Fortnightly Newsletter

Term 2 Week 1 & 2

Principal's Message

Greetings parents and carers!

Welcome back to another busy term at New Lambton Public School! I trust you all enjoyed a relaxing break and that your children have settled back into Term 2 smoothly.


Thankyou to our parents/carers and students who came along to the Lambton – New Lambton ANZAC Day march and ceremony on Thursday 25 April. We had a terrific turnout to represent New Lambton PS, our students marching proudly down the street, all in black and gold, some proudly wearing family medals or carrying portraits of great grandparents who went to war to fight for Australia’s freedom. Three of our school leaders lay a wreath on behalf of our school. Our students are truly remarkable young people who capably uphold our school values of excellence, respect and responsibility. I must say that I could not have been more proud of the respectful manner in which our students conducted themselves in public.


It was wonderful to see so many of our mothers and mother figures at this morning’s Mother’s Day breakfast! A huge thankyou goes out to our hard-working P&C and the many parent volunteers for organising and managing this event in celebration of our mothers. Please enjoy the beautiful candid snaps of some of our mothers with their children enjoying this morning's breakfast celebration.

Mother's Day 2024


You would have received an Audiri message today in relation to an upcoming fundraising event to recognise one of our school families, The Turner family, who have recently lost their young daughter Flo to Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG), an aggressive from of brain tumor.

On Friday 17 May students are invited to wear their pyjamas to school and contribute a gold coin donation to raise some much needed funding for continued research into this devastating childhood disease.

Click here to read more about Flo's brave fight and donate directly to RUN DIPG.

Yours in public education

Justine Abell

Mother's Day Breakfast

Anzac Day

Kids Lit Quiz

Kids’ Lit Quiz 2024

On Thursday 9 May, 11 students represented NLPS at the Kids’ Lit Quiz held at Avondale School, Cooranbong. We formed 3 teams to compete in the annual literature quiz for students aged 10-13 years. Students had to work through 10 rounds of literature trivia for their chance to win prizes and for a spot in the National final.

The competition was intense, and our students demonstrated their incredible knowledge of a range of Australian and international texts. Our Team 2 received the highest score in one of the ten rounds which was impressive. This particular team won a book each. Charlotte Ireland won $5 cash in a ‘guess the title of this book’ round whereby the presenter, author Nat Amoor read sentences from the first paragraph of a book. Charlotte guessed the title after the first sentence was read. Nat and the wider audience were flawed! Amazing! Our Team 2 placed 5th overall on the day which was an incredible achievement.

Our students worked collaboratively, listened to one another and considered each other’s answers carefully. Their demonstrations of our school values did not go unnoticed and I was proud to be there alongside such eager students.

Well done to all of our representatives. What a great day we had!

Mrs Kenneally


A BIG congratulations to our school ensemble who attended Choralfest on Wednesday 8 May where they performed two songs: ‘Thankyou for the music’ and ‘Whisper’. Our ensemble won Section 4, Stage 3 – Under 16 Vocalists and received a certificate and a trophy!

Thankyou to Ms Day and Ms Hall for taking time out of their busy schedules to prepare our young singers as well as conduct and accompany them at their performance.

NLPS Choralfest

Visit from an Olympian

Year 6 had a special visit from three-time Olympian and Commonwealth Games Gold Medallist, Matthew Gray. He excelled in the sport of Archery and spoke to the children about pursuing your passion, being determined and the importance of setting goals. This was part of the 'Olympics Unleashed' initiative funded by the Australian Olympic Committee. The students were inspired and motivated for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games in 77 days!

This was an invaluable experience as Matthew let the students try on his Olympic uniforms and his Gold medal. 

Thanks Matthew and well done Year 6!

Coming up Term 2

Term 2 - April / May

WEEK 3 - May


* Concert band rehearsal 8:00am Junior Hall

* NLPS Netball and AFL trials- Monday 13 May

* Coding club 8:00am to 8:50am in the Library

* Whole school assemblies

K-2 - 2:05pm - 2:35pm

3-6 - 2:40pm - 3:10pm

* Chess club 8:30am in the Library

*Senior Ensemble 8:30am in Year 5 Hall

* Coding club 2.0  8:00am to 9:00am in the Library

* Skipping team 8:15am in the MPF

* NLPS AFL NSWPSSA KO Gala Day- Friday 17 May @ Warners Bay

*A Day for Flo (pyjama day)

WEEK 4 - May

* Concert Band rehearsal 8:00am Junior Hall

* Coding club 8:00am to 8:50am in the Library

Zone Cross Country- Tuesday 21 May @ Stevenson Park Mayfield

* Whole school assemblies

K-2 - 2:05pm - 2:35pm

3-6 - 2:40pm - 3:10pm

* Chess club 8:30am in the Library

* Coding club 2.0 8:00am to 8:50am in the Library

* Skipping team 8:15am in the MPF

From the office

Important information for parents and students

Families are strongly encouraged to travel during school holidays. If travel during school term is necessary, please discuss this with the principal. An Application for Extended Leave - Travel may need to be completed if your child will be away from school for an extended period of time. This application needs to be approved by the principal before any planned travel takes place.

If the Application for Extended Leave - Travel is approved, absences relating to travel will be marked as leave on the roll and therefore contribute to your child’s total absences for the year. In some circumstances students may be eligible to enrol in distance education for travel periods over 50 school days. This should also be discussed with the principal.

Please download a copy of the Application for Extended Leave – Travel using the link below.

Kind Regards

Rebecca McCully

School Administrative Manager (Rel)

Application for Extended Leave – Travel


Canteen News

The canteen has had a great start to term 2. Many students were thrilled to see the new slushie machine up and running. At just $2, they are flying off the bench. Not only are they yummy, they are 99% fruit juice and healthy school approved. You can now order fruit break from the canteen. Fruit break orders can be ordered the night before through the flexischool app and close at 9pm. Orders are to be picked up by your child at the canteen before 9.15am.

Sports Wrap

A lot of Sport to Look Forward to!

We have had some fantastic opportunities this year as part of our sports program and our students have excelled in many of the sporting arenas. 

Newcastle City PSSA (Zone) Cross Country 

The Newcastle City PSSA Cross Country Carnival has been rescheduled for Tuesday 21 May at Stevenson Park Mayfield. 24 runners from our varied age groups will compete to advance to the Hunter PSSA (Regional) Carnival set for Term 2 Week 6 Friday 7 June at Tocal.

Representative News

* On Friday 12 April, our Under 12 Rugby League team participated in the NRL Knights Challenge. The team played three games and displayed great sportsmanship and gave an excellent effort. Thanks to Mr Vietch for coaching on the day and to Mrs Potter.

* Evie C, Maddie J and Billie M will all represent Newcastle City PSSA at the Hunter PSSA Touch Trials 

* Marcus H-TT and Reuben N attended the Newcastle City PSSA Rugby Union trials on May 10

* Best of luck to Oliver P next week as he represents the Hunter PSSA at NSWPSSA State Tennis Championships held at the Newcastle and District Tennis Association in Broadmeadow.

NLPS NSWPSSA Knockout Trials

Week 3 will see several sports selections take place in Netball, Soccer and AFL. There will also be training for Touch Football and Tennis teams. Students will not be required to bring additional equipment as we will be focusing on skills and using the grassed areas of our school site for some of these sessions.

Upcoming dates:

  • NLPS Netball and AFL trials- Monday 13 May
  • NLPS AFL NSWPSSA KO Gala Day- Friday 17 May @ Warners Bay
  • Zone Cross Country- Tuesday 21 May @ Stevenson Park Mayfield
  • NLPS Netball NSWPSSA KO Gala Day- Thursday 30 May @ Charlestown

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the students and their families for participating, assisting and coaching across our various school sport programs. A big thanks to our staff who have coached the teams and given up their breaks to allow the students to take part in the state competitions.

That's a wrap!

Mr McMahon

Sports Coordinator

NRL Knights Challenge

Spelling bee information


Weekly Assemblies

Spirit Cup

Alfie I, 4M - Demonstrating empathy by always being kind and considerate to all students and teachers at NLPS.

Community Awards

A Day for Flo

Regular inclusion - School Activities

P&C News


Thank you to everyone who supported our Mother's Day raffle. We received $2,369.50 worth of donated prizes.

Sold a whopping 1,254 tickets and raised an enormous $3,265 for the school which is just remarkable.

Below is the list of our lucky winners! We have some prizes that are yet to be collected.

If your name's on the list but you are yet to receive your prize, you will be able to collect it from the office next week.


Prize No.

Prize Name



NEW! Family Portrait Shoot by IC Photography

Adam Walczak


NEW! Ruby Skies Gift Bag

Saraswoti Panta Pandey


Bliss Spa Voucher

Yeon Richards


Kotoda : Prize Pack 1

Katherine Neville


NEW! 5 x class pass by Core Collective Pilates

Jake Mackay


NEW! Roger & Peach Gift

Megan Skeen


3 Free PT sessions or 6 free group classes

Erica Breuer


NEW! 3 LED passes by Lauren's Lounge

Julia Prior


Kotoda : Prize Pack 2

Angela Farnsworth


Pulse Climbing : 1 family pass

Erica Breuer


Pulse Climbing : 1 family pass

Kate Geraghty


Freshwater Keshi Pearl Bracelet

Rebecca Derkenne


Hip Pocket Workwear Voucher

Tara Blayden-Olsen


Lush Gift Pack and Bottle of Bubbles

Gabrielle Allan


Ambrosia Apron and Earrings

Alina  Shrestha 


Cookie Bouquet

Ariane Turner


Hero Lady Print

Allison Boardman


Barista Miss Voucher

Lee Laycock


NEW! Boho Coast Necklace

Angela Farnsworth


Laneways Coffee Voucher

Kristi Rich

In addition to the raffle, it was also wonderful to see so many mothers and mother-figures at the Mother's Day morning tea.

The P&C would like to give special thanks to Kimberley from 'The Photo Booth-less' who so kindly donated her Photo Booth services for the morning.

If you have an event coming up, make sure to contact Kimberley!

Casey our amazing canteen manager who kindly managed all of the ordering and distribution of the morning tea this morning. Thank you so much Casey.

And, finally all of our parent and carer volunteers who have sourced prizes for the raffle and have given their time to make sure everyone enjoyed the morning.

Have a wonderful Mother's Day.


Our P&C meetings are held on a Monday evening from 7:00 pm in the school staffroom twice each term (Week 4 and Week 8).  Everyone is very  welcome to attend.

Our Term 2 P&C meeting dates are:

  • WEEK 4 - Monday 20 May
  • WEEK 8 - Monday 17 June

We look forward to seeing you at our next P&C meeting!


Katie Frankiewicz & Lexie Wadsworth

P&C Vice-Presidents

Community Noticeboard

Contact Us

New Lambton Public School

Quality education in a caring environment.

Excellence | Respect | Responsibility