Churchlands Primary School Newsletter

Volume 71 - 19/07/2024

Principal's Message - Kim Fraser

Welcome back to Term 3, everyone!  We're thrilled to have you all back and extend a warm welcome to our new families joining the CPS community. Term 3 is packed with exciting events and activities, including the WAGSMS concert, school photos, STEAM week, Book Week, athletics, interschool carnivals, Year 6 Rotary speeches, Yirra Yaakin visit, DUCKs Bunnings Sausage Sizzle and culminating with the Learning Journey and fantastic P & C Colour Run towards term's end. It's going to be a whirlwind of fun and learning so add these to your calendar, so you don’t forget!

A special congratulations to Beau Day for his outstanding achievement as one of the Premier’s Reading Challenge weekly prize winners! His dedication to reading over the break earned him a well-deserved book voucher. Additionally, we applaud Dylan Cork for his remarkable artwork making it into the Shaun Tan Junior Artist Competition. Well done, Beau and Dylan!

At CPS, fostering a positive and safe school environment is at the heart of what we do. Our commitment to students' mental health and wellbeing is evident through embedding programs like PBS and The Resilience Project, which have had a significant impact. We recognise that this effort is a partnership with families, and we deeply appreciate your ongoing support and engagement in this crucial area. We encourage parents to reach out to their child’s class teachers if they have any concerns or issues. To ensure meaningful discussions, please arrange a meeting in advance rather than at the start of the day. Mornings are a crucial time for teachers to greet students and set the tone for a positive day ahead.

We recognise that the wellbeing of our staff directly impacts the quality of education and support we provide to our students. With this in mind, we have been actively investing in strategies to enhance staff wellbeing. Research consistently emphasises the importance of intentional rest and recovery in sustaining performance. Therefore, we are pleased to announce that during week 7, our staff will be participating in an Intentional Rest Week. During this time, they will remain dedicated to supporting our students; however, non-essential meetings at the school level or with parents will be temporarily paused, except in critical cases.

We kindly ask for your understanding and support as our staff take this opportunity to reflect, recharge, and ensure they are at their best for our school community. By prioritizing their wellbeing, we are not only nurturing a positive work environment but also enhancing the overall educational experience for your children.

We have been working with Dr. Adam Fraser and his Third Space research, which explores practical ways to enhance personal wellbeing. We believe some of these insights may resonate with you and contribute to your own wellbeing journey.



P & C DUCKs Sausage Sizzle Fundraiser - Volunteer

The DUCK's Annual and major fundraiser for the year is on the radar again. Bunnings Sausage Sizzle, Sat Aug 31.  

We welcome Dads / Parents or Guardians to sign up, come along to Bunnings Innaloo and help out with a shift and have some fun on the day,.... raising funds for the DUCKs which operates under the P&C Umbrella. See the link below to sign up. 

It's a great opportunity to meet some new Dads or gather a group you already know... and complete a shift together.

Should any Dads or parents have any questions regarding the fundraiser, the link etc please contact Lex on :

Email: or 0438 297 022

Sign up for the "2024 DUCKs Bunnings Sausage Sizzle Fundraiser" on Sat Aug 31! Click here now:

Kapture Photography

Churchlands Primary School photo days will be on Tuesday 6 August 2024 and Wednesday 7 August 2024.

All school photo orders must be placed online at using our School Code: VTAAU6.

For more information, please click here.

PE News

To read about the upcoming events in term 3 and information regarding the running club, click here.

Library News

To read about what is happening in the library during Term 3, please click here.

The Music Review

And here is the news……. 

VOICE Senior Choir are busy preparing for their Concert at Crown Theatre coming up in week 4 where they will sing Photograph by Ed Sheeran and Africa by Toto. To read more, please click here.

Art News

To read about what is happening in the art studio, click here.

Sustainability News

At the Professional Development for teachers on Monday, all staff visited the Eco Shed and thought about how they could use this area to enhance their students' learning outcomes. click here to read more.

Assessment of Year 4 students for the PEAC Program

The PEAC Program provides part time extension and enrichment for exceptionally able students in Year 5 and 6. To read more, click here.

Churchlands Senior High School - Academic Extension Program 2025

SMS Communications for Student Absences

Parents, this is a reminder to please notify the school before 9.30am if your child is going to be absent by sending an SMS to 0408 905 268.  Please include student name, date and reason for absence.

For any extended periods of absence, please email the principal, Kim Fraser at

2024 Term 3 registrations for after school activities

CodeCamp - More Information  

Coastal Tennis - More Information

Gecko Sports -  More Information 

Kidz'n Sport - More Information 

Kings Chess Club - More Information

Mark Lee Football Coaching - More Information

Redhage Basketball - More Information 

Tennis West - More Information

Please click here, for more information on our school website.