We learn on the lands of the Ngadjuri Nation


Issue 12 Thursday 14 December 2023

REMINDER: Early Dismissal Time of 2:10pm on Friday 15 December

Some Important Dates ..............

From The Principal

The end of another school year! – how did that happen? Time really does fly by too fast: and it’s a reminder to us all to make sure we take opportunities to spend quality time with our loved ones these school holidays. For me, there’s nothing better than rowdy family dinners, playing games or gardening with my little grandsons and laughing with friends. I intend to do all of these things over the summer holidays. I hope you will all be able to do the things that you enjoy the most too.

I will also spend some time preparing for the new school year. To have been at Greenock Primary School for 5 years is truly a privilege. To have been reappointed and know that I can continue to work with our dedicated staff and delightful children is a joy.

Our community atmosphere feels like it has been gaining traction in its ‘rebuild’ after COVID. Both our Sports Day and our Concert had a ‘feel’ about them, with the school community celebrating together. Much of this is due to the persistence and behind-the-scenes work of our Governing Council and FOG (Friends of Greenock). I am looking forward to our continued work together next year.

In the meantime, I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a safe and healthy New Year.

Gail Holland

Congratulations to our Year 6 Graduating Students of 2023

School Routines and Procedures – End of Year

Front Office Hours:

The Front Office will be closed during the Christmas School Holidays

Please note that we will be closed after December 15 2023 for staff to undertake End of Year/Start of Year Administration Procedures, and will reopen on Monday 29 January 2024.

This ensures that the system is updated and we are organised for a smooth entry into Term 1, 2024.

The Front Office team wishes all families a wonderful festive season and a safe and enjoyable school holiday time.  

Uniform Purchasing & Collection for 2024  (see Audiri notice for details):

Pre-orders will be packaged up and can be collected on Wednesday 24 January between 1:30 -3:00pm.

FOG's pop up uniform shop will be open as well for purchasing pre loved items (cash only).

Materials & Services Charges 2024

The prescribed amount by the department for ‘school fees’ is $287 in 2024. However, our ‘school fees’ will be $310. The entire amount of $310 will be recoverable, based on the poll of parents conducted earlier this term.

The outcome of the poll is as follows:

·         Parents who responded to the poll: 54.6%

·         Parents who voted ‘yes’ to make the entire amount recoverable: 43.5%

·         Parents who voted ‘no’: 8.3%

This means that the Materials and Services charge per child will be $310 in 2024.

It also means that families eligible for School Card will have $287 paid by the government and will be required to pay the gap of $23.

Invoices will be issued, via email, early next year. 

Caution - Drive Carefully at Early Dismissal for the Holidays

Please Dive with Caution at Pick Up Time

Remain in your car and move off after your child has entered.

This will be a very busy time and we ask for your cooperation so that our students can go off on their holiday safely at the end of the day.

Remember to drive slowly.


School Holidays - Out of Hours Emergencies

As per Department policy regarding school security, please report suspicious behaviour around/in  the school grounds directly to the police (Nuriootpa) on 85686620.

Do not contact staff.

Lost Property - End of Year

Your last chance to check for lost belongings and uniforms is tomorrow.

All left over property will either be binned of taken to charity.

Please make sure you label all items that your child brings to school.

Student Health Reminders/New Year


This way all students' plans will be current for excursions and camps throughout the year.

We also remind parents & caregivers to provide the school with current medication.

PCW News


Very soon, we will near the end of another year. With that comes the busyness of Christmas preparations and the hustle and bustle of another holiday season. I have been busy with my family putting up lights, our tree, making lists, checking dates...as my daughter put it, "Mum, Christmas has arrived in our house!", Yes it certainly has. We do this together every year and it is an important part of our year to all of my family.

Family rituals and traditions are important to the health and well-being of today's busy families. They promote a sense of identity and a feeling of belonging. A ritual differs from ordinary routine by having some sort of emotional significance. Traditions are often cultural, ethnic or faith based and can be handed down from generation to generation, connecting us to the past.

Rituals are important because thay allow us time to communicate, problem solve and balance our time together. They provide opportunities to affirm family values and life experiences and time to celebrate together. As family bonds are weakened by busy lifestyles, families can stay connected by being intentional about maintaining important rituals and traditions. Kids love and cling to family traditions because they are predictable and stable in an unpredictable world. They remind children that they can depend on something.  

To start your own ritual or tradition, assess what you do already. What do you do each holiday? How do you celebrate birthdays? Do you celebrate special days of the year? What are your nightly rituals? Successful family rituals and traditions should be fun, frequent, flexible and simple.

•  Traditions make us spend time together without normal daily distractions

•  Traditions help us build family identity

•  Traditions make it possible to create family history

•  Traditions give us many reasons to celebrate life together

•  Traditions bring together generations

•  Traditions help us to organise our busy lives.

Children and adults alike find comfort in knowing that something familiar and enjoyable is going to happen. Traditions are really the buiding blocks of strong, caring, happy families. So as you enter the Christmas and Holiday Season, take note of your rituals and traditions and see what they mean to you and your family.


May you and your family have a safe and blessed Christmas and Holiday Break. See you next year ready to do it all again!

Cheers Jo 

Term 4 Awards

Kindness Award

Premier's Reading Challenge & Be Active Challenge 2023


Big Ideas in Number

At our assembly this week, the students who have participated in Big Ideas in Number were recognised with certificates. These students have worked hard with Caro to improve their number fluency and flexibility to improve their Maths outcomes.

School Concert

Tanunda Christmas Parade

Greenock Primary School term 1 Calendar 2024

Parent Noticeboard

Greenock PS Governing Council

Contact details: