Our Lady of Lourdes Primary Newsletter

Term 4 Week 1, 13th October, 2023

Key Dates


Thursday 19th October -

Friday 20th October

Year 5 Bathurst Excursion
Friday 27th OctoberYear 3 Excursion - Lane Cove National Park
Monday 30th October

Kindergarten 2024 Information Evening 6.30pm

Tuesday 31st October K-6 Assembly 2.15pm

Welcome Back

Welcome back to all our staff, students and parents. We hope you had an enjoyable break.

Building Update

During the school holidays the following renovations were carried out:

  • Carpets in all classrooms.
  • LED lights in all classrooms, toilets and hallways.
  • New ceilings in infants classrooms.
  • Ceilings painted in all classrooms.
  • Pinboard walls installed in some classrooms.
  • New bubblers.
  • New foam soap dispensers and toilet paper dispensers installed in the toilets. 

Future work to be carried out

  • Artificial grass on the top playground.
  • New grass playground where the houses have been demolished.
  • More renovations to the toilets.
  • Replace bitumen area in the bottom playground.
  • Replace gutters and downpipes.
  • Basketball posts installed.

School Uniform

School Shoes

Children should wear black polishable shoes to school. They may wear joggers on PE and sport days only.

Black joggers are not a substitute for black school shoes.


Families leaving OLOL after 2023

In order to plan for next year, would you please notify the school and

complete a Notice of Depature form if your child does not require a place for 2024.

New families coming into the area are currently seeking to enrol in 2024.

Notice of Depature



The is a new menu for canteen orders on Mel's Tasty Bites.  

Canteen Menu


Canteen Operator

School Fees

Instalment 3 was due on 23rd August, 2023.  

If your school fee account is outstanding please finalise your account immediately.  Thank you.

P & F News

Colour Fun Run

The children had a fabulous time at the Colour Fun Run today.

Don't forget doantions can still be made via the QKR until the 20th October for our fun run. 

The student who raises the highest amount of money per grade will receive a $30 Rebel Voucher.

Parish News

Sacrament of 1st Eucharist in 2023

Please find attached letter for OLOL parents who wish their child to receive the Sacrament of 1st Eucharist in 2023.

This is for children who have already received the Sacrament of 1st Reconciliation and will be 8½  at the time of the celebration of 1st Eucharist in November 2023.If there are children who have received 1st Reconciliation prior to 2023 or outside of the Parish of Baulkham Hills and wish to participate in this 1st Eucharist Program, they will need to complete the online registration. 

If you any questions please  contact to the Parish Office for more information, Phone: 9639 8385


Children's Rosary Movement

Children’s Rosary participants gather together to pray the Rosary every Monday during the school term. Parents need to accompany children. 

Bring your Rosary beads and spend some time in prayer.

Where: OLOL Church

When: Monday (school term only)

Time: 3:30pm

Contact: anitamolina@hotmail.com

Community News

Ambrose School Age Care & Ambrose Activities Christmas and New Year Closure Period 2023-2024

Please see information regarding school age care program during Christmas/New year closure

No Parking Zones