I can hardly believe that there is only one week left to go. It was wonderful to see so many families and friends at our school concert earlier this week watching our amazing students perform and celebrate together. The Dernancourt School Community is a fabulous place to be and I am proud to be part of it. Special thanks to Juliette Barry, our Performing Arts teacher and her helpers for all of their work on the organisation of the concert. There are some photos further down in the newsletter, I hope you enjoy them. Thank you all for making the time to celebrate with our school community.
Our Year 6 Graduation is coming up on Tuesday night, and I am looking forward to celebrating this occasion with students, staff and families. It is an import milestone for our students and I know they have all been looking forward to the evening and the festivities that will happen later in Week 9.
Our staffing is almost confirmed and we look forward to sharing this with you on Wednesday next week. End of year reports and class placement information will be sent home with students on Wednesday. Students will also visit their 2024 classes on this day.
Today, I spent some time with an Officer from SAPOL, walking around and looking at our school for security purposes. This is in preparation for the up coming holidays and to help us keep our school grounds and community safe.
Over the school holidays, there will be some works happening at the school grounds. We will have some internet cabling placed underground, and there will be some remediation works to our servers and other ICT equipment inside the buildings. Work will also be happening in the Early Years building in readiness for our additional special options class in 2024 and the addition of a sensory/regulation space. We are looking forward to these works beginning. Thanks to the students and staff who have helped by moving spaces for this to occur.
Operation School Safe
The school holidays are soon approaching and will begin after school hours on Friday the 15th of December 2023 until Monday the 29th of January 2024.
Eastern District Police, your local school and community seek your support during this holiday period. During holiday periods some schools experience an increase in property damage, thefts, break-ins and anti-social behaviour.
As a person living, or a business operating near a school, we encourage you to be extra vigilant during the school holidays and report any suspicious or criminal behaviour to police on 131 444 and take note of:
- Characteristics of anyone acting suspicious i.e. age, gender, weight, height, hair colour and clothing
- Vehicle details i.e. registration number, make, model, colour and any distinguishing features.
If you have any information regarding criminals and their activities report it to Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or online at www.crimestopperssa.com.au. You can remain anonymous.
If you require any further information or crime prevention advice, please contact your local police station or visit www.police.sa.gov.au.