Thank you to our wonderful volunteers who helped at the Meet the Teacher afternoon last week. It's because of volunteers that we are able to strengthen our school community and make events possible. We appreciate every volunteer contribution!
A reminder that our Annual General Meeting will be held at 6:30 PM on Monday, 17 March in the School library and online via Teams. The Teams link will be circulated prior to the meeting. The general Term 1, Week 8 meeting will follow directly afterwards, at 7:00 PM, also in the library and via the same Teams link.
We encourage all parents and community members to attend. Your ideas, feedback, and involvement are what help us continue to improve and support our school.
Easter Raffle – Get your tickets and donate a prize!
Thank you to those families who have already purchased Easter Raffle tickets and have made Easter prize donations. A reminder that we are kindly asking each family to help make this raffle a success by:
Donating an Easter related prize (chocolate eggs, lollies, basket, etc). The donations will be made up into prize baskets, to be drawn at the Easter Hat Parade. Please drop off your donations to the School Office by Wednesday 2 April.
Purchasing raffle tickets for your child to be entered into the draw. Tickets are $1 each and you can purchase up to 20 tickets per child. If you wish to contribute beyond the ticket purchase, we welcome monetary donations and THANK YOU!
To purchase tickets, please transfer your amount to the P&C into the bank account with ‘your childs name, Easter’ as the description.
Rydalmere Parents Association
BSB: 062 167
ACCT: 1013 3599
All proceeds will go towards purchasing home readers for our K-2 students.
If you have any questions about the raffle, reach out to
Uniform Shop
Size 6 polos have arrived! We have recently switched to a new uniform supplier and you may notice that some sizes are a smaller make than our old uniforms. We appreciate everyone’s patience as we transition to our new supplier.
Do you have any gently used school uniforms that your child has outgrown? The P&C Uniform Shop is accepting second-hand uniform donations. Clean and gently used uniforms can be dropped off at the school office. Look out for the Second-Hand Uniform Stall this year.
Please note, the old Hotmail email address for the Uniform Shop is no longer in use. Please update your records to
For your diary:
- Monday, 17 March: Annual General Meeting (6:30 PM)
- Monday, 17 March: General Meeting (7:00 PM)
- Friday, 11 April: P&C Easter Raffle at Easter Hat Parade
- Term 2: Federal Election BBQ & Cake Stall, Mother’s Day Stall, General Meetings in Weeks 3 & 8
- Term 3: Father’s Day Stall, SLSO Appreciation Morning Tea, General Meetings in Weeks 3 & 8
- Term 4: Colour Run (major fundraiser), Teacher Appreciation Morning Tea, Last Day Lunch, General Meetings in Weeks 3 & 8
Volunteer with Us!
We welcome volunteers to help with our P&C activities, events and canteen; any level of support and help is greatly appreciated. To join our volunteer registry, please email
2025 Membership Fee
Ahead of the Annual General Meeting, please pay the $1 membership fee into the P&C Bank Account, with your full name as the description. After making your payment, please email to confirm payment. Your confirmation email will also ensure that we have your most up to date contact details.
Bank details
Name: RPS Parents Association
BSB: 062 167
ACCT: 1013 3599