and for the kindness he shows to all those around him. You are a star!

Year 5/6D

Susie D - for her engaging writing, which displays excellent vocabulary and high level writing devices. Always an entertaining read!

Joshua A - for displaying great leadership and setting an example with his learning and behaviour on our recent excursion to the Immigration Museum.

Year 5/6RD

Joseph W - for exemplary leadership in overseeing and supporting younger students in the school composting program. As well as being a wonderful role model in our classroom, always very focussed when completing tasks, particularly in Reading, Writing and Maths. Well done Joseph you are to be commended for always striving to achieve your very best.

Austin T - for displaying a keen interest in our history unit this Term by working really hard on all of the tasks related to migration and our 'Suitcase Project'. Your participation in all our classroom discussions, particularly on this topic, have been outstanding and so knowledgeable. Well done Austin!

Nishala A - for being very focussed when completing all tasks in the classroom, always asking good questions and listening attentively. Well done Nishala you are to be commended for always trying your very best and being such a positive role model to other students in our class and in the school. Keep up the great work.

Australian Maths Competition

Dear Parents,

St John the Baptist will be participating in the Australian Maths Competition again this year. This year it is being held on Tuesday August 6th - Thursday August 8th.

The AMC is an engaging 30-problem competition that demonstrates the importance and relevance of mathematics in students’ everyday lives; it is open to students in years 3 to 12. Australia’s leading educators and academics, with a deep understanding of our national curriculum standards, actively design the unique AMC problems each year. If you are interested to find out more please visit -  where they have included some sample questions.

If your child is interested please send in payment of $8.50 in a sealed envelope marked AMC with your child's name by close of business Friday 5th July.

If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact Miss Bulmer. 

Wishing everyone a great holiday and all the best for a restful Term 2 holiday break.  We look forward to seeing everyone on Monday 15th July ready for a fabulous Term 3!!

Kelli Johnston

Term 2 Dates


25th - Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews - 2.30-6.00pm

26th - Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews - 3.30-5.30pm

28th - St John the Baptist Feast Day celebrations

28th - Term 2 concludes @ 2.00pm


15th - Term 3 commences

17th - Emmaus School Production - Year 4 & 5 students

18th - Chess Club free incursion

24th - Confirmation Family Evening

26th - School Assembly - 1/2D

27th - Confirmation Commitment Masses

28th - Confirmation Commitment Masses

29th - Year 5/6 District Football

31st - Year 5/6 District Netball

31st - School Advisory Council - 2:00pm


1st - Year 5/6 Level Mass

1st - Mater Christi & St Joseph's Production

6th - AMC Maths Competition

7th - Prep 2025 Family Meetings

8th - Prep 2025 Family Meetings

9th - SJB School Disco

10th - Term 3 Working Bee

15th - Feast of the Assumption Mass

16th - Year 7 2026 Applications close

Scholastic Books Orders

The most recent Scholastic Book orders have been delivered to the school office, ready for collection.

Canteen News

Open on Wednesdays & Fridays

Canteen orders can be placed via

Orders must be placed no later than 7.30am on the Wednesday or Friday.

Canteen Lunch Special!

This Friday 28th June is the special canteen lunch for St John the Baptist Feast Day. 

If your child has ordered a special lunch, please send them along with a snack. They will receive their lunch at 12.00noon.

Tracey Walker

Canteen Manager

Canteen Roster Term 2, 2024

Friday June 28th

Melinda Price

Katrina Horne

Carrie Canton

Parish News

Community News

Chess News


Chess Club at St John's - Term 3

St John the Baptist Fundraising with Entertainment

Soccer at St John's

Enrolment Form - Knox Gymnastics


We are happy to announce that Knox Factor will be returning for it’s 10th season in 2024!

Applications officially open Friday 21 June.

Knox Factor is a local talent competition for aspiring vocalists who either live, study work or play within Knox. Successful applicants receive professional mentoring, exposure to the industry and are in the running to win some great prizes!

Applicants can apply in the following age categories:

· 5 - 11 years

· 12 - 15 years

· 16 - 20 years

· 21+ years (new for 2024!)

Full details about the competition and dates can be found here: Knox Factor | Knox 

Look forward to some amazing applications!

Flyers available from the school office

St John the Baptist Ferntree Gully