Easter Alive is only 2 weeks away!
Thank you for your support contributing to a great start to the year. It is wonderful to see our community connect and work together to look after each other. Please continue to keep an eye on our Facebook page and website for upcoming Parent Relate@RCC opportunities.
It has been an encouragement to see our students engage so well with their learning and the other opportunities available to them. We are proud of the way each and every student is giving their best during the current NAPLAN tests. Well done!
Congratulations to our new dance group as they prepare for future performances, and to the Chapel Band for their contributions to our Chapels. Congratulation to Sam for winning the District Lions Youth of the Year Competition and to Matt for making the CSSA soccer team. Well done also to Aaron, Matt, Sam, Henry, Abby, Ava, Lily, Grace & Rosie for being selected to represent RCC at the upcoming CSSA State Touch Football.
It is my prayer that we finish this term as we have started, making the most of every opportunity we have. In two weeks we will have our fourth Easter Alive week which will involve chapels each day plus other activities during the week. We will have the privilege of hearing from Kev Stickle who has lived with, spoken to and challenged many different people groups in many different nations regarding the fullness of the idea of freedom. It is one of his most treasured possessions and we are very excited to hear from him during the week.
As a taster to get you excited for the week and to continue to hear our heart for freedom please have a listen to this song and let it add to our growing idea of what it is to be truly free: https://youtu.be/cXBSTZtMBxI. I pray this song blesses you as you continue to consider what this idea of freedom means for you and our students.