Peachester State School


From the Principal

Welcome to 2025!

Welcome to the 2025 school year!  It is an exciting year with opportunities building on our previous efforts. Term 1 is off to a strong start with teaching and learning well under way. Students have been engaged in class for learning and having fun with their peers at break times. We have had a focus on setting up structured routines for the year so that our students know the expected learning behaviour to be successful at school. Thank you to all families who came along to our Classroom Information Sessions. It was great to see lots of parents and carers connecting with class teachers about their child.

Our curriculum is based on our great teachers aligning the way they do their work. Our literacy work is heavily supported with additional teacher aide and teacher support. It means that ALL students get supported for work at their level.

In 2020, we began our journey into Decodable Readers and the Science of Reading. In 2025 it has now become a requirement of the Department, but Peachester is already extremely skilled in this area and our students are leaps and bounds ahead of other schools in our local area and across the State and Nation. The Lexile reading program that follows our Decodables is a research-based framework that helps match students with texts that are just right for their reading ability. It not only aids in improving literacy skills but also fosters a love for reading by ensuring every student is reading material that is both challenging and achievable.

What really distinguishes us as a school is that we also offer a wide range of extra curriculum opportunities. We have a holistic education. We will continue to develop literacy and numeracy but do not ‘teach to the test’ (NAPLAN). We let those tests reflect where the kids are at and inform our programs. i.e. they are useful to inform great teaching not the end-product that we aspire.

We aspire for all students to be STRIVING, THINKING, CREATING. They are the actions that we think it takes to be “a healthy mind in a healthy body’. What we value in our actions is being Safe, showing Respect, and always being Leaners.

In developing a successful learning culture with well-behaved students there are three things students need to be successful learners:

  • A) Work at their level
  • B) Respect and trust in their teacher
  • C) Friends

I must praise and highlight the commitment of staff for the start to our new school year and the enthusiasm of students. It has been a smooth start with parents and carers supporting our processes. 

School Leader Induction

Congratulations to our 2025 School Leaders who were inducted. They will be outstanding leaders and role models.

School CaptainsCoochin House CaptainsStanley House Captains







Drop Off and Pick Up Routines

Please remember that students should not arrive before 8:30am as there is no staff on duty. If they arrive early, they must wait in the office for supervision until 8:30am. Bus students arriving before 8am must go directly to the office.

This morning, the office was overflowing, which impacts our staff’s ability to complete their work.

🚗 Drop-off Reminder: We do not have a stop-and-go zone. Please do not pull into the bus zone—this puts students and families at risk and blocks buses from safely entering. We have had several near-misses in past years. If no car parks are available, please use the church grass area.

Thank you for keeping our students safe!

Do you need to meet with a staff member?

Our teachers often arrive early in the morning to do preparation, planning and setting up for the day before the students enter the room. This means that classroom doors may be closed to parents and students until the bell at 8:45am. Once the students enter the room things can become a little hectic with homework folders, tuckshop orders, note collections, the sharing of news about birthdays and other family events and so on. We encourage parents to maintain regular communication with teachers, however, sometimes it is more appropriate to make an appointment particularly when discussions require confidentiality or time, so that the topic is valued. Appointment times can be negotiated with your child’s teacher prior by emailing them in the first instance. 


One forum that assists in shaping the strategic direction of our school is the P&C, which is vital to ensuring that the school operates effectively. The next P&C meeting is on Wednesday, 19 March at 6pm.

This meeting will be the AGM. All positions will become vacant, as our President will no longer have a child at PSS following her graduation in 2024. Please consider the collegial support and friendship you will gain, as well as the unparalleled difference you can make to our children by joining the P&C and/or taking on a role in 2025.

NEW!! OSHC coming Term 3

Outsiders OSHC

We, at The Outsiders Play Advocates would love to announce that as of term 3, we will be the new OSHC provider for Peachester State School! We are incredibly excited about the project as ever since we opened an OSHC for Beerburrum State School in early 2024 we have thoroughly enjoyed exploring all the wonderful things on offer in the Glasshouse Mountains region!

As a company we champion and advocate for children’s play through both our consultancy branch, as well as our Approved Provider branch. As Approved Providers, specialising in the Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) industry, we provide a community based, Playwork inspired OSHC options for schools who need to, or wish to, outsource the running of their OSHC program. Through all aspects of our company, we aim to make valuable play partners who are passionate about both play and community and the benefits they promote the children in our care now, and the rest of their lives! 

We are aiming to plan some meet and greet/information sessions in term 2 and look forward to meeting many of you.

In the meantime, please feel free to check out our social media pages (both our overall company and our Outsiders OSHC - Beerburrum page) to get a better idea of who we are and the experiences we love!

Beerburrum OSHC Facebook

The Outsiders Facebook

Scroll to see some Pics of The Outsiders OSHC everyday fun!!!


Homework That Works: Building Learning Together

At Peachester State School, we believe in making every learning opportunity count. Our approach is simple: we ask parents and carers to support reading at home using books chosen by our staff to match each student’s level. While students are welcome to read for pleasure, the decodable readers and Lexile texts are essential tools for building strong literacy skills.

Research tells us that homework can be beneficial—when it’s purposeful and directly connected to what happens in the classroom. For instance, a study on repeated reading at home showed that students who practiced texts they had already seen in class, with some word-level help from parents, became more fluent readers. Another study with second graders found that a moderate amount of homework—around 15 to 20 minutes a day—improved writing skills like punctuation and spelling.

The key is repetition. Just like building a clear path by walking it repeatedly, well-designed homework helps transfer learning from short-term to long-term memory. Sometimes your child will be given a reader that they have already read before. Please support the process and our knowledge that your child will be developing important skills by re-reading the same book. You can practice repeat reading each night by having your child read to you after school, an adult read to them at bedtime and then having your child read to you in the morning before school. (Obviously this is an ideal scenario, we know that households are hectic, and mornings are often chaos, but find a routine that works for you and allows your child to have increased exposure to the same texts.  

By working together, we can create a positive learning environment that truly makes a difference in our students’ educational journeys.


In Week 8 of this term, our Year 3 and Year 5 students will participate in NAPLAN.

What is NAPLAN?

The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is a literacy and numeracy assessment that students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 sit each year. It is the only national assessment all Australian students have the opportunity to undertake.

As students progress through their school years, it is important to check how well they are learning the essential skills of reading, writing and numeracy.

NAPLAN assesses the literacy and numeracy skills that students are learning through the school curriculum and allows parents/carers to see how their child is progressing against national proficiency standards.

NAPLAN is just one aspect of a school’s assessment and reporting process. It does not replace ongoing assessments made by teachers about student performance, but it can provide teachers with additional information about students’ educational progress.

NAPLAN also provides schools, education authorities and governments with information about how education programs are working and whether young Australians are achieving important educational outcomes in literacy and numeracy.

How to prepare your child for NAPLAN

It’s important to remember that NAPLAN is different to tests of content (such as what your child learns in a science unit, for example). Rather, it assesses literacy and numeracy skills that have been acquired over time through daily learning in the classroom. It is a point in-time measure of a child’s performance in some specific areas of Literacy and Numeracy.

ACARA advises that the best preparation for NAPLAN is instruction in the literacy and numeracy content of the Australian Curriculum. They don’t encourage excessive drilling or cramming.

In addition to good, effective, day-to-day teaching, your child’s teachers will prepare your child for NAPLAN by ensuring that students understand the format of the tests and that they receive appropriate support and guidance.

Excessive preparation isn’t helpful. In fact, it could make your child anxious, which won’t help their performance. A better way for you to help is to reassure your child that NAPLAN tests are just one part of their school program.

ACARA recommends that parents:

  • encourage their child to simply do the best they can on the day;
  • avoid excessive cramming or coaching in the NAPLAN lead-up; and
  • speak to your child’s teacher if you have questions about how you can help your child prepare for NAPLAN

NAPLAN - Information for Parents and Carers 2025


Parade News

Prep-1 News

What a fantastic start to the year we have had. The children have settled into school very well and it is great to see them making new friends and enthusiastically participating and learning during class activities.

During language activities we have been focusing on the letters and sounds. The Preps are learning the letters, the sounds they make and how to form them. The Year One students are revising the letters and using them to read and write words and sentences.  We have also been reading stories identifying the character and thinking about our favourite parts and why we like them.

In maths the Preps are learning about the numbers to 10. They have been identifying numbers, making a group of objects to match a number, and making groups more or less. The Year 1 students are focusing on the numbers to 20 and then up to 100. They are filling in missing numbers in a sequence, placing numbers on a number line and looking at the numbers before and after a given number. They are also learning about the concepts of addition and take away.

Our Show and Tell roster has started and the students are enjoying bringing their items from home to show. This is an important way for the students to build their confidence when speaking in front of the class. This will help them also at the end of the term when we choose our favourite story and talk about why we like it. Thank you to the families for helping the students be prepared for show and tell. 

Year 1-2 News

Year 3-4 News

It has been a great start to the school year. All students have settled into the new routine and are getting stuck into lots of learning.

This year, we have begun implementing a phonics and reading program called PLD- Promoting Literacy Development.

In our classroom, we are delivering this program four times a week first thing in the morning. All the students join me on the carpet and we complete a phonics review. This is covering topics we have already learnt or concepts that were taught in previous years. Then, we move into our sounds of the week. Every week we learn two new phonics sounds/concepts. This week we are learning about ‘silent t’ in words like castle and the ‘or’ pattern where we say a- like doctor or motor.

Students then move to their desks to do work on their individual spelling words. These lists are chosen based on the beginning of the term spelling tests. Each day, students complete a different activity based on their spelling words for the week.

Monday- Stick their words in their PDL book and highlight the spelling pattern.

Tuesday- Write out their words and circle the graphs, digraphs, trigraphs or quadgraphs.

Thursday- Write out their words in alphabetical order.

Friday- Use your spelling words in sentences. Try to use them all.

The students have done a fantastic job at learning the routine for PLD. It has been fantastic to see students making progress and gaining in confidence.


This year, Peachester continues to focus on reading as a school wide priority. Lexile readers are able to return their books every day at 2:10. Students who read home readers have them changed every morning. This is the only homework we set for the students, so it is important that students are reading every night. Reading aloud to an adult who can question them is best. So far, students have done a great job at remembering their reading folders. Lexile students are able to use the class Ipad to complete their Lexile quiz every morning in class.  

Year 4-5 News

It has been a satisfying start to the year. The students have gotten themselves back into school routines and enjoying all that this beautiful school has to offer. I have felt very welcomed by all students, staff and parents. I can give a brief rundown on our learning so far:

During English activities we have been working on a different spelling sound each week, reading aloud in groups, improving handwriting, learning grammar rules and expressing opinions about literature. In Mathematics, topics have included place value, decimals, mapping, shape transformations and fractions.

We have recently started to visit different teachers for Science and HASS. Year 4 joins Mr Laurence and the Year 5 group stays with Mrs Harrison and myself. Science for the Year 4 group involves experimenting with heat and cold and the Year 5 group has been investigating properties of light. Mrs Harrison has the difficult job of explaining our political system for HASS.

Again, I want to extend a big thank you to everyone in the Peachester School community for being so welcoming. It is a joy to be here at this beautiful school. 

Year 5-6 News

We have all been busy learning and getting used to the new routines and expectation within our new classroom. We have set ourselves three class promises:

1. We think before we do.

2. We are mindful of others and

3. We give everything a red hot go!

These are some of our learning highlights so far:

Erika – HPE it is fun, sporty and I love running.

Emily – HPE because its fun, its active and because I like sport

Balin – HPE because its fun and active

Merindi – Maths because I like the different multiplication methods like “Old School”, area and lattice.

Robyn – short because I like doing math.

Angie- HPE because I like playing T-ball and doing running sports.

Mabel- cooking and gardening because it is fun.

Sonny – HPE because its fun and you get to do sport.

Lucian – maths because of the joy of adding up numbers after I have multiplied them.

Connor – Gardening because I get to be with year 5 friends from the other class. 

Charlie – HPE because I like playing sports outside.

Penny – maths because of cartesian planes.

Lewis – cartesian planes because its so interesting.

Levi – doing different multiplying methods because it has so  many numbers to figure out and I like figuring out things and you have to solve it. 

Alyssa - Maths because its entertaining and I’m learning new things.

Molly – cartesian planes because they are always fun and exciting.

Hudson – cartesian planes because we could use the plotted points to make pictures.

Braxton – HPE because T-ball is pretty fun.

Zoe – English because we have learnt about Roald Dahl’s book “Esio Trot”

Ryder – HPE because I like T- ball and its pretty fun.

Indigo - I have enjoyed  doing cartesian planes in math.

Olive - I have enjoyed doing cartesian planes in math it was really Interesting and fun.


A Quick Captain’s Note…..

On Thursday week 3, the captains received their badges we were all very excited and grateful for this opportunity. These opportunities don’t come up very often and we are glad to be able to show you why we got elected to represent our school as captains. 6 students got positions there are two Coochin house captains two Stanley house captains and two school captains. Here are our thoughts about our roles so far:

Olive - I have been enjoying this opportunity I have worked hard and am so grateful to be Peachester 2025 school captain I can’t wait to represent Peachester State School.

Eliana is away at the time of writing this, but we think she is enjoying this role as school captain.

Indigo- I have been at this school since prep and my family has been to this school and have been waiting for this opportunity. I think of myself of a friendly, 2025 Coochin captain.

Braxton - I have been at this school since prep I am so thankful for this role.  I can’t wait for more opportunities.

Zoe - I am so grateful that I have this opportunity to try and be the best person I can be for Stanley team. I am so excited to see what new opportunities I will get next.

Ryder- I have enjoyed my time in Peachester school and I have been here since year 2.



2025 Staff Contacts

2025 Staff Contacts

Emails and days of availability for staff


Tuckshop Volunteers Needed

We need you! Can you spare a few hours on a Friday morning - even just 1-2 times a term?

Without help, our tuckshop wouldn't exist. Register your availability on the link below. Thank you everyone!


We invite you to attend the Peachester State School P& C Annual General Meeting.

DATE:  Wednesday 19th March, 2025. 

TIME: 6:30pm

This meeting all positions will become available.  

3rd Annual Pumpkin Growing Competition

P&C Meeting - Minutes

Minutes from the P&C meeting held on Wednesday 19th February.


District Swimming Carnival

On Monday 24th February, we had 5 of our students represent Peachester State School at the District Swimming Carnival held at the Caloundra Aquatic Centre.  

Asher K

Jarli H

Maddie P - (3rd place Breaststroke, 2nd place Freestyle & Butterfly)

Mabel G

Erika W - (3rd place Backstroke, 2nd place Butterfly & 1st place Freestyle)

Congratulations to all 5 students on your achievement.

Erika now progresses onto REGIONALS for her Freestyle event. Good Luck Erika!

Past Students of PSS - School Swimming Carnival (Feb 2025)

Congratulations to the following past students of Peachetster SS.  These students are at High School and recently participated in their Swimming Carnival and they all received AGE CHAMPIONS.

Keeley H

Ruby P

Violet W

Isabelle D



Tennis Coaching available at Peachester SS

Peach Trees Gazette - Jan/Feb 2025


Peach Trees Gazette - Mar/April/ May 2025

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Peachester State School

Peachester State School provides a safe, supportive, stimulating environment where staff, parents and community members work to provide a quality education for all students. We prepare students for life-long learning by developing skills, nurturing talents and encouraging enquiry.

Courtesy| Consideration| Competence