
18 October 2023

Dates For Your Diary!

19 October 2023Kindergarten 2024 Orientation Teddy Bear's Picnic & Treasure Hunt 

27 October 2023

World Teacher Appreciation Day

1 November 2023Kindergarten 2024 Orientation Session & Parent Information Expo
6 - 10 November 2023Swim School at Parramatta Aquatic Centre
15 November 2023Kindergarten 2024 Orientation Session
30 November 2023Presentation Day
5 December 2023Scripture Service & Thank You Morning Tea
7 December 2023Whole School Celebration & Picnic Day
14 December 2023Reports home
15 December 2023Year 6 Farewell
15 December 2023Last day of Term 4 for students
*Dates subject to change. Please ensure you regularly check for updates.

From the Principal

A very warm welcome to students, staff and the Telopea community back to school for Term 4. Our focus this term continues to be excellence in attendance and learning opportunities for all students. Next week I will award merit certificates at our school assembly to students who achieved 95% or above attendance during Term 3. A special congratulations to the 19 students who achieved 100% attendance last term. This is an outstanding effort. 

Staff News

In response to increasing enrolments, I made the decision this week to split the 3/4 composite class into 2 smaller classes for the remainder of the year. Miss Georgaros will continue as the teacher of the Year 3 Wombats. Our newly formed Year 4 Dingoes will be taught by Miss Roberts (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday) and Miss Holman who returns to Telopea on Tuesdays. I am confident that this will ensure a settled term of learning for all students in our Stage 2 cohort.

Principal Position

I have had some inquiries from the community about the Principal position at Telopea Public School. Mr McGowen, the substantiative Principal, continues to be on extended leave. I will continue to relieve in this position to the end of the year with the possibility of extension and will update the community once I have more information from Mr McGowan.

Year 6 Fundraising BBQ

Last Saturday we ran a very successful Year 6 fundraising BBQ at the Referendum. A huge shout out to our Year 6 students Jakeob, Jasmine  and Coralie who, along with their families, gave up their time to come to school on the weekend and run the BBQ. Thank you also to the staff who came along to help promote our school. We raised in excess of $350 which will go towards subsidising the Year 6 Farewell events at the end of the year. We were also very successful in building relationship with members of our local community. 

Tell Them From Me Parent Survey

Thank you to the 17 parents who have completed the survey so far. The survey will remain open until the end of the week. Please take the time to complete the survey to help inform future planning at Telopea Public School. 

More information about the survey is available at: To access the survey for our school go to:

The survey is available in 23 languages.

School Uniform Update - Sport Shirt

In response to the Community Engagement Survey earlier in the year, the school has undertaken a review of the current sport uniform. As of 2024, we will be phasing out the cotton house coloured t-shirts and replacing them with a more modern micro mesh, school sport shirt. A sample image is below. Shirts are currently in production and will be available for purchase early in 2024. The anticipated price will be $27. The new uniform item will be phased in over a period of 2 years, with the cotton, house coloured t-shirt still able to be worn during 2024 and 2025, should families wish to do this. 

Mrs Erin Dooley

Principal (Relieving)

New sport shirt design

Mobile Phone Ban

The new Student Use of Mobile Phones in Schools policy commenced in all NSW schools on Day 1, Term 4. Students are banned from using mobile phones including devices that can be worn on the wrist at school. At Telopea Public School, we have adopted a phones stored in the office strategy for those student who require a mobile phone. Students are to check their phone in at the school office on arrival at school. It will then be available for collection at 2:55pm. If you have not already done so, please contact the school office to complete a register of phones / devices form for your child to have a phone held for them during school hours. If parents and carers need to contact their child during the school day, please phone the office and the staff will be happy to assist. 

Kindergarten 2024 Orientation Program

We are very excited to meet our new 2024 Kindergarten students at our Treasure Hunt and Teddy Bear's Picnic tomorrow. Our orientation program will look a little different this year, with a picnic, two classroom visits and an information expo for parents. If you have, or know of any children due to start school at Telopea next year, please have them contact the school office to complete their enrolment. 

Term 4 Sports Days

This term there is a change to sport days. The new days for Term 4 are as follows;

Years Kindy, 1 and 2 - Thursdays

Years 3, 4 and 5/6 - Fridays

Please ensure that students wear their sports uniform on their allocated day including a hat. 

Year 6 Fundraiser

On Saturday 14 October, we held a fundraiser! Telopea Public School Year 6 students; Jasmine, Jakeob, Coralie and their families alongside Mrs Dooley, Mrs White, Mrs Vasilareas, Ms Michie, Ms Pip and Mrs Di Losa came along on voting day to support the Year 6 students’ fundraiser. We sold sausage sandwiches, soft drinks, water, and lolly bags which the students made.

A HUGE thank you for your generosity of time and hard work! It was a lovely day as we saw current and previous Telopea Public School students and their families too.

Thank you for supporting the Year 6 students for our end of year farewell.

Ms Michie

Anti-Racism Officer

Telopea Public School Community,

With your support, we do the very best we can to ensure that our students feel safe and are able to reach their potential. The Department of Education rejects all forms of racism and is committed to the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination in NSW public schools. The Department’s Anti- Racism Policy aims to ensure that no student, employee, parent, carer, or community member experiences racism within the school environment. The policy asks all members of the school community to assist in countering racism by demonstrating respect for the cultural, linguistic, and religious backgrounds of others, and by behaving in ways that promote acceptance and harmony in the school environment.

I am the appointed ARCO at Telopea Public School. I am trained to assist with complaints and countering racism. For more information about anti-racism and the role of the ARCO, see: Anti-Racism Policy - Information for parents and carers.

Thank you for assisting us to maintain a positive school environment in which all forms of racism are rejected. Please contact the school if you or your child experience any form of racism, witness anyone experiencing racism at our school, or if you would like further information or support.

If you would like more information and you need an interpreter to help you to contact the school, please ring the Telephone Interpreter Service on 131 450 and ask for an interpreter in your language.

Tell the operator the school’s phone number and the operator will ring the school and get an interpreter on the line to help you with your conversation.

You will not be charged for interpreting services.

Ms Michie

Planetarium Incursion

On Wednesday 13th September 2023, Starr’s Planetarium visited Telopea Public School for an incursion. Each class viewed the science presenter-led astronomy shows as well as 360' surround movies. It was an informative, amazing, and thoroughly entertaining experience. It was out of this world!

“I learnt more about our planets. Saturn has over one hundred moons! It was excellent! I loved the movie about Mars.” (Jasmine, year 6).

“In the planetarium, I learnt that there are more galaxies than we think- billions! The universe is a gargantuan place! In our Solar System, I got transported in a rocket ship into Space and landed on Mars!  (Micah, year 5).

Thank you to the teachers, SLSOs and students who had wonderful behaviour inside the dome, asked very interesting questions and contributed to discussions with reflective comments.

Ms Michie 

School Bytes Student Management System

We are pleased to announce we have successfully transitioned over to School Bytes. The new student management system will allow a simplified finance system for both you and the school as well as provide access to online payments, statement of account, digital permission notes and attendance information. 

Parent Portal

To access the new system parents are required to register for the School Bytes Parent Portal. Please follow this link or scan the QR Code on the following page.

To ensure a smooth registration process and to link your account to your child/ren, make sure that you use the same email address that you have provided to the school. If you use a different email address, an SMS verification code will be sent to the mobile phone number on record for you at the school. 

Absences from school

We have transitioned to the digital attendance notification system. You may receive an SMS if your child/ren are absent from school. Once your parent portal has been set up, you will be able to click on the link and add the reason for absence. You will no longer need to send a physical note to school.

Via the Parent Portal you will now be able to advise if your child/ren are away from school and provide the reason for absence. 

Finance System

You will now be able to make payments and view previous payments in the Parent Portal. Please ensure that payments are made against active categories as shown. If an event or item is not appearing in your portal please contact the office so we can ensure that payment is correctly matched prior to making a payment. 

What's Happening in Year 2 Bandicoots

This term Year 2 Bandicoots have a Geography focus. This week we have looked at the Geographical aspects of the Earth, focusing on oceans and continents. The children (despite some of their faces 😊) took particular interest in sharing and discovering each other's cultural heritage and places of origin. Between us, we managed to cover all corners of the Earth.


Welcome back to Term 4, we are looking forward to welcoming students back into the library to delve into some fantastic books.

A reminder that library days are as follows;

WednesdayYear 2, Year 3/4, Year 5/6
ThursdayYear 1

Please ensure books are kept in library bags to keep them protected. Books should be returned weekly and in good condition so that all students can continue to enjoy these books.

Book Club

Book Club Issue 7 -  Due: Thursday 26 October 2023

There are now 2 easy ways to pay: CREDIT CARD (LOOP) or CREDIT VOUCHER.

Cash payments will no longer be available.


1.    Simply grab your child’s Book Club catalogue and either sign in or register your account on or download the LOOP app.

2.    Click on ORDER and then select your school and your child’s class.

3.    Add your child’s first name & last initial (so the school knows who the book is for)

4.    Enter the item number from the Book Club catalogue.

5.    All orders are sent directly to the school for submission to Scholastic. Books will still be delivered to your child’s classroom if you order by the close date.

6.    Afterwards, there’s no need to return paper order forms or payment receipt details back to your school!


If paying with a credit voucher, please enter details on LOOP when placing your order online.

All purchases made help the school earn REWARD POINTS which allows us to purchase new resources for the library.  

Carpark Access

There is no access to carparks on the school grounds for parking or dropping off / collecting students.

Medication at School

If your child requires medication to be administered at school, please contact the office to ensure the appropriate forms are completed prior to the commencement of the medication. 

Medication is to be handed in directly to the office by a parent/carer to ensure safety.

Important Reminders


A reminder that if you have made arrangements for someone to collect your child/ren that is outside of your normal arrangements, please ensure that you have notified the office so we are aware and can let other staff members know in a timely manner.  This applies to leaving early and for the end of the day. 


A reminder to all students and parents that entry to the School is via the Pedestrian gate on Chestnut Ave located near Block D. This is for everyone's safety. If you require disabled access there are two entry points into the school via the ramp into the school office and via the gate on the corner of Sturt and Manson Streets. 


On occasion important notes will be sent home. Please ensure you remember to check your child's bag each day.


Here at TPS we enjoy celebrating student’s birthdays. You are most welcome to bring in something to celebrate but we ask that individual store bought small bite size cupcakes or individually wrapped sweets are brought in to school as this makes it easier for the students to eat. A large cake makes it difficult to distribute to their classmates. 


There are a number of items in the Lost Property box which do not have names on them. If your child is missing an item, please check this box which is located in the D Block breezeway.


Please ensure that your contact details are up to date. It is important that the School be able to contact you in case of your child being ill, a child not being collected from school or in case of emergency etc. If your family circumstances change, please also provide the school with any updated documentation. 

You can notify the school of any changes or updates via written confirmation or complete the template form located in the office foyer. 


If you require your child to carry a mobile phone/device, you will be required to complete a permission note (please see the school office if you require this note). Student mobile phones/device are to be turned off and handed to the school office during school hours in the morning. Mobile phones/devices will be returned to the students at the end of each day. 

Uniform Shop

Uniforms can be purchased from the uniform shop every Wednesday between 8.45-11.00am. We thank you in advance for your patience during these busy times.

We are pleased to advise we now have the option of Eftpos for purchases. Alternatively cash is still accepted, the correct change is much appreciated. A current price list is located in the office foyer.

HANDY HINT: Ensure that you label all items of clothing (including hats) for your child/ren, this makes it easier to return lost items. 

Schools as a Community Centre

Hi TPS and Telopea SaCC communities,

Welcome back for Term 4 TPS and SaCC Communities.

I trust your Spring vacation period was restful and you are looking forward to a busy final term for 2023.


123 Magic and Emotion Coaching Program.This program provides tools to assist parents and carers to;

  • discipline without arguing and yelling.
  • manage challenging and testing behaviours
  • support good behaviours
  • choosing your strategy: 3 choices
  • use emotion coaching to encourage good behaviours.
Please contact me to enquire and register.

YOGA Class 

A few spots are available if you would like to register for the FREE five week yoga program.Yoga is a great resource to aid relaxation, mindfulness and gentle stretching....take some time for yourself and register today!

The yoga class starts at 9:30am so come straight to the SaCC rooms (at the end of the D block verandah) after dropping your child to school. Enjoy a cup of tea and chat with TPS parents and friends after the morning rush prior to the class starting. 

YOGA CLASS: Wednesday morning 9:30am-10:30am from 1st November x5 weeks.


Monday and Thursday morning 8:30am-9:00am.Toast, cereal, canned baked beans and spaghetti, fruit, Up and Go.

If you have a child starting Kindergarten in 2024 please feel free to join with you child. The program provides a great opportunity for our new students to become familiar with the environment which may contribute to a smooth transition to school. 

Please call or email if you would like to chat with Pip about any programs.


Phillipa (Pip) Martins


Telopea 'Schools as Community Centres' (SaCC) Project

C/- Telopea Public School

Chestnut Ave

Telopea NSW 2117

Ph: (02)9898 3448



Community Notices