
TERM 3 WEEK 8 - 7 September 2023

Principal Update

Welcome to Week 8. It is hard to believe that we are approaching the end of term. We are very much looking forward to our Art Exhibition next week and the Auction on Friday evening. The pieces of art that have been created are truly amazing. I encourage you to visit the exhibition. We are extremely grateful for the support we have received from local artists and our P&C. All staff have also contributed significant time and effort. All students should be extremely proud of their creations. 

This Friday we will officially farewell Christine Ingram. Christine was a highly valued member of our school team and supported staff, students and parents in her role as School Administrative Manager. We wish Christine all the best in her retirement. 

We have finalised the changes to the school uniform. The following changes will come into effect from the start of term 4:

  • A new dress will be available for preorder with expected availability for Term 1 2024.
  • Girls will be able to purchase and wear a black skort. The price will be $21.00*. This can be worn from next term.
  • Black unisex shorts will be available for all students. All sizes will be $22.00*.
  • Long black pants will be available for preorder.
  • We will not be adding a hoodie to our school uniform due to pricing and availability.                                                                                         

* Price may be subject to a minor change due to stock ordering.

For all uniform changes there is a transition period of 3 years where both uniforms will be accepted. From now until the end of this term all grey items, dresses and culottes will be sold for $10. Please complete an order form and send to the front office. From the start of next term only the new uniform options will be available for purchase.

Last week we had several students compete at the Regional Athletics Carnival with Ella and Jessie placing 1st in their events.  Congratulations to all students who participated. Special thanks to Elaine as well as many staff who provided additional training opportunities for students in preparation for the carnival.

Looking forward to seeing everyone at our Art Exhibition and Auction next week.

Have a wonderful week.

Sarah Davis

New Uniform Dress - available from Term 1 2024

Deputy Principal

I mentioned last newsletter the work that staff and students have been doing this term in reviewing our student expectations.  In this newsletter I would like to share the revised expectations with you.

Over the next couple of weeks these expectations will become visible on signage in classrooms and eventually across other areas in our school.  It is our intention to spend some class time discussing each of these expectations – ensuring all students know and understand what is expected of them.  The support of the whole school community in reinforcing these expectations is important.  If you have some questions on these expectations please don’t hesitate to let us know!

The annual Tell Them From Me surveys are also just around the corner and these surveys provide an opportunity for students, teachers and parents to have a voice in school planning.  The parent survey (more information to follow) is designed to measure, assess and report insights on the school from parents’ point of view.  Student surveys will be conducted in weeks 9 and 10 and will focus on student wellbeing, engagement and effective teaching practices.

I look forward to seeing you all at our Art in the Making Auction.

Tracy Scobie


  • Kitchen Garden Working Bee - Today Thursday 7 September at 3.15 pm
  • MAD Concert at Moruya High School years 4, 5, 6 -Today Thursday 7 September at 12.45 pm - 2.45 pm
  • MAD Night at Moruya High School - Tonight Thursday 7 September
  • AFL Skills Lessons Years 2-6 - Friday 8 September
  • Art in the Making Auction - Friday 15 September 6.00 pm school hall
  • River of Art - commences Friday 15 September
  • Market Day - Wednesday 20 September
  • Last Day of Term 3 - Friday 22 September





Regional Athletics UPDATE

On Friday 1 September MPS had 4 representatives attend the South Coast Region Athletics Carnival at the Australian Institute of Sport in Canberra.

It was a successful meeting with all our representatives giving an amazing effort.

  • Ella H – achieved 1st in the 12/13 years high jump
  • Jessie R – achieved 1st in the 12/13 years shot put
  • William KW – achieved a successful recorded throw in the junior shot put
  • Emme R – achieved a 3rd placing in her 100m dash heat for 8 year old girls

Ella and Jessie were successful in moving through to the State PSSA Athletics Championships in Term 4.

We wish them the best of luck moving forward.

Kath Finney

Well Done - MPS is proud of you!

2/3 Seals Art in the Making

Little Sellers Art Prize

Sabian and Deua were both finalists in the Little Sellers Art Prize Exhibition that was held on Monday 4 September at the Moruya Library.

Sabian received a 'highly commended' for his work. Well done!


Some suggestions...

SRC MUFTI DAY RAISED $100.15 towards paint for our school mural. Well Done!


National Science Week

Last week MPS students celebrated National Science Week 2023. This year’s theme was Innovation: Powering Future Industries.

Our students explored experiments that encouraged them to innovate and change existing inventions and ideas to improve their performance and make them better. As the student’s problem solved each challenge, we discussed the science we observed.

The challenges students explored this week:

  • Aerodynamics challenge: Students were encouraged to design and build a paper aeroplane. After testing their prototype on our oval, students were encouraged to change and innovate design for improvement.
  • Gravity challenge: Students were asked to choose a material to test out to build the best parachute to slow down a pop stick parajumper. Students were invited to blend materials and adapt their design after testing from the height of the climbing frame.
  • Energy challenge: Students were challenged to build a collaborative marble run as a group. They were encouraged to use everyday objects to build a marble run that used energy gained from being pulled by gravity.

  • Strength challenge: Students ideas were welcomed when they were given the task to build a bridge strong enough to drive a toy car across. Many materials were used, and students enjoyed using their knowledge of bridge design and strength of materials to be successful in this challenge.

Below are photos of some students creating their experiments. 

Kath Finney


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