Dernancourt School

Term 2, 2024 Newsletter - Thursday 20th June, 2024

Leadership News

Diary Dates to Remember

Term / Week
August 30th
Term 3, Week 7
Pupil Free Day
MondaySeptember 2ndTerm 3, Week 8 School Closure Day
November 18th
Term 4, Week 6
 Pupil Free Day

A Message From Julie

Today (Friday) was a very exciting day for some of our newest students, with their first transition visit for the midyear intake of Reception occurring.  There will be transition visits on each Friday until the end of the term.  Next term, we will welcome 14 new Reception students to our school across our mainstream and special options classes.  We are very pleased to have many new families joining us and we are looking forward to welcoming them to our amazing school community.

On Monday this week, I had the opportunity to join 6 of our students on a webinar with our Chief Executive, Martin Westwell.  We joined 172 other Department for Education schools online, with more than 1100 students participating.  During this webinar, students were given an insight in to the new strategy for Public Education and we worked together to unpack what the areas of impact mean for us.  More information about our new strategy for Public Education can be found at the following link.

Student reports are underway, with teachers finalising grades and comments in preparation for them to be shared with families on the last day of term.  It will be important for you to take the time to read the mid-year reports with your child and talk about their learning.  A highlight for me in the reports is always the student comment.  It is lovely to read what the students have enjoyed about their first semester at school. 

Reports will be sent home with families on the last day of term.

A quick reminder to check that your child's jumper and hat are labelled clearly with their name.  It makes it much easier for us to return jumpers to their owner if they are named - especially on these frosty mornings.

Safety Around Schools

Premier's Reading Challenge

Premier's Reading Challenge

Congratulations to the following students who have completed the 2024 Premier's Reading Challenge:

P4  Predestine, Ellie, Mannat ,Chloe & Mahad

P7   Luca, Ibrahim, Marcello & Lincoln

P8   Mikayla

P10   Javish, Sabby, Shanmukh, Aiza, Dino & Erin

P12    Ethan, Riley, Luca & Jessica

P14    Kaliah, Jackson, Chayce, Holly & Aidan

Be Kind

Be Kind Day

Our SRC reps decided at the start of the year that our school should focus on being kinder to each other. As part of this initiative, they have chosen some activities for all classes to contribute to. This week, all classes have created 1-3 pages about ‘being kind’ to make a whole school Be Kind book which will be kept in the library for everyone read. Have a look at some of the wonderful work they have done.

Be Kind

Avenues College Band

Avenues College Band

In Week 6, we were fortunate enough to have the Avenues College Stage band visit our school for a performance. This was a good opportunity for us to build positive connections with one of our local high schools. All classes enjoyed listening to a range of music including some rock, pop and melodies performed by the band. Everyone had a great time dancing to Nutbush City Limits to end the performance.

Avenues College Stage Band



We are in need of LEGO for our lego club. Do you have any lego you no longer need? Please donate your lego to the school so we can use it for our lego club. Please drop off any unwanted lego to the front office or J7. Thank You Kaye Coley


Breakfast Club

Crossing Monitor Roster Term 1, 2024

Crossing Monitor Roster - Term 2 2024

Week 9Noah (P8)Isabella (P8)Sunny (P14)
Week 10
Hiro (P12)Callum (P12)Samy (P12)

Community News

Come and Try

Play Start Soccer

Newton Jaguars

Dernancourt After School Soccer

After school soccer

If you are interested in your child participating in the after school soccer at Dernancourt School please click on the link below to register details.