My first two weeks as Acting REC in your community has been filled with so many sacramental moments. (Noticing the divine in others and the world).
There’s a strong sense that families, staff and children have a natural disposition of service to others.
This spirituality of generosity shows the greatest commandment lived out “Love God and love your neighbour too.” For example, I saw this lived out last week when the Year 6 students from St Margaret Mary’s School joined our Year 6 students for the Social Justice Leadership Day ‘Journey to Emmaus’.
The groups came together to discuss, plan and action outreach initiatives to support the local communities in need. There were plans for soup drives, sharing musical gifts to fundraise and more.
The term is buzzing with so many practices for Masses, concerts, assemblies and this calls for patience, flexibility and understanding. The kindness and genuine gestures of support to ensure successful outcomes are seen and felt across the school from you to the office staff, groundsman, canteen staff, ESOs and teaching staff.
My hope for you is that you continue to notice the fruits of the Holy Spirit (goodness, gentleness, peace, patience, kindness, faithfulness, joy, self-control and love) in all situations of our life; not matter the circumstances.
Long Weekend
A big thank you to families who have supported the Winter Appeal so far by donating items of clothing in the white/blue wheelie bins around the school. With a long weekend approaching it may be a great opportunity to go through cupboards and drawers.
As you go through the process of sorting a bag of clothes notice any positive changes in you that come from knowing your action will support those in need. Some helpful questions to ask yourself are:
1. Why am I saving this?
2. How will I feel when I release it?
3. Does this item have the potential of bringing joy to someone?
This may be a reminder that as we clean our physical house, we also put our mind and heart in order. It’s a win - win for all!
Community Prayer
Community Prayer is a time the whole community has an opportunity to come together to give thanks and praise to God for the many blessings in our lives. During our last gathering the Year 1 students led us in a beautiful prayer on the theme, ‘Creation’.
Unfortunately, the loud noise from the builders, the muffled microphone sound from the wind and chatter from some students the message from the prayer was a little lost. To improve this, Community Prayer in weeks 8, 9 and 10 will be in the Mary MacKillop Hall. We will also practice sitting in class rows similar to after recess and lunch line ups. This will help late comers to find their class and hopefully minimise social chats amongst friends.
Thank you to families who have been joining us. To the families who are unable to be present at Community Prayer please trust that you are in our prayers.
‘For where two or more are gathered in my name, I am there among them’ (Matthew 18:20)