The Link

A Publication of Rydalmere Public School

Term 1 Week 7 2025

Dates Ahead

Zing Gymnastics lessons every Thursday

Monday 17 MarchP&C AGM and General meeting 
Wednesday March 12 - Monday March 24NAPLAN test window
Friday 11 April

Easter Hat Prade

Last day of Term 1

Wednesday 30 AprilReturn to school for all K-6 Students and Preschool Blue Group.
Monday 19 MayWhole School Photos & Preschool Green Group
Thursday 22 MaySchool Photos - Preschool Blue Group

Principal's Update

GRIP Student Leadership Day

Our school captains and prefects recently attended the GRIP Student Leadership Day. This event was a fantastic opportunity for our student leaders to learn more about leadership skills, teamwork, and effective communication. 

Throughout the day, students participated in various workshops and activities designed to inspire and empower them in their roles. They had the chance to connect with other student leaders from different schools, share ideas, and discuss ways to make a positive impact in our school community. 

We are proud of our captains and prefects for their enthusiasm and commitment to becoming better leaders. We look forward to seeing how they will apply what they learned to enhance our school environment and support their peers. 

Meet the Teacher Evening

It was lovely to see so many families attend the Meet the Teachers. Our wonderful teachers prepared informative presentations about how their classes year in learning would look like and how parents could best support their children’s learning. Thank you to the P&C and the volunteers for their organisation of the Welcome BBQ as they were very generous in providing free sausage sizzles to the entire school community.   

Zone PSSA Swimming

We are so proud of our students who took part in the Merrylands Parramatta Zone Swimming Championships. Your hard work and team spirit were amazing! It was great to hear that some of our students improved their own personal bests. Keep up the wonderful swimming.

Mathletics Update

Mathletics is no longer part of our school’s homework program and is no longer subsidised by the school. This year, we are reallocating these funds to invest in mathematics resources for classrooms, supporting the explicit teaching of mathematics across K-6. If you are still interested in using Mathletics for your child, there is a parent portal available for independent subscriptions.

K-2 Assistant Principal's Update

Home Readers

At Rydalmere Public School, home readers are decodable texts. These are books specifically written for students to practise their decoding and blending skills. We suggest that students read their decodable reader 4 times each week. Your child’s classroom teacher will allocate a reader each week using the online Decodable Readers Australia platform. To login to the online Decodable Reader Library and access your child’s allocated reader either go to the login page by holding a camera to the QR code on your student ID card or type in the URL Next, type in the username and password or scan the QR code from the student ID card that your child has been given. If your child has misplaced their Decodable Readers Australia student ID card and password. 

Keep your child's home reading log in their homework folder and return it to their class teacher every Friday. The classroom teacher will check the home reading log and confirm that it has been completed online. Please also make sure you complete the comment section to let the teacher know how your child went with their reading.  After the classroom teacher has signed off, the next 3-4 books will be unlocked depending on your child's reading ability. All other books and levels will remain locked.

Please note, teachers do not open up the all the levels or books as it is based on your child's ability, decoding skills, and what has been taught in the classroom.

Once your child has read 25 books, they will receive a blue wren sticker to place on their PBL chart at school.

3-6 Assistant Principal's Update

High School 2026 Expression of Interest (EOI)

To enrol your child in Year 7 for 2026, you will need to complete an Expression of Interest for Year 6 to Year 7 transition. The Expression of Interest (EOI) lets you indicate which school(s) you would like your child to attend in Year 7.

The EOI process is now available online

After you submit an EOI and it has been assessed, your child will be offered a place at a high school.

If your child will not be attending a NSW Government high school next year, please let us know by completing a Placement Not Required form.

If you are unsure whether they will be attending a NSW Government school (you’ve applied for a private school, or you are moving interstate), we ask that you still complete an EOI and follow up with your school once a decision has been made.

The online process will guide you through your options and collect the information required to make the process as smooth as possible.

For parents/carers who are not able to complete an application online, a paper EOI form can be collected from the school office.

Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL)

As we kicked off the term, our school community is embracing clear and consistent expectations for being safe, respectful, and a learner. Over the past few weeks, we’ve revisited our PBL token and rewards system, ensuring that students understand both the whole school and individual reward systems. We’ve also discussed the importance of wearing school hats and maintaining safe and respectful behavior in the toilets.

This week, our specific focus is on the oval, where students are encouraged to apply the PBL expectations when they go down to the oval on Tuesday and Wednesday, or during class time. Teachers will also be giving out fast and frequent tokens for the PBL focus of the week, encouraging students to demonstrate the key behaviours on the oval.

Our weekly PBL lessons are engaging, with explicit expectations of what it looks like to be safe, respectful, and a learner in the area. Students participate in role-play scenarios, quizzes, and class discussion questions. They are really enjoying the revamped lessons!

PBL Focus:

Week 7: Oval - We are learning about our new oval expectations and how to be a safe, respectful learner on the oval.

Week 8:  Moving Around the School - We are learning to understand and follow the expectations for moving safely around the school.

PBL Red, Silver and Gold Wren Awards

Congratulations to all the students who received a Red, Silver, or Gold Wren Award last week! Well done on your achievements!

From the Office

RPS Preschool Enrolments for 2025 are now open.

General Guidelines

Public preschools enrol children for one year only, the year before they start school.  Children can enrol from the beginning of the school year if they turn four years of age before 31 July that year.

Priority is given to:

  • Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander children
  • children living in low socio-economic circumstances
  • children who are unable to access other early childhood settings due to financial hardship

The Principal will then offer enrolment in the following order:

  • children living within the school's catchment area
  • children living outside the catchment area but have siblings at the school
  • other applicants       

For further information, please go to the NSW Department of Education link below:

Enrolment in a public preschool (

Our office staff are happy to be of assistance with any further questions or with the enrolment process. 

Change of Details

Please contact the office by email if there has been a change to any of the following to your child/children's details:

- change of address.

- change of email.

- phone numbers - mobile or home/work.

- change of emergency contacts.

- Additional/change of medical circumstances

Lost Property

Our PBL expectations of being Safe, Respectful Learners support our students in taking responsibility for their own belongings at school including jumpers, hats, lunchboxes and drink bottles.

To support your child and the school in maintaining lost property to a minimum level we ask that parents or carers clearly label all items brought to school with your child's FULL NAME.

The most common items to lost property include jumpers and hats, lunchboxes and drink bottles, and personal treasures. Students have access to lost property during the school day to search for misplaced possessions. When possible, labelled items in the lost property will be returned to students. Due to the limited space for lost property, unlabeled and unclaimed items are regularly disposed of.

Lost property is located at the front of the office.

Student Wellbeing

PBL & Merit Awards - Term 1 Week 6

PBL Certificates - Term 1 Week 6

P&C Report

Thank you to our wonderful volunteers who helped at the Meet the Teacher afternoon last week. It's because of volunteers that we are able to strengthen our school community and make events possible. We appreciate every volunteer contribution! 

A reminder that our Annual General Meeting will be held at 6:30 PM on Monday, 17 March in the School library and online via Teams. The Teams link will be circulated prior to the meeting. The general Term 1, Week 8 meeting will follow directly afterwards, at 7:00 PM, also in the library and via the same Teams link. 

We encourage all parents and community members to attend. Your ideas, feedback, and involvement are what help us continue to improve and support our school. 

Easter Raffle – Get your tickets and donate a prize! 

Thank you to those families who have already purchased Easter Raffle tickets and have made Easter prize donations. A reminder that we are kindly asking each family to help make this raffle a success by: 

Donating an Easter related prize (chocolate eggs, lollies, basket, etc). The donations will be made up into prize baskets, to be drawn at the Easter Hat Parade. Please drop off your donations to the School Office by Wednesday 2 April. 

Purchasing raffle tickets for your child to be entered into the draw. Tickets are $1 each and you can purchase up to 20 tickets per child. If you wish to contribute beyond the ticket purchase, we welcome monetary donations and THANK YOU!  

To purchase tickets, please transfer your amount to the P&C into the bank account with ‘your childs name, Easter’ as the description.

 Rydalmere Parents Association 

BSB: 062 167 

ACCT: 1013 3599 

All proceeds will go towards purchasing home readers for our K-2 students. 

If you have any questions about the raffle, reach out to  

Uniform Shop 

Size 6 polos have arrived! We have recently switched to a new uniform supplier and you may notice that some sizes are a smaller make than our old uniforms. We appreciate everyone’s patience as we transition to our new supplier. 

Do you have any gently used school uniforms that your child has outgrown? The P&C Uniform Shop is accepting second-hand uniform donations. Clean and gently used uniforms can be dropped off at the school office. Look out for the Second-Hand Uniform Stall this year. 

Please note, the old Hotmail email address for the Uniform Shop is no longer in use. Please update your records to 

For your diary: 

  • Monday, 17 March: Annual General Meeting (6:30 PM) 
  • Monday, 17 March: General Meeting (7:00 PM) 
  • Friday, 11 April: P&C Easter Raffle at Easter Hat Parade  
  • Term 2: Federal Election BBQ & Cake Stall, Mother’s Day Stall, General Meetings in Weeks 3 & 8 
  • Term 3: Father’s Day Stall, SLSO Appreciation Morning Tea, General Meetings in Weeks 3 & 8  
  • Term 4: Colour Run (major fundraiser), Teacher Appreciation Morning Tea, Last Day Lunch, General Meetings in Weeks 3 & 8 

Volunteer with Us! 

We welcome volunteers to help with our P&C activities, events and canteen; any level of support and help is greatly appreciated. To join our volunteer registry, please email

2025 Membership Fee 

Ahead of the Annual General Meeting, please pay the $1 membership fee into the P&C Bank Account, with your full name as the description. After making your payment, please email to confirm payment. Your confirmation email will also ensure that we have your most up to date contact details. 

Bank details  

Name: RPS Parents Association 

BSB: 062 167 

ACCT: 1013 3599 

Community Hub News

Hello everyone! I'm Seetha, your friendly Community Liaison Officer at the Community Hub. You can find me at the school from Monday to Wednesday and on Fridays. The Community Hub serves as a wonderful opportunity for families to connect with each other, the school, and local services. It’s a welcoming environment where parents can come together, socialise, and form lasting friendships. We offer a range of regular and special activities that are open to everyone, regardless of background. Join us and be part of our vibrant community!

What an exciting time we've had! I'm thrilled to share some updates that will surely inspire you to get involved...

We launched our AI journey with great enthusiasm! Our first session, in collaboration with Boronia Multicultural Services, was a full house. All 20 registered participants joined us as Priyanka explored the intriguing world of Artificial Intelligence. And the excitement doesn’t stop there! In our upcoming sessions, we'll delve into practical applications of AI in our everyday lives—such as creating impressive resumes and writing persuasive cover letters. You definitely won’t want to miss out on these opportunities!

Just a quick update regarding our Wednesday Baby Playgroup (hosted by Playgroup NSW): we’ll be taking a short break for the rest of this term due to low attendance. But don’t fret! If there’s enough interest from parents, we’ll look to bring it back later this year. New mums, if you’re seeking a supportive community to connect with while spending time with your little one, Seetha is the person to reach out to—she would be delighted to hear from you!

Save the date! Our regular playgroup has an exciting event coming up—we’ll be heading to preschool on March 19th to celebrate Harmony Day together. Join us for the festivities in the hall at 9:30 am! We can’t wait to see you there!

Here’s a quick fitness update: While our wonderful Sophie is on a month-long break, we’re thrilled to introduce Ms. Roshy, who will be leading our dance fitness sessions. Expect the same great energy with a new inspiring instructor!

Speaking of popular events, our upcoming Lush Parramatta workshop on DIY face masks and bath bombs sold out in no time! All 20 spots are filled (wow, it’s clear you all truly value self-care!). Thank you for such an incredible response!

Remember, the Hub is where the magic happens—there's always something new to discover and wonderful people to connect with. Come join our vibrant community!

Hub week in a glance:

-Mondays (9:30 am - 12:30 pm): Drop by for our Conversational English class—no appointment needed!

-Tuesdays: (9:30 am - 11:30am):   AI Sessions 4th , 11th and 18th March 10:30 am to 12:30 pm

- Wednesdays (9:30 am -11:30 am):  Playgroup with SDN Children's Services (9:30 am - 11:30 am):** Just walk in and play!

One Box Collection Exclusively for those who've signed up.

-Fridays: (9:30 am - 10:30 am): Dance Fitness with Sophie Get your groove on—no need to sign up, just show up!