St Timothy's School Vermont 2023

Term 4 Week 7 2023

All students at St Timothy's School have the right to feel safe. The care, safety and wellbeing of children and young people is the responsibility of all within our school. 

With Sympathy

It is with great sadness that I share that Gail's mother died yesterday. Her mum would have been turning 99 in early December. An incredible strong and devoted mother, she will be greatly missed by family and friends. Please keep Gail, Simon and the girls Amelia and Isabel in your prayers.

Courtyard Pots

If there is any parent out there that could spare a few hours to weed, pull out dead plants and turn over soil in our courtyard pots that would be greatly appreciate.

This might also include repainting pots if needed. We will re plant in first term  in 2024. This can be down at any time that suits parents. 

Please see AnneMaree or Gail if you can assist.

Thanks you

Billy Cart- Painting

Painting - Design Layer

Year 1/2 - Billy Carts - Amazing teamwork!

Netball Clinics

Book Club Orders Due

Christmas Disco

Christmas Disco Song Suggestions

Our Children's Disco is getting close!

If your child has a favourite song or would like something particular to be played at the St Tim's Christmas Disco on Friday December 1, please submit the song name (and artist if known) on the link below and we'll do our best to ensure it gets played.

Please ensure that the chosen song is suitable to be played for children 5-12  years old.

My suggestions ( click )

Thank you

Icy Pole Fundraiser

Cake Raffle

Student of the Week


Next Tuckshop is Friday 24 th November

Order forms were sent home  Friday 17th November.

Please remember to return order forms by Wednesday 22nd November.

Cake Raffle Term 4

Friday 24th November: Kath (Harry)

Friday 1st December: Renitha (Adriana)

Friday 8th December: Kitty (Bella)

Friday 15th December: Karen (Daniel) 

Assembly Term 4

Assemblies will be every second week in Term 4.

Friday 1st December

Classroom Cuisine

You can order online each Wednesday  and the lunch orders will be delivered to school. If you haven't ordered previously you will need to create an account.

Orders MUST be placed prior to 8:30am.

To place an order

Child Safety

Scam Emails

Summer Uniform

Term 4 is Summer Uniform

From Week 3 it is expected that all children wear :

Summer uniform on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday (except during netball clinics) and Friday.

Sports Uniform : Tuesday and during Netball Clinics Thursday 9th Nov, 16th Nov, 23rd Nov and 30th November


Sporting Schools Netball Clinics

Netball Clinics for Prep (Foundation) to Year 6.

The dates are:

23rd November and 30th November.

Sorry about the previous Incorrect October dates!

The children are asked to wear Sports Uniform on these days.

We are also lucky enough to be able to purchase some additional  netball equipment.

It is a great bonus to be able to access Sporting School funding for additional support.

Grade 6 Graduation Mass and Dinner

End of Year & Christmas Celebration


Parish News

Parish Newsletter Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th November

This week’s gospel is a very familiar parable and one that is often used with students and young people. It is generally used as an encouragement to make the most of the gifts and skills that the listeners possess. It is rarely, however, placed in its context as part of the full Chapter 25 lesson about the time of waiting and preparation for the coming of the Lord and the Christian life.

Again, the story is presented as a parable of the Kingdom – a glimpse into the right order of things in the realised Kingdom. A very wealthy master entrusts his considerable assets to his servants to manage in his absence. The three servants were allocated money, ‘each in proportion to his ability’.

The emphasis of the parable is on what each servant did with the funds they were allotted. They were charged with managing the money in the place of their master; acting in their master’s place to further develop his wealth.

Like all of Jesus’ parables, this one has a sting in the tail. Although the third servant has done nothing illegal or corrupt, he is very harshly dealt with. His crime is laziness! He was given a great opportunity to demonstrate his abilities and yet he shied away and returned to his master exactly what had been entrusted to him, unimproved. The author of Matthew’s gospel uses this parable to shock the audience out of complacency. They cannot rely solely on the promised return of the Lord, they must continue to act on Jesus’ message and work to bring about the Kingdom in their own lives.

Those who fail to act, leaving everything to the work of God, are as bad as the lazy servant who failed to grasp an extraordinary opportunity.

Christmas in Whitehorse

 Whitehorse Carols

 When: Saturday 16 December, 6.30pm – 9.60pm

Where: Whitehorse Civic Centre Precinct, Nunawading

Get ready for an evening filled with music, laughter, and holiday magic. The FREE festivities kick off at 5pm with rides, face painting, and a delicious array of food to purchase. With star-studded performances beginning at 6:30pm headlined by Carols by Candlelight favourite, Tim Campbell. As well as the Australian Children's Choir, the cast of Christmas Actually and Whitehorse Churches Care, plus a surprise appearance from the jolly man himself.

So gather your family, invite your friends, and make your way to the Whitehorse Carols for an unforgettable Christmas experience.


Creative Whitehorse – Festive Season

The festive season is underway and there’s definitely a buzz in the air. Your neighbourhood is brimming with fun events in the lead-up to Christmas from Whitehorse Carols, to festive cooking, creative classes and more!

Join us to celebrate with family and friends at one of our many fun and affordable events for all ages this December.


Hands On Music Lessons

Vermont South Garage Sale Trail


Term 4 Dates

Thursday November 23rd & 30th Sporting School Netball Clinics

Friday 1st December - Children's Disco

Monday 11th December - Whole School End of Year Celebration

Thursday 14th December- Year 6 Graduation Mass and Dinner

Friday 15th December- Whole School finish