Cunderdin District High School

Term 3 2024 Newsletter


From the Admin Team - Mr Jasper, Miss Hoskins and Mr Hill

Term 3 is always a busy term with carnivals, excursions, camps, career expos, assemblies and multiple incursions. Within all of this, our staff have been harnessing their skills with an array of training sessions and delivering the best learning experiences for our students.



We warmly welcome Mrs Mel Arnott to our staff permanently who has taken over from Mrs Carol Taylor who is on long service leave and then resigning from the department.


Miss Aleesha Hoskins has won the role of Deputy Principal Permanently, her experience with Quality Teaching across the Kimberley region and Willetton Primary School stands her in great steed to help guide CDHS along our improvement journey.

Miss Jody Thomas-Smith will be commencing as our new permanent Secondary English/HASS teacher at the start of Term 4. We welcome Miss Thomas-Smith and eagerly look forward to her arrival.


Miss Chloe Kirk will continue to be one of our Primary DOTT providers until the end of week 5 at which point, we will revert back to Term 1 and 2 where Mr Hill and Miss Hoskins taught these classes.

The flying squad are working with the school over the holidays to fill the primary Physical education/Secondary Maths role. If this cannot be filled by the flying squad, the position will be shared by the principal and deputy and other secondary staff portfolios may change to accommodate this, we will not be using SIDE to fill the maths position at this stage.



Please note there is an extra kindy day Wednesday 9 October, Week 1 Term 4. This day is mandated to allow for the 9-week term and 11 week term in term 1 and 2.



Thankyou to the parents that have indicated they will be at the meetings. We understand the times may not suit all parents and request that you contact the school to find a time that the admin staff can meet with you to fill you in on the plan for the education of all our students here at CDHS.



As a school we are busily preparing for the 2024 school year, however, we need your help to ensure our student numbers are accurate. Can you please notify Mr Jasper by phoning 9635 3300 or email paul.jasper if your child/ren will not be attending CDHS in 2025. This enables the school to be well prepared for the students ready for day one.



We continue to be extremely proud of our student leaders as they have continued to embrace their roles and contribute greatly towards the success of our school.

In Term 4, Year 5-9 students will have the opportunity to nominate for 2024 positions. We encourage all students to consider this opportunity and prepare their speeches for Week 9.


The Secondary students will be undertaking their Semester 2 Examinations in English, Humanities & Social Sciences, Mathematics and Science during Week 6 of Term 4 (11-15 November 2024).

All students will be issued with an Examination Timetable prior to Examination Week and will also take part in revision work in the classroom environment. In addition to this, students need to ensure they spend time revising the content they will be examined on through setting up a home revision program. All students can participate in the Homework Club which runs every Monday afternoon from Weeks 2-9 of each term.


The Online Literacy and Numeracy Assessment in Term 4 is for students in Year 9 and 10. Students that are required to complete the assessment will be advised prior to the testing window opening. The OLNA testing period dates are yet to be determined.


The school will welcome our 2025 kindy students on Monday 25 November, this day will also be a whole school transition day where the students will move up a year across the site. Friday 29 of November and 3 of December will be a high school transition day only where the 6’s move up into the 7/8 class and the 8’s move into the 9/10 class. The year 10’s on these days will be supervised by the deputy and will be looking to finalise tasks for our graduating cohort.

Positive Behaviour Support (PBS)

As the term comes to a close it has been amazing to see our students to continue to strive to be their best. Students have been consistently displaying the four Great Expectations of Be Responsible,  Be Respectful,  Be Safe and Caring and Be your Best. We wish to acknowledge all students demonstrating the Great Expectations, with an abundance of acknowledgement tickets distributed by staff across the term. 

Cunderdin District High School (CDHS) Positive Behaviour Matrix is in further refinement and will be utilised soon. This document will assist the CDHS community on the expectations and focus as a school has on positive behaviour.

The PBS shop for Secondary students will be opening soon. Staff have worked tirelessly to organise this initiative and students have had a glimpse as to what is in store. 

The PBS committee are working on initiatives for the Primary school.  In line with the Quality Teaching Strategy,  we will be explicitly teaching expected behaviours that align with our schools four Great Expectations.  . These lessons will be beneficial to assist all students in making positive choices at school and in the community. Secondary Students are planning and preparing instructional videos to assist with these lessons. Watch this space as we may be requesting some special "actors" from within our community to become involved in this plan. 

Our aim at Cunderdin District High School to assist and support all students in their development, academically, socially, and emotionally. 

Quality Teaching Strategy: Visit to South Halls Head

In Week 5 of this term, CDHS' educators visited South Halls Head Primary School as part of the Quality Teaching Strategy Partnership Initiative. The focus of our visit was on explicit instruction - a high-impact, evidence-based teaching approach. Research shows that this approach is one of the most effective ways to support student learning as it uses clear, direct teaching and breaks down complex concepts into manageable steps. We explored techniques to boost student engagement and found ways to enhance the great practices already happening in our classrooms.  Staff have brought these insights back to school, and are excited to further develop these strategies to continue fostering a positive and effective learning environment for all students. We look forward to further discussing quality teaching at the classroom meetings in Week 1 of next term. 

What has been happening in the K/P with Mrs Chant?

We have had a fantastic term of learning and fun in Kindy/Pre-primary.

Our literacy lessons this term have seen us learning the story Jack and the Beanstalk through Talk 4 Writing. It has been fun learning the story off by heart and including actions. We then innovated on the story as a class and then individually. We loved coming up with different characters for the story. We also did a fun craft activity that saw us climbing a beanstalk to reach a castle!

During our mathematics lessons, the Pre-primaries have been learning about half and whole as well as subtraction and addition. It is hard work but we are starting to get really good at it.

On Tuesday 20 August we had a very special visitor come to our classroom. Izzy the Lizard came to teach us all about road safety. She taught us to “Stop, look, listen think,” before crossing the road and to remember to hold an adult’s hand.

Friday 20 August saw us inviting our ‘SMILE’ (Special Man I Love Enormously) people into our classroom for some fun activities and morning tea. It was wonderful to see so many dads and special people join us. We had a great time hammering, making ties, decorating biscuits, and building things. After we had all had some yummy things to eat, we challenged our special men to a flag race. It was lots of fun and we enjoyed having our special visitors come and play with us.

'SMILE’ (Special Man I Love Enormously)

Year 1/2 Class with Mis Reynders

Room 6 has been very busy throughout Term 3! We have celebrated some special events and have worked hard to improve our learning throughout the school setting.

Our Class Focus:

This term we have been focusing on being our best and being respectful! We have created some personal goals for ourselves, and discussed ways we can reach these goals. Some examples include keeping our hands and feet to ourselves, being respectful when listening to others, and using kind words. We have been participating in class discussions, focusing on ways we can uphold the school’s values.


In writing this term we have focused on a narrative text called “The Gum Leaf Thief”. This text is part of the Talk for Writing program which has helped us to produce narrative stories using tools such as adjectives, rhyming, precise nouns, powerful verbs, and adverbs. We are beginning to learn about information texts, focusing on foxes.


This term we have read a class novel, the BFG by Roald Dahl, which students have really engaged in. We have also been completing fluency reading through reading small passage and strengthening our comprehension by completing activities based on the passage.


Throughout this term we have explored addition strategies, shapes, and place-value. We have continued to revise concepts that we have learnt through fun games such as sheriff, speedy maths, Mathletics, and maths-based crafts.

Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS):

This term in HASS we have been focusing on Geography, particular local places. We have discussed what natural, managed and constructed local places are, as well as mapping our school using a map key.


In Indonesian, we have been revising our numbers, colours, and simple greetings. We are starting to learn about familiar animals, such as pets and farm animals.

Special Events:

In Room 6, we have celebrated 100 days of school by engaging in a variety of activities, such as creating crowns and drawing portraits of our future selves.

We have also had the privilege of organizing the Year 1/2 assembly, our focus being on what we want to be when we grow up! We sung the song “When I Grow Up” and dressed up as what we want to be when we are older, ranging from workers, singers, and artists to McDonald’s workers, pilots, and crocodile hunters! We then invited our families to stay for morning tea in the 1/2 classroom, where we enjoyed spending time with our families and friends!

Year 1/2 classroom activities

Year 2/3 Classroom Happenings with Mrs Packham

Term 3 has been filled with exciting learning experiences and adventures, with the Year 2/3 students working to the best of their abilities. We have focused on how to be a good friend and class mate this term, coming up with a class promise to work by. It has been very pleasing to see all of the students continue to flourish and pursue their personal best. What a group of Superstars! ⭐⭐⭐


Through out the term we have been exploring narratives and ways to make our stories more exciting for an audience. We have written a thrilling class story called “The Dam” based on our Talk for Writing text “The Creek”. We have made sure our story was full of suspense and excitement for the reader by using lots of adjectives and similes. This has helped all of us to write more interesting and descriptive stories on our own.

We have continued with our reading groups, introducing many fun and challenging grammar games along with working on gaining a better understanding of what we have read though literal and inferential questioning.


In Mathematics we have covered many topics including the revision of place value of 3- and 4-digit numbers, measuring length and volume using the correct units of measurement for each, telling time to quarter past and to, identifying the features of 2d shapes and subtraction with re-grouping along with the daily reviews of our tables and other basic number facts.


This Term we have begun our Geography unit, looking at Our Land and Our Connections, discovering our place in the universe, looking at the continents and the country we live in, Australia. We will continue to explore our continent next term when we travel around Australia, exploring each state and territory and all each of them has to offer.


The students have looked at the various family names in Indonesian, looking at the diversity of families in Australia and Indonesia and discussing the similarities and differences. They have then moved on to learning about farm and Zoo animals and the noises they make in Indonesian compared to how we say it in English. Many funny noises could be heard coming from our classroom. We will also look into the animals that are native to Indonesia next term. To consolidate all of this learning we have continued to use the Indonesian app LanguageNut which challenges the students to various quizzes and games to consolidate the topics covered.

I wish everyone in the Year 2/3 Family a happy and safe holiday and look forward to working with you all in Term 4.

Mrs Packham 😊

Year 4/5 With Miss Couper

What a great term we have had in room 4. The year 4/5 class hit the ground running for the start of semester two, with lots of new learning experiences and ever-developing confidence towards learning. 


The Olympics this term played such a big role in our daily schedule, we used the Olympics through all learning areas, this included researching countries, athletes and different sports, as well as, playing different sports for maths. We loved the classes Daily Mini Olympics challenges and being apart of encouraging teams to win all different sorts of daily challenges. We were also lucky enough to have a Primary Mini Olympics which consisted of lots of different games/sports!


Throughout the term we have been exploring both narrative and information texts. We are well untruly in the swing of using Talk 4 Writing to develop our writing. We have explored the text ‘The Kingdom of Narnia’ to guide our writing of different countries in North America, South America and Africa. During reading we have been doing daily reading and comprehension on Natural Disasters and now discovering more about Space! A big focus this semester is to extend our vocabulary to higher tier words and using these words in our writing to engage readers. 


This term we have been focusing on improving our recalling of maths number facts through Ninja Maths, we have been enjoying the challenge of working up to the black belt from the white belt. We have been revisiting learned concepts from all this year through our daily review. Our main concepts we have been learning this term includes area and measurement (including hectares, millimeters and square kilometers), common and improper fractions and starting to explore data.


HASS has looked a bit different this term! We have been exploring Geography during Literacy, which has given us more time during HASS to spend researching countries we want to write a detailed information report about from North America, South America or Africa. 


We are still enjoying using Language Nut to support our Indonesian knowledge. This term we have been exploring farm and zoo animals. 

Primary Science

YEAR 1/2

During Science this term, the year 1/2 class have explored lifecycles, life stages, minibeasts and habitats. We have loved discovering the natural world around us!

This term students have studied Biological Sciences!

 YEAR 2/3

The Year 2/3 students have explored all things living and non-living, working to identify how living things grow and change throughout the different stages of their lifecycles. Students have made predictions on the growth of their very own bean sprout growing in a bag, which they have been observing throughout the term.


YEAR 4/5

The Year 4/5 students have been investigating living things and their lifecycles and how they undergo adaptations in order to help them survive in their natural environments. Students have worked to create pamphlets and picture books outlining life cycles and adaptations identified.


YEAR 5/6

The Year 5/6 students have been exploring how living organisms adapt and change over time depending on their environment. Students have conducted a variety of experiments over the term, encouraging them to identify the relationship between the physical conditions within an environment and the growth and survival of any living thing.

Primary Science

Primary Digital Technology

Digital Technology has seen students from Years 1-6 study the importance of being responsible, respectful and safe while online. They also covered the different types of technology we use in our everyday lives, sorting device components into hardware vs software or peripheral, input vs output and have started using programs like Book Creator and Survey Monkey to create and interpret data.

Primary Art with Miss Kirk & Mrs Freind

YEAR 1/2 

The year 1 /2 class have been looking at warm and cool colours in Art this term. They have created some amazing pieces of art incorporating this concept.

This term, students in the 2/3, 4/5 and 5/6 classes have been studying the visual art elements of line, shape and colour and how they can incorporate these elements into their own artworks to communicate with an audience.

YEAR 2/3

This term, the Year 2/3 students have created a collection of artworks inspired by Wayne Thiebaud, known for his work painting colourful desserts. They have used a variety of different mediums, like oil pastels, watercolour painting and still-life drawing and will finish the term creating their own Thiebaud dessert inspired sculpture.

YEAR 4/5

The 4/5 students have creatively put the visual art elements to practise in their own James Rizzi “Cityscapes” pop art pieces. The end results are proudly displayed in the classroom, showcasing their artistic talents. They will be finishing the term off creating their very own hat piece, once again drawing on the elements to reflect an artist of their choice.

YEAR 5/6

The Year 5/6 class have been focusing on graffiti and street art in Term 3. They have debated as to whether graffiti is a form of art and if it should remain illegal. Students are researching known graffiti/street artists and reflecting on their pieces. The 5/6’s have worked well towards creating their own ‘tag’, adding additional design elements as they progress through the unit.

Year 5/6 Class with Mr Air

Term three’s a big term in room three. Interschool Sports Carnival (a big highlight and welcome after the winter shut ins), Book Week, our mini-Olympics and, last but definitely not least, our assembly is coming up. We’re looking forward to seeing you all there, by the way, and to have parents and carers joining us for a cuppa afterwards.


In maths, we’re concentrating on Geometry. Transformations and enlargements, angles and tessellations are the order of the day (term?), as well as continuing to grind away at our number facts and problem solving.


Literacy has been leaning towards writing the scripts for our assembly. In Talk-for-Writing we are looking at writing suspense stories so be ready for…


HASS is about civics and citizenship and the rights and responsibilities involved with being from this luckiest of countries. We’re talking about the volunteers who help us to stay safe and sound and about what we can do to be conscientious global citizens.


Di Bahasa Indonesia, Kami masih belajar tentang warna dan hewan, dan bagaimana cara jelaskan teman-teman kami – In Indonesian, we’re still learning about colours, animals and how to describe our friends.

Australian Mathematics Competition

On the 7th and 8th August, 39 students from Years 4-10 competed in the Australian Mathematics Competition. This competition tests students critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Well done to all students who participated-We are so proud of all students who entered and demonstrated their personal best!


Interschool Cross Country

On August 16, selected Year 1-10 students participated at the Interschool Cross Country Carnival in Meckering.  Distances that students competed in are below.

Year 1/2

1 km

Year 3/4

1.5 km

Year 5/6

2 km

Year 7/8

2.5 km

Year 9/10

3 km


4 km

Cunderdin DHS students did their absolute best, we finished 4th in the Primary competition and 3rd in the Secondary competition. This is a result of our high level of participation and determination.

We had two podium finishers with Sam and Brody and our former student Mel we congratulate them immensely!

Congratulation to our whole team of runners for showing sportsmanship toward each other and other school representatives and for demonstrating our 4 expectations throughout the day.

School of Isolated and Distance Education (SIDE)

Established in September 1918 to serve the needs of ‘isolated’ and ‘outback’ children in the primary years, the School of Isolated and Distance Education has a varied history. It has evolved into an online K-12 school based in Leederville. It continues to provide an education to Western Australian children and young people who are living in isolated, regional, or remote situations.

A hallmark of the school has been its adoption of new practices and technologies to improve the quality of the education it provides. In the past this has included print materials, television, video and audio recordings, use of the Royal Flying Doctor two-way radio, satellite, and more recently, internet technologies.

Over the last decade, SIDE has transitioned from teaching and learning through correspondence to an online model. Students around the State and travelling in other parts of Australia or the world receive their education through modern digital technologies.

In term 4, at Cunderdin District High School, students will continue to utilise SIDE for the following subjects.

Year 7 and 8 Digital Technology, Indonesian and Media Art. These classes run concurrently and due to the size of our cohort one group of students does Digital Technology whilst the other does Media Art. Indonesian is run at the sometime however has 2 separate teachers working with our students. Varinder Rikhraj in particular has been working with CDHS students since 2021 and is a very experienced Indonesian teacher. The classes CDHS utilise SIDE for are ones that we currently don’t have the expertise for on staff and this method allows for the best possible teaching experience for our students and these mandated topics.

Year 9 and 10 are completing a Certificate II in sport and Recreation. This qualification is suited to high school students who assist with the delivery of sport and recreation activities, including completing a range of fundamental customer contact and maintenance duties. It is ideal for those students with a keen interest in the sport and recreation and are currently involved in a sporting or recreation area and have access to team and facilities outside the school environment.

This qualification provides a pathway to work for any type of sport, fitness, aquatic or recreation organisation including commercial, not-for-profit, community and government organisations. Most importantly it contributes to a year 12 “C’ grade equivalent that they can utilise for graduation purposes. 

Secondary Science with Mrs Lee

This term is Biological Sciences!

Year 7/8 Science

Our Year 7/8 students have been focusing on plant and animal cells including the structure and functions of specific organelles. More recently they have been exploring body systems and how they work together to keep us and our cells alive.

Year 9/10 Science

Our Year 9/10 students have been focusing on body systems and how they work together to keep cells (and us) alive! They experienced dissecting a heart and looking at the arteries, veins, and chambers.

More recently they have been learning about how transmission of heritable characteristics from one generation to the next involves DNA and genes.

Secondary Science


Winners of the Faction Shield

Red Barons         1238     Points

Blue Bombers     1193     Points

Be Your Best Shield

Red Barons

Year 3/4 Girls                                                       Year 3/4 Boys

Runner Up - Edee                                               Runner Up - Flynn
Champion - Emily                                               Champion - Bodie

Year 5/6 Girls                                                       Year 5/6 Boys

Runner Up - Charlotte                                       Runner Up - Sam

Champion - Anjali                                               Champion - Jadd

Year 7/8 Girls                                                       Year 7/8 Boys

Runner Up - Georgia                                          Runner Up -Marshall

Champion - Avah                                                Champion - Regan

Year 9/10 Girls                                                    Year 9/10 Boys

Runner Up - Charli                                              Runner Up - Brody

Champion - Makayla                                          Champion - Kai

Interschool Athletics

On Friday the 13th September Cunderdin District High School hosted the Interschool Athletics Carnival. Excellent sportsmanship and athletic ability were on display the entire day as all schools battled it out. At the end of the day CDHS was announced as the overall champion school, an amazing effort! Thank you to all the parent helpers and volunteers who assisted with set up and jobs on the day. Well done to all students who represented CDHS and to the following students who received individual awards:

Year 5/6 Female Runner Up Champion: Anjali
Year 5/6 Male Runner Up Champion: Jadd
Year 7/8 Male Champion: Regan
Year 9/10 Male Champion: Kai 

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