PLP Meetings
We are right in the middle of our PLP review process. Thank you to all those who have come in for the meeting. For those of you who haven't had your time yet, we look forward to seeing and talking with you soon.
Remember; if you cannot come to the designated time for your child, please contact the school as soon as possible so we can try to re-schedule it. Also, if you would like any other people present at the meeting you may invite them and let the school know (eg; therapists, health professionals).
Education Week/Book Week
As mentioned in the last newsletter, Havenlee School has decided to combine Education Week and Book Week in week 6 of this term. This week we sent home a note inviting all parents, carers, and families to the following on Monday 21st August:
Light refreshments, 11:45am
Education Week/Book Week Assembly, 12:00- 12:30pm
Open classrooms, 12:30-1:50pm.