Our Lady of Lourdes Primary Newsletter

Term 3 Week 5, 18th August, 2023

Key Dates

Tuesday 22nd August10.30am Book Parade
Monday 28th August Year 6, Voice of Youth Cluster  (Public Speaking Competition)
Tuesday 29th August 2.15pm K-6 assembly - Year 4
Friday 1st September

Father's Day Breakfast

Jersey Day 

Sunday 10th September

Family/Parish Mass 9.30am

Twentieth Ordinary Sunday 20 August 2023

The Gospel (Matthew 15: 23 - 25, 28)

Jesus ignored her. The disciples came and complained, “Now she’s bothering us. Would you please take care of her? She’s driving us crazy”. Jesus refused, telling them, “I’ve got my hands full dealing with the lost sheep of Israel”. Then the woman came back to Jesus, went to her knees, and begged. “Master, help me”. Jesus gave in. “Oh woman, your faith is something else. What you want is what you get!” Right then her daughter became well.

... On the way to Mass

Pay attention to the Penitential Act at the beginning of Mass. Why is it important to ask for God’s mercy and forgiveness at the start of Mass?

On the way home from Mass ...

Jesus says that the Canaanite woman has great faith. How does she show great faith? How can we

The Prayer

Like doors open wide, welcoming all who gather here, God’s hands are outstretched, extending mercy to all. Like many grains brought together in one loaf, God’s love binds us as one, making us living grace for all. Like a persistent mother refusing to be dismissed or denied, God’s voice cries out, calling us to justice and the right relationship with all. Like a party for the outcast, the foreigner, and the stranger, God’s heart gathers us into a joyful house of prayer for all. Let us worship God, whose love is for all!

The Question of the Week


When has someone’s faith in God enriched your own?

Who has helped you grow closer to God through an invitation or challenge?

Primary Students

What actions could you do to welcome people in your community?

The Action

Show some boldness! Resolve to pray for the things that are most important to you - peace in the world, an answer to hunger, a better relationship with a family member or work colleague. Pray unceasingly, as Paul says, or sing your prayer, as Augustine recommends. But pray most of all unfailingly.

On Tuesday August 15th, the teachers, students and community of Our Lady of Lourdes Baulkham Hills celebrated the Eucharist in honour of our Blessed Mother Mary. This holy day of obligation is justified as we give thanks and praise for our first saint and mother to Jesus Christ our saviour. 

 As Father Wim reminded us, she was taken into heaven body and soul to be united with her Son in homage to the unwavering sacrifices she made to ensure Jesus was able to fulfil His promises to humanity. 

We ended our mass by praying the Hail Mary, a prayer recorded in the Gospel of Luke, who has dedicated many chapters to the amazing work Mary the mother of God and other prominent women at the time of Jesus did to ensure His ministry would be fulfilled. 

Mrs Miray Khoury

Religious Education Coordinator

Year 1 Excursion- Little Diggers

On Friday the 11th of August, Year 1 travelled by bus to The Big Dig Archaeology Education Centre in The Rocks. On the day, the learning took place in two purpose-built classrooms with views across foundations of houses and backyards built by and for convicts. We enjoyed digging up artefacts and learning about playtime, family life and housing in the past. 

We would like to congratulate the Year 1 students on their excellent behaviour and engagement during the excursion. Additionally, thank you to all the lovely parent helpers for your time and support during the day, this is very much appreciated! 

Here are some photo highlights from our excursion:

CSPD FAQs - Parent info sheet


Smart Watches

Smart watches may be worn on the provision that they are not connected to a mobile device (turn on school mode if available) and can not be used for communication throughout the day. All communication between students and parents throughout the day should be through the school office. 

Morning Drop Off

In the morning, the whole area in front of the school is the drop off zone so we ask parents to please remember:

  • Be patient and considerate of other drivers

  • Move right down to the end of the green fence and behind the car in front so that you don't cause a build up of traffic behind you.  Some parents are stopping at the front of the school gates instead of moving down behind the car in front of them. This is causing frustration with other parents waiting to drop their child at school.

  • Leave promptly after letting your children out of the car. You cannot be parked for any longer than two minutes and must remain within three metres of your car in this drop off ozone.

  • Do not park across the driveways of residents..

  • Do not double park or perform 3 point turns in the street.

  • Do not verbally abuse other drivers. It is important that we set a good example for our children.

At times police and parking rangers visit schools and they will book drivers breaking the law.

No Parking Zones

World Cup News

Evie McLellan (3F) was paired with the English captain on Wednesday night to walk out to take the field for the semi final against the Matilda's. (Go Matilda’s) 

School Fees

Please advise the school office if you have not recieved your 2023 school fees - Instalment 3. Due on the 23rd August 2023.

School fee accounts on a flexible payment plan arrangement, please check your scheduled payments are paid accordingly and there are no missed payments.

CDC NSW Hills district school changes commencing Mon 21st August 2023

CDC has announced minor timetable changes to public routes from Sun 20th and Mon 21st August 2023.https://cdcbus.com.au/timetable-adjustments-in-the-hills-area/#more-4456  For your school, the school advice has been updated for route 600. We remind students they must have a valid Opal card to travel on all buses, and must tap on and off morning and afternoon.


CSPD FAQs - Parent Help Sheet

Please see attached CSPD FAQs Bullying Parent Help Sheet 

Sports News


Congratulations to Sienna Johnsson from 6C.  She was selected into the MacKillop team at NSW PSSA as their goalkeeper. So far they have won 3 out of 3 games.

P & F News

Father's Day Breakfast and Raffle

The annual Fathers Day breakfast, raffle & stall is quickly approaching and will be held on Friday the of 1st September from 7.30am! Please rsvp following the link below. 


We will need a team of volunteers to help make the event a success on the day! If you would like to sign up to assist on the day please follow the sign up link below. 

Fathers Day Sign Up Sheet

For those of you who would like to donate prizes for our ever so popular raffle, we would love any contribution from our OLOL school community. 

If you have a new product, gift vouchers, services, or know of any business that may be interested in donating to our fundraising raffle we would greatly appreciate it. 

We will happily include a message of thanks in the school newsletter for the families and businesses who donate to our raffle. Donations can be left at the school office. Any questions or queries regarding the raffle, please contact Rebecca Joumma on 0415673025, Dona Bazouni or Carley Messiou.

Parish News

Children's Rosary Movement

Children’s Rosary participants gather together to pray the Rosary every Monday during the school term. Parents need to accompany children. 

Bring your Rosary beads and spend some time in prayer.

Where: OLOL Church

When: Monday (school term only)

Time: 3:30pm

Contact: anitamolina@hotmail.com

Community News

Digital Child Safety Handbook

We are pleased to advise that a new edition of this valuable safety resource is now valuable online with updated safety content.

 We urge all parents and carers to download this latest edition and discuss the safety content with your children.

Child Safety Handbook