Scarborough Primary School Newsletter - The Link

Issue 5 – 5 May 2023

Upcoming Events and Reminders

May May
  • 8 - 19 May - 3-way conferences
  • 8 May - Year 4 Bike Education
  • 9 May - Kindy (K1) Mother's Day breakfast 8:35 am
  • 9 - 11 May - Mother's Day raffle tickets being sold in front of library
  • 10 May - Board Meeting 6:00 pm
  • 11 May - Kindy (K2) Mother's Day breakfast 8:35 am
  • 12 May - On air assembly
  • 12 May - Rms 6, 9 & PP Mother's Day pampering 2:10 pm
  • 15 May - National walk safely to school day
  • 15 May - Year 4 Bike Education
  • 16 May - Kate Chaney to visit student councillors
  • 18 May - Rms 2 & 5 excursion
  • 19 May - On air assembly
  • 19 May - Free Fuel Friday, active transport event

Principal's Message

Dear Community


Welcome to Term 2 everybody! We have had a wonderful first fortnight back with students and teachers settling in well. Our school community has continued to grow, and we have started the term with around 260 students, about 6 more than we ended term 1 with. I would like to extend a warm welcome to all our new families. We also welcome Ms Dedman to Room 4. She will be replacing Mrs King for the next term and a half.

 Please read on below for specific updates, and make sure you have a look at our Term Planner for important events that will be happening throughout the term.

 As always, if you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me by phone, email  ( ) or in person.


As we head towards winter and cold and flu season, we are starting to have some students testing positive to COVID again. At present there are only a few scattered cases throughout the school, but I will let you know via Skoolbag if any substantial numbers form in individual classes. In the meantime, please continue to be vigilant and test where appropriate. The school has a large stock of free RATs that are available for collection from the school office. They must be collected by an adult and cannot be sent home with students.

 Thank you to those people this week who have let the school know of cases in your families. Below are the best processes to follow to keep us all safe.

If your child tests positive

  • Please inform the school when you notify the school of their reason for absence
  • Your child should stay home whilst symptomatic.

If your child is a close contact

  • We would appreciate if you notified the school by emailing either myself or the front office
  • Your child can still attend school providing they have no symptoms (regardless of any test result)
  • It would be appreciated if you could test close contacts as required.
  • There is no requirement for close contact students to wear masks, although they can if they choose to.

 Capital Works

The school holiday period was quite a busy time for the building works program at the school.

·         The roof over Room 8 was retiled and looks fantastic!

·         Asbestos material was successfully removed from the space at the edges of the basketball court making it ready for new landscaping, paths and walkways.

 The completion date of Stage 1 of the building program (two story block and under cover area) has pushed back around a month to mid September. Whilst this is frustrating in some respects, this new timeline is more practical and less disruptive to the logistics of moving into the new classrooms. We expect students to be settled in by the beginning of Term

Mother’s Day Activities:

Across next week, the Early Childhood classes are each holding Mother’s Day events. Please look out for emails from your classroom teachers for specific information. Also, check out the P&C section of the newsletter to find out about some other opportunities that they are coordinating.

 Cross Country

This year’s school cross country is scheduled to be held on Monday 19 June (Week 9) at Deanmore Square. The PP - Yr 3 races will be held from 11:30 am, with the Year 4 - 6 students running from 2:00 pm. Reserve dates have also been tentatively booked for Week 10 and Week 1 next term in case of wet weather to ensure that students can be selected in time for the Interschool event on Friday Week 2, Term 3.

Before School Running Club is not an option for us this year, however, students will have several practice sessions scheduled during Physical Education lessons, Senior Sport and with their classes each week.


Once again, our school will be promoting the Western Australian Young Reader’s Book Awards. Mrs Daniels, our wonderful library officer will have the short-listed books on display in the library next week band will be talking to each class about how to vote for their favourites during library sessions.


At Scarborough PS, we want your child to achieve their absolute best. To get the best education, they need to attend school every day. Developing a habit of going to school every day is vitally important so your child does not miss important ideas and skills they need for future learning.

 Thank you to the families who have notified me of travel plans which may impact their children's attendance. Whilst it is not ideal to withdraw students during term time, we do understand that in this post-covid time, it is the first opportunity some people have had to visit family interstate or overseas in a few years. It is important to have a conversation around this to be aware of your child’s overall attendance rates as well as to be proactive about understanding what they may be missing academically.

Sarah Dawson



During the next few weeks, Scarborough PS will be providing the opportunity for parents to book a time and bring their child in for a 3-Way Conference with the class teacher.

A 3-Way Conference is a shared conversation between the student, parent and teacher, with a focus on learning. The conversation will be student led, and take around 10 minutes.

  • The role of the student is to share their learning and reflect on the progress they have made
  • The role of the teacher is to facilitate and guide the conversation about your child’s learning, and prompt them if needed
  • The role of the parent is to listen to your child, ask questions and encourage them to expand the information further

On Monday morning, class teachers will put the days and times for bookings, up on classroom doors. Please add your child’s name, and the parent who will attend, to a time slot that best suits you. The times are at 15 minute intervals to allow for changeover between conferences, and help keep things running to schedule. Each class has a range of days and times available, to try and reach all families.

Thank you for your support and we look forward to talking about your child's learning. If you have any queries, please contact the class teacher.

Tina Van Maanen

Deputy Principal



P&C News

Hello SPS families

Welcome back to school for Term 2!  We had an extremely busy Term 1, with the school disco, hot cross bun fundraiser and the Design a Plates. The P&C made around $4000 from these fundraisers and we thank everyone who helped make each of them a success.

 Our plates have been sent by Design a Plate late last week, with delivery expected early next week, in time for Mother’s Day. If you did not order a plate, your child’s teacher will send the artwork home with them as they all put a lot of effort into their designs.

 Next week, on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, we will be selling tickets for our Mother’s Day raffle outside the library from 8:15 am. Tickets will be $1 each, and cash or card payments are accepted. The raffle will be drawn during the On Air Assembly next Friday (12th of May) and prizes will come home with the winning children. The P&C have made up 3 beautiful hampers for Mum, which will be on display in the front office until next Friday.

We are in the early stages of organising a quiz night at Grill’d Scarborough on a Wednesday night in Term 3. If you would like to be on the organising committee, please send us an email, or talk to a P&C member.

The P&C held our first meeting for Term 2 on Tuesday night, and there was lots to discuss. Mrs Dawson and the school continue to work on a wish-list for the new building, and we are looking into funding some parent information sessions based on cyber security. As always, if there are any suggestions of activities or events the P&C could support, please come along to a meeting or speak to a P&C member.

Any questions, please email us!


Our next General Meeting will be held Tuesday 13th June 2023 at 6:30 pm in the school library. Please come along and be part of our awesome P&C.


The Uniform Shop is open on Wednesday mornings 8:45 am to 9:15 am.

Order forms can be downloaded from the school website

E-mailed orders will be delivered to your child’s classroom.


We have been able to set up a canteen volunteers’ group so Laura, our wonderful Canteen Leader, has a few parents that are trained up and can help once or twice a term. There is always space for more volunteers, so if you would like to help out, please get in contact with Laura or Teneke (Canteen Coordinator).

 The time needed to volunteer is Friday mornings between 11:00 am -12:30pm.

 Please also note that all canteen orders need to be placed via QuickCliq prior to 8.30am on Friday.


We continue to fundraise through the Entertainment Book. When you purchase the Entertainment Book, a portion will go to the P&C.

Order your membership here


We will continue to fundraise through the Containers for Change initiative. The Containers for Change bins can be found at the school entry at Hinderwell Street near the Room 9 Heritage Building. Keep on bringing those empty cans and bottles to support the P&C!


Alternatively, if you wish to donate at a refund point of your choosing you can quote our Scheme ID C10240685. If you prefer to attend a Reverse Vending Machine location, please use the barcode at the top of the P&C news. This may be your preference if you have a larger donation and be rest assured that the money goes back to the P&C.

Scarborough Primary School

Address: 60 Hinderwell Street, Scarborough WA 

Phone: 08) 9222 9200   


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