- Upcoming Events
- Principal's Message
- EHPS Behaviour Flowchart
- School Bell
- Crossroads Zone PSSA
- Day for Daniel
- Permissions needed via School Bytes
- Term 4 Calendar
- P&C News
- Community Announcements
Dear Parents, Carers and Friends of EHPS
Welcome to our last term for 2023, though we still have nine more weeks of exciting events and learning experiences for all our students.
We started our first week with a visit from Louise Gallagher, Director Educational Leadership for Lake Macquarie North schools. It was wonderful to showcase the many outstanding qualities and environments of our school and students. She was met by our school leaders, and they showed her the proposed site for the senior playground. She was introduced to students who were part of the Harmony Club, sports champions, students working in educational challenging activities, cultural groups, aspiring leaders and executive staff. 2A and Mrs Armstrong demonstrated the amazing learning with the new English curriculum they are doing in the class. The visit ended with a performance by Wakakiri students and a huge congratulations to Evie P who stepped in as the lead performer. She was very impressed with the confidence with which all the students demonstrated.
That brings me to the opportunities that are happening for our Year 5 students this term. Year 6 leaders spoke to me about how they have grown in confidence as leaders. I look forward to watching the beginning of our 2024 prospective Year 5 leaders step forward this term.
With the Day for Daniel coming up it is also a good reminder for our school community to talk about stranger danger. As a school, all classes will be working through a Child Protection unit for Personal Development lessons this term. More information will be coming out in individual stage letters in Week 3.
In the last week of Term 3, EHPS went through a five-year external validation (EV) process. We were able to show to the EV panel how we had grown since our last EV in 2018. Thank you to all the staff for their commitment to working on the documents and collecting evidence to support our school's growth. The EV is also a great opportunity to celebrate the successes and highlight where we need to focus as a school to strengthen our student's growth in learning. We use this information to form a situational Analysis that will inform our next 4-year school plan. I will be discussing this with our P&C as this process is a whole school focus and input from parents, students and staff working in partnership produces an authentic school plan.
Follow the school calendar to keep you updated on what is happening at our school.
Make the most of the awesome moments.
Kathryn Duncan
Thank you to the Edgeworth/Cardiff Men's shed who stripped the paint off our school bell and restored it to the original brass condition during the school holidays. As you can see the end result looks impressive.
For all Crossroads PSSA Zone information please use the link to take you to the website.
Parents please complete all permissions and payments BY THE DUE DATE to avoid the disappointment of your child missing out. Payment plans can be arranged with the office upon request.
Current notes requiring permission/payment: