Dernancourt School

Term 3, 2024 Newsletter - Thursday 1st August, 2024

Leadership News

Diary Dates to Remember

Term / Week
August 30th
Term 3, Week 6
Pupil Free Day
MondaySeptember 2ndTerm 3, Week 7School Closure Day
November 18th
Term 4, Week 6
 Pupil Free Day

A message from Julie

Welcome back to Term 3.  It has been wonderful to reconnect with the students (and their families) after the break.  When I have been speaking with students, there have been many excited stories of holiday activities, pyjama days during the freezing weather and fun play in the rain.  

This term we have welcomed 13 new Reception students to our Dernancourt Community in our Mid-Year intake.  The new students have joined existing classes with Mrs Ryan in J2, Miss Travis in J3 and Adam in J4.  It has been a very settled start and we are excited to have them join us.  We are looking forward to many years of learning together.  Offers of enrolment for the 2025 school year will be sent out early next week.  If you have a younger child who is ready to start school in 2025, or know of families who are interested in attending Dernancourt school, please reach out to Caroline or Sharyn in the front office.

There are some changes to our assembly times this term, with assemblies now happening on Friday mornings at 9:05am in Week 3, 7 and 9.   The change has been made to better suit our specialist and classroom timetables.  If you would like more information about assemblies, please contact your child’s class teacher.

Special thanks to all of our student crossing monitors.  Students volunteer their time each term to help keep our students safe at the crossing before and after school each day.  To be a crossing monitor, students need to undertake training each year, be over 10 years old and have parent consent.  Students have noticed that there are many families who cross the road near parked traffic and are asking that you take the few extra minutes to walk to the crossing to help keep our students safe.  When parking near the school, please be aware of the no parking zones, yellow parking guides and time limit in the kiss and drop zone.

I am looking forward to our movie night fundraiser on Friday night.    A reminder that this event is a family event, with children needing to be supervised by their families/caregivers.  Special thanks to the fundraising team for their time, organisation and promotion of the event.

Crossing Monitors

Safety Around Schools

Premier's Reading Challenge

Premier's Reading Challenge

Congratulations to the following students who have completed the 2024 Premier's Reading Challenge:

J5    Ruben, Sakshum, Angad, Vincent, Netra, Madaline, Jenisha, Haya, Vedh, Toby, Maanit, Jasper, Maheera, Yuki, Mila, Aarna, Inayat, Stella, Liano, Henley, Amali, Jasmine, Kyra, Fotimaa, Aviana & Nessya

J7    Leo

P3    Aarav & Paige  

P7   Charlotte, James & Lewis

P8   Orion, Abby, Riley, Jett & Sienna

P10  Lucas

P12    Hugh & Kaliyah

P14    Madison, Oliver, Max, Shlok, Noah, Zara, Sunny, Mitchell & James

Book Week News

Book Week Parade News

Autism Care and Connect

Gardening Club News

Garden Club News - Week 2, Term 3

We had a beautiful day for our first Garden Club for Term 3. Thank you to Nimrat J2, Lucas P4, Evan P2, Jett P8 and Sunny P14 for helping to water our apple trees. We also planted Poppy’s and brainstormed which vegetables and flowers we would like to grow in our garden beds.

Garden Club News



We are in need of LEGO for our lego club. Do you have any lego you no longer need? Please donate your lego to the school so we can use it for our lego club. Please drop off any unwanted lego to the front office or J7. Thank You Kaye Coley

Crossing Monitor Roster Term 1, 2024

Crossing Monitor Roster - Term 3 2024

Week 3Oliver (P7)Luca (P7)Anabelle (P12)
Week 4Liara (P10)Divya (P10)Diesel (P10)
Week 5Mikayla (P8)Caleb (P8)Samy (P12)

Community News

Athelstone Scout Group

Playstart Soccer

Hope Valley Football Club