St Timothy's School Vermont 2024

Term 2 Week 8 2024

All students at St Timothy's School have the right to feel safe. The care, safety and wellbeing of children and young people is the responsibility of all within our school. 

King's Birthday Holiday Monday 10th June ( no school)

COVID & Flu Virus

As I am sure you are aware their are many 'bugs' out there at the moment including the Flu Virus and COVID.

Both are making people quite unwell. 

We ask that everyone be vigilant in watching for symptoms and if unwell, we ask for students to stay home.

if COVID is in the household please wear masks when picking up or dropping off children if still contagious.

We will continue to use our air filters at school, use disinfectant wipes on tables and encourage the washing and sanitising of hands.

Children are asked to have tissues/ hankies and dispose of the appropriately.

We are only at the start of winter and already have had cases within most schools and the wider community. 

Cake Raffle Volunteers

Dear Parents

We are seeking Parent Volunteers to provide a cake, biscuits or slices for our weekly cake raffle fundraiser. If you can help out please send Anne Maree Jones or Gail Rich your name/ preferred date/week (if you have one ) to be added to our list of volunteers.

Term 2

Week 9 - 14th June Beth ( Abigail & Ethan) 

Week 10 - 21st June Wiluppa ( Julia)

Week 11- 28th June Sophie ( Iris) 

Term 2 Assembly

Term 2 Assemblies

Week 3,5,7 and 9 at 3pm

  • Friday May 3rd
  • Friday May 17th
  • Friday May 31st
  • Friday June 14th

Cake Raffle

Feast of the Sacred Heart- Friday 7th June

Feast of the Sacred Heart- St Vinnies Winter Appeal

St Vinnies Winter Appeal

Friday 7th June is the Feast of Sacred Heart.

Traditionally at this time each year we ask families to donate non perishable items for the St Vinnies Winter Appeal.

For example:

Canned Foods: Soup, tuna, salmon, baked beans, tinned fruit, fruit juices

Bottled foods: Spaghetti sauce, mayonnaise, bottled sauces, eg Chicken tonight

Sealed foil/plastic foods; chips, nuts, sauces, rice

Toiletries: toothpaste. soap, hand cream, body cream, body wash, hand wash, toothbrush, nail brush, nail scissors, shampoo, conditioner.

Special Treats: Chocolate, coffee, tea, hot chocolate/milo, cake mix

Baby Needs: nappies, bibs, bottles, clothes, wipes

Winter Goodies: Hats ,scarves , beanies, socks

Good Quality clothes and shoes

 We will set up baskets in each classroom and Open Learning Space.

If you can assist us it would be greatly appreciated.


Sponsor Forms

Child Safety/Wellbeing

Smart TVs

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

Parish News

Parish Newsletter Saturday 8th June and Sunday 9th June 2024

The Promised One: Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

The Eucharist is discussed many times in Sacred Scripture in its root meaning “to give thanks” In today’s Gospel Jesus has just been healing and casting out demons in Galilee. Along with the crowds, who flock to Him so that He can’t even take a break to eat, come people who do not understand what He is doing. Even His friends think He has lost His mind and needs to be taken away for a while. But the scribes who came down from Jerusalem are not just honestly mistaken; they accuse Him of being possessed by the prince of demons. The reality is just the opposite. Jesus is revealing Himself as the one promised in our first reading. He is the seed of the woman who has come to crush the head of the demonic serpent. In the parable of the strong man, Jesus reveals that He has come not just to punish the devil but to free those bound by him. As St. Bede explains, “The Lord has also bound the strong man, that is, the devil: which means, He has restrained him from seducing the elect, and entering into his house, the world; He has spoiled his house, and His goods, that is men, because He has snatched them from the snares of the devil, and has united them to His Church.”

The scribes blaspheme by attributing this work of the Holy Spirit to demons. Jesus adds a statement that shocks us at first: “whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness.” That does not mean that there are any limits to the mercy of God (CCC 1864). Rather, the only sin that cannot be forgiven is the deliberate refusal to accept the mercy offered through the Holy Spirit. Instead, we must imitate those who sat at Jesus’ feet. For, as He said, “Whoever does the will of God is my brother, and sister, and mother.”

Scott Hahn


Our Lady of Sion