Term 2 Week 3 2023

Important Dates Term 2

1st MayFirst Day Term 2
12th MayMother's Day Stall
19th MayAssembly - Hall 9:00am Hosted by Rooms 5 and 3
29th May - 2nd JuneReconciliation Week
2nd JuneAssembly - Hall 9:00am Hosted by Rooms 9 and 8
9th JunePupil Free Day
12th JunePublic Holiday
2nd June - 9th JuneNAIDOC Week
3rd June - 7th JuneAustralian Dental Clinic Visit
16th JuneAssembly - Hall 9:00am Hosted by Rooms 2 and 7
16th JuneJump Rope For Heart - Jump Off. Straight after assembly.
24th JuneQuiz Night
30th JuneAssembly - Hall 9:00am Hosted by Rooms 6 and 10

Welcome to Term 2

Dear Families,

Welcome to Term 2. Students have quickly settled back into school, and we are looking forward to a quieter term given the demands of term 1. The weather has certainly turned cold quite quickly so it’s a timely reminder to dress appropriately, particularly for the chilly mornings. The Uniform policy has been amended and ratified by Governing Council. The biggest change is to student outerwear: coats, beanies, and scarves. These can now be any colour.

This term we welcome Mrs Carol Neubauer who is replacing Michelle Goudie while she is on leave for the first four weeks of term 2. Carol is a valued member of our school community, and is well known to our students and staff, which makes the change much easier for our students.

As we move into term 2, preschoolers from the Angaston Kindy will start visiting the school on a weekly basis. They will engage in a range of tasks to help them connect with staff and become familiar with the site and its various spaces. As well, Reception students will enjoy visiting the preschoolers at the kindy.

The upper primary teaching team are working to reduce the cost of the Year 5 camp. The price is estimated at $286 per student but with some fundraising we are hoping to reduce the cost to nearer $200. Kym Taylor has organized a chocolate fundraiser, and we will be cooking breakfast at the Farmer’s Market in July. Governing Council fundraising has made a $1000 donation which will reduce the cost by $28 per child. Information about the camp will go home soon with a request for a $50 deposit. The final invoice will go home to families in term 3 when fundraising is complete. We will keep you updated as the money is raised so you’ll have an approximate final camp cost before the invoice. The good news is that the cost has already been reduced to $258.

At our Governing Council meeting on Tuesday evening a decision was made to donate money from this year’s fundraising efforts to school camps and excursions. Given the rising costs of goods and services we are attempting to keep the pressure off families to ensure no child misses out.

There has been some conversation among parents about the need for a Fundraising Committee, or ways to get involved with fundraising if you are not part of the Governing Council. After discussions with the Governing Council about fundraising we would like to establish a Fundraising Committee. If you are interested in being a member or would like to hear more about it, please join myself and Kylie Willshire in the hall after the week 5 assembly for a cuppa and a chat. All welcome.

Save the date! Given the success of last year’s Angaston Primary School Community Quiz night, the Governing Council have tentatively booked the Saturday 24th June for the next one.

Our students have been invited to take part in the Wellbeing and Engagement Collection survey. The survey is already open (Monday 8 May to Friday 2 June 2023).The survey seeks students’ views about their wellbeing and their engagement with school. Students in years 4 to 12 across the state are invited to participate and the information collected will help the education system and broader community to support young people’s health and wellbeing. The survey asks students about their social and emotional wellbeing, school relationships, engagement and learning in school, physical health, and wellbeing and after school activities.

The survey is completed in class time. Students will be asked if they would like to participate and are free to withdraw at any time. Survey results will be shared with the community later in the year.

The Mother’s Day Stall was a huge hit with our students with a variety of goodies to purchase. Thank you to Kylie Willshire and Kate Thorn for making this happen. Thank you to all the mums who volunteered their time at the stall, Alicia Harris, Dream Kotakhun, Ellen Pfeiffer, Jess Ireland-Brown and Skye Hueppauff. We would also like to thank the CWA for their craft donations, and the Pendergast family for the Madison accessories, all were much appreciated, and very popular buys.

Speaking of donations, a huge thanks to the Lions Club who delivered a check for $750 to the school this week. We have been told to spend it on whatever we like so we are going to ask the students through SLC if they have any thoughts about something we can purchase that will benefit the whole school.

Our next Pupil Free Day is on Friday 9th June. This is backed on to the June long weekend with the public holiday on Monday. Staff will be continuing their work on Teacher Clarity particularly in relation to Formative Assessment.

This week is National Volunteer Week, Australia’s largest annual celebration of volunteers. Volunteers contribute to the education sector in many ways, from reading in class to helping on excursions. Our volunteers contribute many hours to our school, and we truly appreciate all their efforts. Thank you for all you do, and we look forward to seeing you all in term 4 at our annual Volunteers Thank you Morning Tea.

The school choir was invited to perform at a Volunteers Thank you event at the Angaston Town Hall on Thursday. Mrs Greenwood and I got to tag along and were suitably impressed by Mrs Argent and the choir. They sang three songs, Proud Mary, a South Australian Sea Shanty and finished with Kind Hearted Hands. There were many toes tapping and lively applause at the end. Despite the nerves in front of a large audience Mrs Argent and the choir performed beautifully. We are so proud of them. Thank you Mrs Argent. None of this would happen without your passions for music.

Have you noticed our Indigenous Garden is starting to take shape? It’s really coming together now that the plants are growing, and it’s complimented by the seats Mr Jean made with his many Friday helpers. Of course, there is still more work to do as we plan to extend the garden in the space behind the Library/Middle Primary unit. To help with this Mrs Greenwood has contacted Courtney Hunter- Hebberman, who will meet with us next week to provide advice/ support about our next steps, not only with the Indigenous Garden but with reconciliation in general. Together we will explore ways we can authentically incorporate First Nation perspectives across the curriculum. As well Courtney will visit in week 5 which is Reconciliation Week to work with students and staff. More details to come.

Year 6 students should have brought home by now a parent information brochure for Starting Secondary school in 2024. Families have already received an email from the school with a unique URL (or web address). Please use the URL to access your online registration of interest form and nominate the public secondary school you want your child to attend in 2024. You can nominate up to 3 schools. Complete and submit the registration of interest form by Friday 26 May 2023.Paper forms are available from your primary school if you cannot access the internet.

Friday’s whole school assembly was hosted by Rm 5/Neubaur and Rm 3/Gniel. Mrs Gniel's Reception students performed a fantastic rendition of 'We're going on a bear hunt' . We weren't scared! Mrs Neubaur's 3/4's gave us some fascinating facts about the planets in our Solar System.

Congratulations to the following students who received an Encouragement Award at the assembly:

Freya Graetz                    Alessio Di Biase

Brandon Trowell             Lucy Schultz

Annie Killey                      Amity McPhearson

Ivy Work                            Hunter Heasman-Haigh

Mia Thorn                         Louis Logan

Koby Young                     Xavier Zeunert

Sophia Giersch                Indiana Linke

Benjamin Kraft                Francesca standing

Archie Kubisch                Chantelle Rowe

Hunter Viney

Choir visit to Angaston Town Hall

Indigenous Garden


Thank you to those families that have paid the Materials & Services charge of $319 for 2023 (When paying for school fees please remember to deduct $100, leaving a balance of $219, as the Government has approved a $100 rebate to be applied to all students school fees( not including school card approved students) . The Materials and Services charges are now overdue and need to be paid to avoid debt recovery action by Department for Education. A Final Notice has be sent out via post. Applications for School Card assistance are still able to be made so please apply online at under the heading Education, Skills and Learning. Please contact the Front Office if you require any assistance.

Payment can be made:

· via the school bank account BSB 105-021 Account number 104147940 - using your family code or invoice number as the reference.

· via Cash, Cheque, Eftpos or Credit Card at the Front Office between 8.30 – 9.30am and 2.30- 3.30pm.

· via Credit Card over the phone between 8.30-9.30 and 2.30-3.30pm.

Any current Direct Debit Payment Plans will continue.

Please contact Kim Oag on 85642215 if you require any further assistance.

Easter decorations in German


In preparation for Ostern (Easter) in week 10, our Receptions decorated and hung Ostereier (easter eggs) on our Osterbaum (Easter tree). It really did look amazing!

Alles Gute,

Frau Shields


                                        The Bugle

                                       As soundly as a cry in the mountains,

                                       As melodical as a symphony,

                                       As sad as a funeral,

                                       As respectful as forgiveness,

                                       As thoughtful as a memorial.

                                       Lest We Forget



As loud as the bombs and planes overhead.

As strong as the men who carried them.

As scary as the treacherous waters they came on.

As deadly as the land mines under ground.

As protective as a shield.

Lest We Forget.



As wet as the tears from their eyes,

As dull as their hearts seemed,

as cold as the winter wind,

As long as the dusty horizon,

as deep as the craters made by bombs,

Lest We Forget.


ANZAC biscuits

As enduring as the Knights of Gallipoli,

As beautiful as the Last Post,

As sweet as the poppies on Flanders Fields,

As commemorable as the Dawn Service,

As warm as the tears of family,

Lest We Forget.

Dylan. M


As old as an ancient dinosaur,

As experienced as a navy fighter,

As successful as a champion athlete,

As brave as a fierce lion,

As wounded as a lamb that was bitten by a wolf.

Lest We Forget

Archie K

Simpson and His Donkey

As brave as a lion,

As kind as a kitten,

As strong as a bear,

As tough as a soldier.

Together they are as courageous as an army.

Lest We Forget.


2023 SAPSASA Cross Country

Congratulations to the following students who participated in the SAPSASA Cross Country at Angaston Oval on May 17th 2023. It was a fantastic day and all participants tried their very best, making APS extremely proud.

Thank you to all parents and staff who helped on the day, and who made and donated the amazing food.

Anna Calley

Nachi Endersby

Inge Fiegert

Rani Tempest

Ava Thorn 

Edith Brassil

Henry Wheeler

Holly Trapmann

Poppy Fiest

Sophia Giersch

Lara Young

Bella Rudiger

Bonnie Kirtlan

Harper Thorn

Holly Myatt

Edie Chaplin

Maggie Gransbury

Mollie Harris

Amayah Linke

Sonny Donohue

Tate Jacka

Ashley Button

Phoenix Baldock

Freya Thoms

Charlotte Brumfield

Cohen Myatt

Ben Kraft

Gracie Calley

Oliver Hughes

Louis Manuel

Charlie Thorn

Liam Pendergast

Arthur Hampton

Oliver Giles

Winnie Baker - Kain

Savannah Hueppauff

Dougie Killey

Lachlan Pendergast

Thomas Gadsby

Charlie Van Dissel

Xavier Tempest

Lachlan Georgeff

Vincent Weight

Max Calley

Stanley Hampton

Tanner Anthony

Asha Gabel

Maalia Monto

Ruby Hughes

Jessica Bartsch

Acacia Bell

Hugh Wheeler

Sidney Van Dissel

Koby Young

Caitie Suljagic

Fin Webster - Payne

Brooklyn McLean

Connor Myatt

Marcella Zanker

Hannah Manning'

Joan Fiegert

Alejandro Preece

Jacob Meyer

Archie Clarke

Samia Strugnell

Skylar Gabel

Elsie Taylor

Kenzie Morrish

Poppy Wales

Amelia Manuel

Miley Fridd

Elsie Fiest

Flynn Clarke

Judd Linke

Chase Pedder

Jordan Zanker

Julia Harris

Archie Kubisch

Xavier Williams

Jai Strugnell


The cold weather is well and truly upon us! Luckily the Breakfast Club is on fire in term 2!

Don't forget to join us every Tuesady, Wednesday and Thursday morning, before school, for a cup of warm Milo and some toast. Brekky is served by our beautiful volunteer students who love to help out at the Brekky Bar.

A big Thank You to our year 6 and 6 SLC volunteers and Mrs Grenwood for making this possible.

See you there,


Registration of Interest for High School 2024

Registrations of interest for high school 2024 have been emailed to year 6 families. These forms need to be filled out and submitted by Friday May 26th 2023.

Uniform Shop

The Uniform shop is open Monday & Tuesday 8:45 to 9:00am and Thursday 2:45 to 3pm. Purchasing of uniforms outside of these hours during the term is not available, including hats.

Order forms are also available from the Front Office.


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