St Timothy's School Vermont 2024

Term 1 Week 2 2024

All students at St Timothy's School have the right to feel safe. The care, safety and wellbeing of children and young people is the responsibility of all within our school. 


It is with great sadness that I share that Fr Gerard is moving on from St Timothy's and St Luke's. Although he has been with us a relatively short time Fr Gerard has been a great leader and fabulous support  to St Timothy's School and  Parish. 

In order to show our appreciation, and in recognition of his wonderful contributions, there will be two formal farewell opportunities to which you are invited:

1 - Saturday 17th February following the 6pm Vigil Mass at St Timothy’s Parish Hall, 17 Stevens Road, Vermont – BYO food and drinks – Tea, Coffee, Wine and Cheese will be available.

2 - Sunday 18th February from 12 noon - BYO lunch to St Luke’s school quadrangle and oval, 46 Orchard Grove, Blackburn South – tables & chairs will be provided or you are welcome to bring a picnic rug. Tea & coffee will be available. If weather is not suitable, we will transfer to the parish hall.

All parishioners from St Timothy’s and St Luke’s are invited to both events. No need to RSVP.

In addition, the children and staff have been invited to Mass at St Luke's Blackburn next Friday 16th February. We will take a bus leaving soon after 9 am and attend mass at 9:30am. The children will stay and play with the St Luke's children until approximately 11:30 then return to school.

A permission form was sent home today so please check your child's bag.

Specialist Classes

Specialist Classes for Term 1

Monday: Mandarin - Labrini Ooi     Visual Arts: Tash Kularanthe

Tuesday : Physical Education :Tash Kularanthe , Performing Arts (Drama/Music): Tash Kularanthe

Thursday :Library: Aria Karagiannis  

Parent Curriculum Letters

Dear Parents

Please find the Curriculum Overview Letters for Term 1 attached to this Newsletter. Please remember you are ALWAYS able to make an appointment with a teacher if you require further information or clarification. 

This is ONLY an overview of the Learning and Teaching and DOES NOT contain all information.

Please look out for Aquiri : Skoolbag, Newsletter posts, emails and Social Media Posts to see all the wonderful learning happening at St Timothy's.

Resilience Project

The Resilience Project is committed to teaching positive mental health strategies to prevent mental ill-health and build young people’s capacity to deal with adversity. We will be implementing their evidence-based Teaching and Learning Program throughout our classrooms, staffroom and school community.

Teachers and students will engage in weekly lessons and activities around the key principles of Gratitude, Empathy, Mindfulness (GEM) and Emotional Literacy to build resilience.

Resilience Project Parent Information

Medication Administration

Under updated MACS  guidelines,  a Medication Administration form is to be completed where parents/carers request that a student is administered medication at school or during a school activity.  The principal or their delegate must approve all ongoing and regular administration of medication (over the counter or prescription) by the school and in most cases, medication must not be administered to a child being educated and cared for unless this form is signed by an AHPRA registered medical practitioner or pharmacist. 

The principal or delegate may agree to proceed with the authority of parent/guardian/carer signature without the authority of an AHPRA registered medical practitioner or pharmacist. This would only occur in rare cases, for example, short term (1-2 days) administration of over-the-counter medication at school or on off-site activities such as camps. No medication will be administered beyond the instruction on the original packaging unless recommended by an AHPRA registered medical practitioner or pharmacist.

Schools require written permission for students to self-administer their medication from parents/guardians, in consultation with registered medical or health practitioners to determine appropriate age and situation under which the student can self-administer their medication.

Parents/carers must ensure that medication brought to the school is in its original package with original labels. Please note, school staff will seek emergency medical assistance if there are concerns about a student’s condition following the administration of medication.

A copy of the form is attached to the Newsletter or via link 

Medication Administration Form.

St Timothy's School Rules

Cake Raffle Volunteers

Dear Parents

We are seeking Parent Volunteers to provide a cake, biscuits or slices for our weekly cake raffle fundraiser. If you can help out please send Anne Maree Jones or Gail Rich your name/ prefered date/week (if you have one ) to be added to our list of volunteers. We hope to keep this fundraiser going as it is always an exciting feature of our week .

Week 3-  16th February: Belinda ( Hailey & William)

Week 4  - 23rd February: Renata ( Adrina)

Week 5 - 1st March : Emily (Isabelle - Prep)

Week 6 - 8th March Beth ( Abigail & Ethan)

Thank you

School Photo Day

Friday 15th March

Our School Photo day is booked for Friday 15th March. We ask that parents try to avoid appointments booked on this day for their children.

The children will be asked to wear FULL SUMMER UNIFORM including correct socks and shoes.

Thank you

Shrove Tuesday (Pancake Tuesday)

Our Season of Lent is fast approaching and we, as a Catholic School will be marking this very important time . On the Tuesday 13th February,  we will be making Pancakes with the children for them to enjoy and sharing the relevance of this practice.

During this upcoming Season of Lent, which begins on Ash  Wednesday ( February 14th ) we will be ecourging our children to participate in fundraising  for Project Compassion. ( click to see more)

Ash Wednesday

Code Of Conduct

Last week a Code of Conduct Policy will be sent home to every family.

We ask that parents read, sign and return to school. We require both parents to sign.

It is signed by all staff, contractors, and parents as expected conduct whilst on school premises or when representing the school.


Child Safety Permission & Expectation Forms

This  week  we sent home a PHOTO PERMISSION FORM. We ask that you read, sign and return. We will also send home a ICT (Internet/email/Social Media) Permission and Expectations Form. These are vital to help manage CYBERSAFETY at St Timothy's.  Children will not be permitted to use these resources within school without this documentation being returned, 

Both these forms are CHILD SAFETY requirements, so we request a prompt return by Friday 16th February. Thank you

Stringybark School Camp

School Sports ( Kaboom) and Family Picnic

Our School Sports are going to look a little different this year.

We are hoping to start almost immediately after school ( arrival 4:00pm  for 4:15 start ) and have some traditional flat races ( varying distances) and relays followed by Kaboom from 5-6:30 pm which is a wonderful active fun social event. 

We ask that families bring along a picnic to enjoy a very special evening together.  


Beginning of the Year School Mass

Book Club

Child Safety/Wellbeing

Apps for Children


A Prayer for my Friend

God, Thank You for my friend. You tell us that it is not good to be alone, God, and bless us with family and friends all around us. Thank You for giving us people to talk to and laugh with. I pray for my friend today, that they have a good day and a blessed life. They are a blessing to me, God, when I need them the most. Just like Jesus is to me. Help me to be kind like Jesus. To be a good friend to others and spread His love. In Jesus’ Name,  Amen.

Parish News

Parish Newsletter Saturday 4th and Sunday 11th February

It is hard to imagine a person in 1st Century Palestine who would be more of an outcast from society than the leper. Unfortunately, any form of skin disease was categorised as leprosy (known as Hansen’s disease today). It was regarded as one of the greatest forms of uncleanliness and seen as a physical manifestation of God’s punishment on the person.   For a person like this to even approach Jesus is a huge risk and an enormous act of faith. He trusts that Jesus will not reject him like everybody else in his life has done. His request to Jesus is almost a demand; it is certainly filled with an utter conviction of Jesus’ ability and good will: ‘if you want to, you can cure me’. Jesus’ reaction is one of equally strong emotion – he is so moved by this man’s plight that he reaches out his hand and touches the man. To touch a person with leprosy was to break every rule of the clean/unclean social structure that dominated Jewish society. In this one action, Jesus challenges the entire basis on which Jewish society is constructed – the purity code. For Jesus to touch this man, according to the purity code, is to become unclean himself. But Jesus ignores these social rules and responds out of love and heals the man with word and action. However, Jesus knows that if the man is to be accepted back into society he needs to conform to the rules that dominate his world. He must present himself to the local priest who is the only one with the authority to declare someone cured of their disease and thus able to become ritually clean and welcome back into worship and back into everyday life.  


Our Lady of Sion College

Art Classes