Havenlee School Newsletter

Issue 12 - Term 3, Week 4 ----- Friday 11th August, 2023

Principals Report

PLP Meetings 

We are right in the middle of our PLP review process. Thank you to all those who have come in for the meeting. For those of you who haven't had your time yet, we look forward to seeing and talking with you soon.  

Remember; if you cannot come to the designated time for your child, please contact the school as soon as possible so we can try to re-schedule it. Also, if you would like any other people present at the meeting you may invite them and let the school know (eg; therapists, health professionals). 


Education Week/Book Week  

As mentioned in the last newsletter, Havenlee School has decided to combine Education Week and Book Week in week 6 of this term. This week we sent home a note inviting all parents, carers, and families to the following on Monday 21st August: 

  • Light refreshments, 11:45am 

  • Education Week/Book Week Assembly, 12:00- 12:30pm 

  • Open classrooms, 12:30-1:50pm. 


Last week I had a meeting with the Home School Liaison Teacher regarding the attendance of students at Havenlee School. This is just a reminder that the law in NSW states that all children between the ages of 6 and 17 years old are required to attend school regularly (Education Act 1990). It is the responsibility of parents or caregivers to make sure that their children attend school every day.  

Attending school every day makes learning easier for your child and helps build and maintain interactions with others. Regular attendance prevents gaps in the acquisition of essential skills which leads to improved student learning outcomes.  

If you know your child will not be attending school, please either write a message in the child’s communication book or ring the school on

Ph: 4421 3777  

Katrina Eyland


Havenlee School

Up and Coming Events

Term 3 Week 5

Monday - Hydrotherapy
Tuesday -  Hydrotherapy
Wednesday - Hydrotherapy
Thursday - Hydrotherapy
Friday - 

Term 3 Week 6

Monday - Hydrotherapy - Book Week Assembly
Tuesday - Hydrotherapy
Wednesday - Hydrotherapy
Thursday - Hydrotherapy 
Friday -

Book Week Assembly

Weeks 4-6 Responsible ‘When I ask for help’

In weeks 4-6 of this term the PBL focus is respectful and students demonstrating listening to others. Explicit lessons are being taught in classrooms including responding to a cue, waiting for a cue and making eye contact. Listening to others can be demonstrated in classroom activities, office jobs, work crews and transitions. PBL tickets are given out to students using their listening skills. 

Shoalhaven Disability Expo 2023

The senior students from Havenlee will be attending but parents may find it informative.



Havenlee will be running the Havenlee Café every Friday for lunch.

Please send your child's order and money in their communication book.

3 x chicken nuggets                                                        $2.00

6 x chicken nuggets                                                        $4.00

1 x serve chips (with chicken salt)                                $1.50

Tomato sauce                                                                      .50

BBQ sauce                                                                            .50

Chocolate milkshake                                   small  $1.00   large $1.50

Strawberry milkshake                                 small  $1.00   large $1.50

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