Reynella Primary School Grapevine

Term 2, Week 2 | 2024

From the Leadership Team

Welcome to term 2!

Whilst Michele Russell is on leave enjoying some well-deserved family time and travel, I feel privileged to have the opportunity to step into the role of principal for the term. I would like to express my appreciation for the warm welcome and support I have received since joining the Reynella Primary School community. Having led and worked alongside a number of schools in the southern area, I am well aware of the high regard in which Reynella stands. From what I have experienced, the school community exhibits a great sense of unity and staff and students are dedicated and resilient, which is highly visible through the Mindsets for learning.

I am pleased to announce two additions the Reynella Primary School staff for term 2. We extend a warm welcome to Kristen Modra, who will be joining us in B6 for the duration of the term, and Danny Baker, who will be teaching in F7 from Wednesdays to Fridays. Their expertise and knowledge of the school will continue to compliment our learning environment.

Furthermore, I am thrilled to acknowledge the outstanding news of our cross-country team's achievement at the recent SAPSASA competition held at Thalassa Park. Our dedicated athletes showcased exemplary skill, determination and sportsmanship, resulting in them bring home the winners trophy in the 'large schools' category. Having previously worked with schools across the region participating in this event, I assure you that this achievement should not be underestimated. On behalf of the Reynella Primary School community, we extend congratulations to our athletes and everyone involved in supporting and nurturing their success on the day. A special thanks to Paul Smith and Kylie Ashworth for their preparations leading up to the event.

Chris Tippett

Acting Principal


Private Service Providers

If your child has private service provider support at school, please make sure to directly inform the providers if your child is absent. The school does not always have the ability to pass this message on and it is essential this happens to support your child and school operations.


Student News


On Thursday 2nd May, 75 Year 3-6 students ventured to Thalassa Park for District Cross Country. The students competed against representatives from twelve other local schools. The Reynella contingent was the largest ever entered in the history of the competition, a testament to the enthusiasm that the students have demonstrated during the eight different Cross Country trainings held before school and recess this year.

Our 75 students gallantly ran over 2km or 3km of the hilly Thalassa park. As the day progressed, the effort of our students reaped exceptional results, with at least one Reynella student placing in the top ten in all age group races and earning points towards the ‘Large Schools’ competition. When the dust settled and all races ran, Reynella were announced as victors in the ‘Large Schools’ division!

A highly successful day with great displays of Reynella spirit and sportsmanship. We look forward to defending our title next year. Best of luck to our 8 individual place getters who will run at Oakbank in early June. Those students are Claira (4th), Tate (1st), Bianca (2nd), Keeva (6th), Oscar (3rd), Harper (6th), Mikaela (3rd) and Chase (1st). Special mention to Stephanie and Joseph (both 4th) who were placegetters but are too young to attend Oakbank this year.

A big thankyou to our five parent volunteers who made the day possible and teachers who assisted at our trainings.

Ms. Ashworth and Mr. Smith

School News

Term 3 Intake 2024

REPORTiT by Impromation

REPORTiT is our digital platform for school reports. At the end of Term 2, families will be able to access their child’s mid-year report through the Impromation online portal. The website is simple and intuitive and step-by-step instructions will be sent in advance. We are also happy to provide a paper copy of your child’s report on request. Thank you for continuing to embrace this digital transition and remember, we are here to help!

MultiLit Programs

At Reynella Primary School, we have a commitment to ensuring that all students excel in their literacy skills. As part of that commitment, we offer the MultiLit Intervention Programs to support children who are struggling in this area.

 What is involved in the MultiLit Reading Intervention Program?

Students in the MultiLit Program participate in 4 x 45 minute sessions, working in a small group of up to five children with an SSO (Mrs Desi Gonis and Mrs Louise Quinn) each week. In these sessions, students receive explicit instruction to support their phonological awareness and language development.

We feel very privileged to offer the MultiLit Program at Reynella PS as it is an evidence based program that also increases student confidence with their reading skills. All children who have been offered a spot in the program for term 2 would have received a letter in the past fortnight.

If you would like further information about this program or have any other questions or queries, please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s teacher or Anthony Parina.


Being a parent is rewarding, but it also comes with its challenges. Today, our children's online presence and activity, coupled with their participation in numerous social media platforms, offer them fantastic opportunities for learning, play, and staying connected with friends. However, this digital landscape also exposes them to potential abuse and exploitation.

Reynella Primary School will be hosting a ThinkUKnow presentation on Tuesday 4 June at 6pm and all parents, carers and teachers are encouraged to attend.

ThinkUKnow Australia is an evidence based education program delivered nationally to prevent online child sexual exploitation.

ThinkUKnow Australia is a partnership between the Australian Federal Police, Microsoft Australia, Datacom and the Commonwealth Bank of Australia.

The presentation will be delivered by a members of SAPOL. The presentation is pro-technology and addresses topics including self-generated child abuse material, online grooming, sexual extortion, and importantly encourages help seeking behaviour.

This is a fantastic opportunity for you to learn more about young people and the online environment, and how you can help them to be safe and responsible users of technology.

Keeping our young people safe on line is of such high importance to us that we will be offering a creche and provide a light pizza dinner for the children of parents attending the presentation.

More information will be sent home soon.  RSVP will be required.

For more information, you can visit or contact Fiona Brown.

Kind regards, Fiona

Canteen News

Can you help?

Volunteers Needed

Our canteen staff would love to speak to any parents or grandparents who would like to consider volunteering.

Jillian (Canteen Manager) and her team are happy to answer any questions you might have and discuss options for days and times you are available to volunteer.

We are very flexible with times: if you can only volunteer for 1 day a fortnight or month, that would be a big help to assist our staff to prepare food for our hungry students.


Fundraising at Reynella PS has contributed to many great things over the years and we'd like to continue to do that.

As the personal commitments of our previous Fundraising Team increase, it's time to find new volunteers and grow our parent helpers list to ensure we 'spread the load'.

Our Fundraising Team have added several events to the school Google Calendar. Please consider helping where you can, to ensure the fundraisers are successful and the work load is shared.

We need help at many times of the day and night and are very flexible with times:

  • during school, after school, in the evening
  • 1/2 hour, an hour, a few hours, a whole day.

There is no obligation to help when we ask for help on the Fundraising Helpers List, if you can't help, just reply with 'I'm unavailable this time'.

Please consider supporting the school in this way and add your name to the 2024 list by:

  • completing the Audiri eForm
  • emailing
  • texting 0416 905 323
  • phoning 08 8381 1493

If you would like more information on Fundraising at Reynella. please contact Kay.

Finance News


Qkr issue on new android phones should now been solved and no longer incur any issues.

School Card 2024

If you're a low-income family with children attending a government schools, you can get financial help with school fees, materials and services charges, through the School Card scheme.

If you believe you are eligible, please apply now and DO NOT pay any of your fees until you receive a result from School Card.

Applications for 2024 are now open. Click on this link for more information School Card 2024

If you are experiencing financial hardship, please do not hesitate to contact us. We can help with instalment plans, delayed payments, financial assistance, School Card applications and more.

You can talk to Kay or Debbie in Finance, Carly or Karina in the Front Office, your child's class teacher or one of our Leadership Team.

If it's for an event, please make sure your contact us before the last day to pay, so your child doesn't miss out.

After School Sport

Basketball News

Co-ordinator: Mark Bennier

0419 867 389 or

Mark has registered seven Basketball teams to represent Reynella Primary School in 2024, all teams have enough players, but if your child is keen to play, please contact Mark and he may be able to put your child on a waiting list.


All 2024 registered players should have completed two forms on Audiri forms and arranged payment of their 2024 registration fees. These were due on Friday 8 March.

Fees: either payment of the full 2024 fee, minimum of the $75 per term fee or an Instalment plan set up with our Finance Team. If you have chosen to pay by term, both Term 1 and Term 2 fees are due to be paid in full ($150)

Complete 2 Audiri eForms:



To complete these forms: open Audiri app / Forms (centre bottom) / scroll down until you find the following 2 forms, you need to complete them both with your child/player.

You must be in the Audiri Basketball Group to complete these forms?

How to join the group: open Audiri app / Resources / Groups / Sport - Basketball

Soccer News

Co-ordinator: Courtney Moule

0423 476 528 or

All families should have received a letter and invoice for each player. The letter includes important information to ensure your child/ren can play next term, please read it carefully.

Payment and 2 Audiri eForms must be completed by Friday 12 April.

Please read the information about registering each player on the FSA website carefully. When registering on Play Football you will be able to apply for a $100 sports voucher if your child has not already used one this year.

DO NOT PAY your Reynella Primary Soccer Registration fee if you are going to use your sports voucher. You must give a copy of the voucher to our Finance Office in hard copy, or email it to DL.0379.FINANCE@SCHOOLS.SA.EDU.AU

You also need to complete 2 Audiri eForms: open Audiri app / Forms (centre bottom) / scroll down until you find the following 2 forms, you need to complete them both with your child/player.

- SOCCER PLAYER/PARENT contract 2024


Are you in the Audiri Soccer Group?

How to join the group: open Audiri app / Resources / Groups / Sport - Soccer


Absences from School

If your child will not be attending school for any reason please send a text through at your earliest convenience to the school text number 0416 905 323 so we can record your child’s absence.

If your child is marked as 'unexplained absence' on the Class Roll, you will receive a text asking you to provide an explanation of their absence.

Please let the front office know even if you have notified your child's teacher as this is required to be entered by our front office staff.

If you are planning an extended absence of 5 days or more for your child, you will need to apply for an exemption. Please see our Front Office staff for more information. We appreciate your support in keeping our students safe!

School Communication

All school communication to parents is via Audiri, SeeSaw or text.

Audiri: To ensure you don't miss important communication relevant to your children, it is essential you have joined ALL groups relevant to your children on Audiri and have your phone notifications turned on (see Fact Sheets below) Example if your child is in year 1, join the classroom number group along with the year 1 group.

SeeSaw: this is how teachers communicate with parents. If you haven't set up your SeeSaw account, please speak to your child's class teacher.

SMS: to ensure you don't miss out on texts, please ensure you notify our Front Office if your mobile number changes. Both parents can be on our SMS data base, please let us know if you'd like to be added.

Important Dates and Information


Please check the google calendar regularly to keep up to date with what's happening at Reynella Primary School.

Community Noticeboard

Leadership Team

Principal (acting)Chris Tippett
Deputy PrincipalAnthony Parina
Senior LeaderNatalie Sarris
Wellbeing LeaderFiona Brown

Reynella Primary School

55 Concord Drive,

Old Reynella, SA 5161

phone 08 8381 1493

SMS 0416 905 323

front office email

finance email

Reynella OSHC - YMCA

phone 0439 432 722
