Hi all,
Welcome back to term 3! As expected we have hit the ground running with lots going on both inside and outside of the classroom. Students are all very well settled and focussed on learning. In the main student behaviour is settled which enables us all to teach and learn in a thriving environment. The focus on our 3 expectations supports this:
Expectation #1: Come to class prepared to learn
Expectation #2: Everyone has the right to learn
Expectation #3: Everyone has the right
I'd really appreciate it if you could ask your child(ren) about these expectations to reinforce our work and/or use them to support what you do at home!
Governing Council
We held our Governing Council meeting on Monday and discussed several topics across the school, including Grounds, Fundraising, Teaching and Learning and Finances. I was able to share some of the Wellbeing and Engagement results also which are 'straight off the press'
Student Wellbeing and Engagement
We are very pleased with the upward trend in our results - meaning that the wellbeing, and school experiences, of our children is improving as reported in this survey. The survey is split into 4 categories - Emotional wellbeing, Engagement with school, Learning Readiness and Health & Wellbeing out of school. I am pleased to report that all areas have shown improvement. If you'd like to know more I'm happy to discuss further!
Book Week
We have Book week coming up in a few weeks and the program has gone out in this newsletter and on our socials. We love Book Week here at NPS and I encourage you to come along to the parade and if possible send a family member or friend along to our Family and Friends day on the Monday!
Dress Code
We sent out our updated dress code last term and I thank you all for working with us to ensure that our children adhere to the guidelines. Here is the link to it if you haven't already had a look. We will continue to work with you to ensure that our students are in uniform, feel they belong and are able to represent the school in a positive manner.
Bullying No Way
Finally, we have the Bullying No Way National week of Action next week. The Teaching & Learning Sub Committee is leading some learning in this area and we will have a Bullying No Way Day on Thursday 15th where we are inviting students to come to school wearing something purple in support of the cause. Below you can also read some information so that you can support us in this important message.