Year PB
Ethan M - For continuously trying your best in all learning areas. You are an enthusiastic learner and help to model to your peers how to actively participate in all lessons by sharing you ideas and understandings with the class. You are a learning legend Ethan!
Carter B - For having a positive attitude during Reading and Writing since returning to school for Term 4. You wrote an amazing story about a gorilla in the jungle this week and have been forming your letters beautifully. Incredible work Carter!
Freja De M - For doing your best in each and every activity you are tasked with at school. You take pride and care in your work and continue to blow me away with your detailed drawings and imaginative stories. Tremendous work Freja!
Year PBM
Eric J - for working hard during our writing sessions and writing the sounds you can hear. Keep up the hard work in writing Eric! You are a star learner Eric.
John H - for writing some wonderful narratives using the picture promps given. John it was wonderful to see you write three pages in your book about the giant with the stinky feet! You are a star learner John!
George G - for writing some wonderful stories about the picture prompts given. George it was wonderful to see you write four pages in your book about the ogre with the stinky feet. You are a star learner George!
Year 1/2D
Leo N - for completing your learning tasks in a positive, calm manner. The way you respond to feedback is excellent and you always try your best to use the feedback to make your work the best it can be. Well done!
Benjamin G - for making HUGE progress in your reading. All of the practice you are doing at home and school is making a massive difference. Keep it up, Benjamin. Awesome work Ben!
Year 1/2JM
Willow P - for working hard to achieve your best when writing and for using lots of detail to describe the characters. Well done Willow!
Year 3/4D
Amelia R - for working hard on her writing and always producing entertaining narratives.
Dusty T - for excellent work in mathematics, particularly in the area of addition and subtraction.
Year 3/4G
Charlize P - for her continued efforts in working independently and for spreading kindness to all her peers. Well done Charlize!
Oliver S - for his continuous positive attitude towards his learning and for being a supportive friend to his peers. Well done Oliver!
Harper H - for his resilience and positive encouragement to his peers at camp, as well as his positive attitude towards all areas of learning. Well done Harper!
Year 3/4SC
Jai PW - for the joy and enthusiasm he has shown in joing our class since returning to Australia.
Ella O'C - for her excellent display of leadership skills as an inclusive classmate, and the impressive amount of effort she applies to achieve her learning goals.
Olivia B - for her fabulous work in reading and her willingness to forgive others with a generous heart.
Year 5/6FJ
Ruby L - for making a consistent effort to persist and show grit when faced with challenging mathematical tasks. You have shown strong skills in looking closely at your work and where to make further edits or improvements. Keep this up Ruby in your final term at Primary School.
Audrey L - for continually identifying areas of need to extend yourself in the classroom. Your dedication to your work and improving your skills is in your nature and you impress us daily with your desire to be better. You are a true life long learner who we can all learn from.
Year 5/6RJ
Maddie S - for always working consistently in the classroom and trying her very best. Great work last week teaching your lesson using the Bee Bot devices to teach the junior students of our school a lesson on how to use them. You had the students engaged with your activities and they all enjoyed working with you. Well done Maddie.
Ria G - for always working consistently in the classroom and trying her very best. Great work last week teaching your lesson using the devices to teach the junior students of our school a lesson on how to use them. You had the students engaged with your activities and they all enjoyed working with you. Well done Ria.