Henley Beach Primary School Newsletter

Term 4 week 6 - Wednesday 22 November 2023

From the Leadership Team

Another two weeks at Henley Beach Primary School has been action packed! We appreciated your massive show of support for our Colour Run which raised a total of $26,544.89. After prize allocation and admin fee we as a school  have nearly $15,000 to contribute to playground improvements which will be determined following a process that engages student perspectives. There are varied priorities from different groups of children and we look forward to giving students agency in this decision. 

Governing Council 2024

Next year we will be looking for new members to join the school’s Governing Council, and will also be inviting nominations for office bearers including secretary and chairperson. Governing Council has a very important role in representing the parent community to help inform and monitor the directions of the school. The group meets twice every term (after hours, normally from 6.30pm). If you are interested in joining the Governing Council please consider nominating in the new school year. It would be a great time to encourage parents in your network to consider themselves in this role, and to discuss what this involves with current Governing Councillors. 

Term 4 is an important time to actively support our children to transition from one year to the next. We loved meeting our 2024 Reception children and their families in week 4, and look forward to reconnecting with them again on Friday so that we can prepare to give them the strongest possible start to school. 

Our Year 6 students are also being supported in their transition to high school. In addition to physical visits to their respective high schools, we support our senior students to manage their emotions and expectations in their final weeks of primary school.  This will culminate in their Graduation ceremony in week 9, a celebration day and awards presentation on the last day of term. 

Our Year 5 students eagerly await the opportunity to step into the role of Year 6 seniors. This rite of passage includes personalised 'seniors' polo tops and jumpers. Orders for these items close soon - don't miss out! 

In week 9, all of our students will have the opportunity to visit their new classroom and meet their new teacher for 2024. Some of our students need additional support to manage transitions for various reasons and this process is underway.

Diary Dates
Please be sure to check the diary dates section of our newsletter so that you don't miss exciting school events. Our end of year concert on 5 December is definitely one to lock in!

Reports Parent Portal

HBPS reports are released via the Parent Portal in Sentral in the last week of term 4.

Our school uses an online portal that families can access to view their child's end of year reports. 

You should have already registered for access to our Parent Portal for the Mid- year report. 

The URL for continued access to the portal is: https://henleybeachps.sentral.com.au/portal

If you have any trouble with the Parent Portal in Sentral please notify the front office.

Remembrance Day Assembly

On Monday the 13th November, our school held a commemorative assembly. Remembrance Day was on a weekend so we held an assembly on Monday 13 November to commemorate service men and women who lost their lives to make Australia a free and democratic country. The whole school sat on the Metcalfe lawn, with our SEC’s running the assembly. We outlined what Remembrance Day is, read a poem titled Absolution by Sigfried Sassoon and the Ode to Remembrance. We stood for a minute of silence and raised the flags in honour of the soliders who fought for our country. 

Swimming Week - Monday 27 November - Friday 1 December

Swimming instruction is one of the required aspects of the school’s Health and Physical Education program for years reception to year 5.

This year, we are attending two different swimming centres, Seaton and Findon. In order to support student's understanding of what the swimming sessions and transport will entail, social stories have been developed for each swimming centre. Please note the routine is slightly different for each centre, with classes going to Seaton Swimming Centre getting changed back at school. Please refer to to the notes sent home for details.

If you would like a social story for your child please email the front office dl.0177_info@schools.sa.edu.au

Colour Fun Run Fundraiser

The hot weather forecast for our Colour Run last week briefly caused concern about how we could safely facilitate the event. With modifications to the day's program to reduce heat exposure, we made the most of the hot weather to amplify its success!  Slathered up with sunscreen and topped with their hats, children enjoyed cooling off in the sprinklers and being drenched with colour. Ice blocks in the shade and a colour-disco in the airconditioned comfort of the gym added an extra layer of fun before the slime feature of the event.

A big thank you to Nicole Jones, Penny Sigal, Renee Hanna and Jim Coultard for all the behind the scenes setting up for the Colour Run. Thank you to all the wonderful volunteers who came out to make this event such a success, and families who donated so generously.

Colour Run Gallery

Year 6 Camp

We all got off the bus, bustling with excitement. We stashed our bags in a room downstairs as we got ready for the first activity. Up first was ice-blocking. As soon as the instructor finished giving out instructions, we all raced over to a bucket filled with helmets and each grabbed one. Soon, we were ready to go. We trudged through the long grass, desperate to reach the hill that we were going to be sliding down. We did some relays and our team won! After the relays, we had a super fun competition to see who could slide the furthest. We then went back to the camp for morning tea, which was delicious pies and pasties. Then Mr Wuttke announced that we would be seeing our dorms! “Finally!” we all screamed, and ran to grab our bags. We then had to haul our super heavy suitcases up a long flight of stairs, which took longer than expected. Our dorm group was Summer, Maddie P, Penny, Amelia, Evie and Matilda. I shoved open the purple door in excitement and looked inside. There were 3 bunk beds and a bathroom which we shared with the dorm next to us. This camp was going to be awesome!

The next activity was Challenge Hill with an obstacle that we had all been waiting for. The swing across the river! Because it was scorching hot and we were longing to reach the river, we completed the obstacles in record time. As we reached the river, the instructor had to hold us back from jumping straight in because we were panting like tired dogs! We all had to line up and wait our turn. Evelyn went in first, making it across with no more than a damp shoe! When it was our turn, we realised that we had underestimated the challenge. None of us even made it to the second rope! After a while, people gave up and just jumped in! After Challenge Hill it was time for dinner. We had barbecue, and it was super tasty! After dinner, we played some minute to win it games, and our team did not do so well! Our team name was the Slay Pookies. Then, we went on a night walk to the Labyrinth, which is a huge maze! After we finally made it out, we found a series of tunnels. We two and Amelia spent ages crawling around in them and had lots of fun!

Over the next few days, we did Geocaching, Bouldering, the other Challenge Hill course, Disc Golf, Tube sliding, and team challenges. Both of us came in the top 5 when we played a game where we each had a stick, and had to move the way the instructor said, swapping sticks each time, and weren’t allowed to drop them or we got out! We also did outdoor Laser skirmish, with Mrs Jones annihilating anyone who got in her way! Overall, camp was a great experience that we all loved.

By Summer B and Maddie P

The Henley Beach Giving Tree - St Vincent de Paul charity

This year we are proudly supporting St Vinnies by collecting a gift for children who would otherwise not have a present to unwrap on Christmas day. We are also collecting tins, jars, supermarket vouchers or gift cards to put towards a Christmas hamper. These collections will be donated to St Vincent de Paul for less fortunate families this Christmas.

Please do not wrap the gift, just put a tag on the item to identify gender and age.

Tags can be found on the tree in the front office from Monday 13 November. Gifts can then be placed in the box next to the tree.

Hamper items can also be placed in the box.

Reminder: Year 6 Senior Jumpers and polos 2024

Westside Schoolwear has now opened orders for the Year 6 Senior jumper and Polos for 2024. Orders will be opened until 27 November for the Jumper.


Out of School Sport Coordinators Needed

School Sport

In preparing for 2024, each sport requires a co-ordinator to support the coaches and work with the sporting associations. If we do not have a coordinator, the sport will not be able to continue in 2024.

We are seeking coordinators for soccer and netball. If you are interested, please contact the front office on 8356 2117 (email: dl.0177_info@schools.sa.edu.au)

 The sports coordinator’s duties include:

·        Making team selections based on student registrations.

·        Determining the number of nominated teams.

·        Allocation of coaches and team managers.

·        Establish an information folder for each team to assist coaches and team managers.

·        Maintain communication with coaches/ team managers, parents and individual players eg. Sporting Association expectations and other safety and risk management aspects.

·        Organise training times in negotiation with coaches/team managers, subject to availability of facilities.

·        Support with allocation of equipment, including First Aid and uniforms, to coaches and team managers in consultation with school staff.


Optional Christian Options Christmas Program - Wednesday 6 December


We may need sunglasses for this year’s Christmas presentation. We will be thinking about the most dazzling, spectacular, and brightest part of the Christmas story… the birth of a baby! From something so small (a baby in a stable in a small town) came something so BIG (holidays and celebrations all over the world!) But we don’t really need sunglasses!

This will be held in the Gym over the lunch period and is optional to attend. Please let your child's teacher know if you do not wish your child to attend.

Entertainment Book

Looking at doing some activities in the holidays?

Want a discount on activities and meals?

Why not purchase an Entertainment Book full of lots of fun things to do at a discount.

Money raised goes back into the school for resources for students.

Important Dates - more info can be found in Audiri app under events

23 November - Assembly hosted by Year 2 classes

24 November - Kindy Transition

27 November - 01 December - Swimming week REC to Year 5 

5 December - School Concert evening - BYO picnic from 4.30pm

6 December - Christian Option Program (Optional during lunch in Gym)

8 December - Kindy Transition

12 December - Year 6 Graduation

13 December - Year 6 Splash Day

15 December - Awards Assembly 1.20pm/ Early dismissal @ 2pm


OSHC - Andrew OSHC Director 0401 121 087

The summer Vacation care Program is now available! Get your bookings in fast to secure your spot!

Vacation Care Program Dec 2023 /Jan 2024


Canteen - Nicole and Jean

Canteen will operate as normal through swimming week. Children's lunch orders will be organised around swimming times.

Playgroup - Trudy Tunbridge (Fridays 9am - 10.20am)

Only 3 Weeks of Playgroup left.

24 November, 1 December and 8 December

Come along and enjoy our Christmas Themed Craft.

Community Notices: