Plattsburg Public School Newsletter

July 2024, Term 2 Week 10

A Message from the Principal

How did you find our NAIDOC celebration?

I was incredibly proud of our students’ performances and delighted that their parents were there to witness them standing tall. Miss Tjarnah, Miss Kyara, and Miss Lannutti worked tirelessly to ensure the day’s success, and their efforts were outstanding.

A heartfelt thank you to the staff who began setting up tents at 7:00 am. Special thanks to Mrs. Dyson, who looked great in her gumboots while organising tarps and coordinating everyone.

Most importantly, I want to extend my gratitude to our community for attending and for your uplifting feedback. A quick vote on the day confirmed that our 'Gully' is an excellent location and we will plan to hold our next NAIDOC celebration there.

As the term comes to a close, I wish everyone a safe and healthy holiday.  

Ellen Bax


Parents should not directly approach another person's child.

Disagreements between children happen regularly. This can be over a game, the rules, turn taking, friendship, not sharing etc. When a student has an issue, they are encouraged to seek out the assistance of a teacher to help resolve the matter. On occasion, concerns may cause frustration and anxiety. At such times it is always important to organise a time to talk with school staff in an unhurried and confidential atmosphere.

Please note: Under no circumstance are parents to approach another student or parent regarding any incidents or issues.

It is seriously inappropriate for parents to do so and can be viewed as threatening and intimidating. The school is equipped to handle any issues between students in a consistent and professional manner as part of its Discipline and Welfare Policy. In very rare cases, where people wishing to express concerns, do so in an aggressive, threatening or violent manner, the principal (or nominee) has the legal authority under the ‘Inclosed Lands Act' to:

· Direct the person to immediately leave the grounds.

· Call the police to remove the person should he/she refuse.

· Withdraw future permission (by letter) for the person to enter the grounds without permission of the principal.

· Seek further legal avenues.

Code of Conduct for Parents / Visitors

A code of conduct for parents and visitors ensures that everyone who visits the school site is able to do so in a safe and harmonious manner and to ensure that students, staff, parents and other visitors are not subjected to aggressive, hostile or violent behaviours.

Parents and visitors are expected to:

· Treat all persons associated with the school with respect and courtesy.

· Ensure their child/children are punctual to class.

· Make appointments in advance of expecting to obtain an interview.

· Allow staff to supervise, investigate and manage students without interference.

· Discuss issues or concerns about the school, staff or students through the correct procedures.

· Follow school procedures governing entry and behaviour on school grounds, including any restrictions that may be imposed.

Any person contravening this Code of Conduct is advised that the provisions of the Inclosed Lands Protection Act (1901) and its Amendments will be followed if any of the following occur:

· Actual physical assaults or threatened physical assaults on students, staff, parents or community members at the school or during the course of school activities;

· Behaviour in the presence of students, staff, parents or other visitors to the school that causes alarm or concern to the students, staff, parents or other visitors;

· Use of offensive language (i.e. swearing) in the presence of students, staff or other visitors to the school;

· Any interruption to the learning environment of the school such as entering classrooms without permission.

Your co-operation is sought in maintaining a safe and happy school.

The Importance of Teaching Students to Track Their Personal Property

We are reaching out to emphasise the importance of teaching your children to track and manage their personal belongings, such as coats and hats. Ensuring that students understand the responsibility of taking care of their items is crucial not only for their personal development but also for maintaining a well-organised school environment.

The Role of Parents and Teachers

While our dedicated teachers strive to create a supportive and nurturing environment for your students, it is important to recognise that micromanaging each child's personal property is an unreasonable expectation. While staff constantly remind students to care for their personal property and have routines to support management of property many students continue to show little responsibility for their own items. Encouraging your child to keep track of their belongings fosters independence and accountability, skills that are valuable throughout their lives.

Helpful Tips for Parents:

1. Labelling: Ensure that all clothing and hats are clearly labelled with your child's name. This simple step makes it much easier for misplaced items to be returned.

2. Daily Reminders: Make it a routine to remind your child each morning to check that they have all their necessary items before leaving for school.

3. Positive Reinforcement: Praise your child when they remember to bring their belongings home. Positive reinforcement can significantly boost their commitment to taking care of their things.

A Kind Gesture from Mrs. Dyson

Our wonderful Mrs. Dyson has been generously washing and drying mounds of discarded clothing every week out of kindness. However, the volume of unclaimed clothing has recently increased significantly. It is disheartening when parents/carers express frustration towards teachers over lost items, please consider how you manage your child’s lost property. Blaming staff is unhelpful.

Our Expectations

We kindly request that parents/carers take an active role in teaching their students the importance of looking after their belongings. This expectation ensures that students learn personal responsibility and helps maintain a positive and respectful school environment.

By working together, we can help our students develop essential life skills and reduce the amount of lost property. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

Influenza A Health Alert

We have several cases of Influenza A in the school, some of which are serious. Influenza is a highly contagious respiratory illness caused by the influenza virus. There are two main types of human influenza viruses: A and B, with many sub-types and strains. The flu is more serious than the common cold, and severe cases can lead to breathing difficulties and pneumonia. Please be vigilant about your child's health and take flu symptoms seriously.

What's Happening

Stage 3 School Camp

Not long till our School Camp for Stage 3! 

Beanie Day

NAIDOC Celebration

NAIDOC Celebration is a wonderful opportunity for our school and community to come together and celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander cultures. 

Plattsburg and Minmi Public School watched wonderful performances, participated in workshops and enjoyed a sausage sizzle cooked by our local Bunnings store team members Amanda, Melissa and Tree!

A big thank you to the special guests who attended and made this possible.

Leigh Ridgeway - Aboriginal Community Liaison Officer

Uncle Alex Nean - Elder and Cultural Teacher

Karen Ruby - Vice President Callaghan AECG

Uncle Perry Fuller - Elder and Cultural Teacher

Mat Freeman - Rel. Director, Educational Leadership

Emmalee Clare - Teacher CC Wallsend and AECG Executive

Trackpants Jumpers & Jacket Donation

Sentral Parents Portal

Thank you Plattsy parents/carers for your response to the new functions in the Sentral for Parent platform. We have received permissions and payments instantly and appreciate your patience with the initial teething problems. What a time saver/paper saver!

If you have any trouble accessing the portal, please do not hesitate to contact us at the office, through our Facbook Page messenger or email. If you do not wish to download the app, Sentral permission and payments will send an email to you with a link that will enable you answer permissions and payments. We still use for Canteen/Uniform orders and Audiri (formally Skoolbag) for urgent alerts.

Community News

Current Notes

P&C Members Form

Kiss and Drop/Kiss and Ride Registration

QuickCliq Registration Instructions

2024 Canteen Price List