St Luke the Evangelist School Newsletter

17 May 2024 - Issue #8


School Term Dates 2024

Term 2 15 April - 28 June

Term 3 15 July - 20 September

Term 4 7 October - 20 December (last day of school year TBC)

Tuesday 21 MayP&F Meeting 7 pm
Friday 24 MaySeniors at Mass @ 9.30 am
Wednesday 29 MayDivisional Cross Country
Friday 31 MayMiddles at Mass @ 9.30 am
Tuesday 4 JuneSAC Meeting 7 pm
Friday 7 JuneFeast of the Sacred Heart- Whole School Mass & Morning tea
Monday 10 JuneMonarch's Birthday - Public Holiday 
Friday 14 June District Basketball Tournament - Seniors
Saturday 15 JuneSAVE THE DATE - P&F Trivia Night
Tuesday 18 JuneP&F Meeting 7 pm
Tuesday 25 - Thursday 27 JuneYear 3 - Reconciliation 3.30 pm - 4.30pm(10 minute bookings)
Friday 28 JuneEnd of Term 2 - 1 pm finish

A message from Clare

Good Afternoon Families,

There is nothing like a Mother’s love and last Friday, we witnessed that love when our beautiful Mums, grandmothers, aunts, sisters and even a dad who stepped in for his unwell wife, joined us for breakfast. There was a real buzz in the room, there was plenty of pink and there were loads of kids very excited to be starting the day with their Mum in a very different way. There was even a little pampering with some hand massages and a lot of photos. Check them out below.

Thank you so much to the staff who set up, served steaming hot cups of tea and coffee and cleaned up afterwards; this act of service goes beyond role descriptions and speaks volumes about how much we care for YOU. 

The Mother’s Day stall ran very smoothly. The children loved their mini shopping spree. Thank you to our Dads who helped out- David, Max, Paul, Nader, Richard and Colin for helping Sabina and the mums with the running of the sales.

Well done to our participants in the District Cross Country. Our Year 4,5 and 6 children relished the opportunity to compete against children from other schools. Thank you to Domenic DeLeo for his careful coordination of the children, volunteers and supporting staff and…it was great to be able to walk there and back.

‘Now More Than Ever, We Walk Together’ is the theme Whitehorse City Council is using to engage the local community in Reconciliation Week.  As quoted in an invitation to St Luke's:

At its heart, reconciliation is about strengthening relationships between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and non- Indigenous peoples for the benefit of all Australians. Reconciliation is situated in understanding and acknowledging our shared history, truthtelling. It is about recognising the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders including the right to self-determination. It is also about addressing discrimination, social injustice and fostering equity. We would like to invite you to participate in Council’s ‘Now More than Ever We Walk Together’ Art Activity. We are aiming to create a pathway of feet to acknowledge that Reconciliation is a journey that requires us to all walk the path to better understanding of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, cultures and our shared history. Completed artwork will be displayed at the Whitehorse Civic Centre during Reconciliation Week, 26 May to 31 May 2024. Artwork may also be used in Council’s social media and publications. I have attached the flyer with the template and instructions your child might like to use. This is totally VOLUNTARY and open to all children.


  • is a Wellbeing initiative that assists our children to:
    • Be greeted by name and to greet others
    • Play a positive little primer that brings laughter and fun
    • Hear any announcements about the day ahead or listen to children’s announcements about birthdays or special events happening to them
    • Engage in a short meditation and prayer to begin their day AND
    • Finally, to get ready to learn

Please don’t be late. Our children need to be in their classroom no later than 8.50 am.

Our thoughts and prayers go to our Year 6 children who will be ‘sealed with the Gifts of the Holy Spirit’ this evening in the sacrament of Confirmation. Congratulations to Camilla, Max, Will, Lachie, Henry, Joe, Mae, Chloe, Daniel, Emily, Noah, Grace, Joseph, Ella, Mason, Lennie and April. Your preparation to become spirit-filled people, along with your classmates, has been inspiring. Your research into saints, your work with your families around the Fruits and Gifts of the Spirit and your growth as student leaders have been a privilege to witness. It has been wonderful to see your Year 6 peers- Thomas, Tia, Nam and Jenson supporting you throughout this time of preparation.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Clare Ryan


Faith & Mission News


We have many of our Year Six students preparing to receive
the Sacrament of Confirmation tonight, Friday 17th of May.

Camilla, Max, William, Lachlan, Henry, Chloe, Mae, Joseph, Daniel, Noah,
Grace, Emily, Joseph, Ella, Mason, Leonard, April

Please keep them in your prayers.

Physical Education and Sport News

St Luke’s Cross Country Division Competitors 2024

Last Friday we were blessed with beautiful sunshine for our District Cross Country competition. The grass was certainly wet while setting up the course early in the morning, but soon the sun came out and shone brightly as the competitors from the many schools in the Gardiner and Highbury Districts started arriving at Mirrabooka Reserve.

We congratulate all St Luke’s competitors who demonstrated wonderful sportsmanship and persistence. Many of our students were not necessarily natural long distance runners but they all put in a terrific effort and did their best. We are very proud of all our competitors and it is with great pleasure that we announce the students who were selected to go through to the next level of competition.

We congratulate the following students and wish them the best of luck on Wednesday 29th May at Mirrabooka Reserve.

9/10 Girls:  Charlene; Despina; Hannah; Bella

9/10 Boys: Hamish; Lucas; Jonathan; Lachie

11 Girls: Mina; Sophia

11 Boys: Thomas; Billy; Ethan; Leonard

12/13 Girls: Grace; Chloe; Camilla; Emily

12/13 Boys: Noah; Max

We give a big thank you to our teachers and our parent volunteers who assisted on the day and ensured the day ran very smoothly. Thank you!!

Domenic De Leo

PE Teacher and Sports Coordinator



This week the Seniors deepened their understanding of science through an incursion.

We gathered in the Discovery Centre and Lab for two hands-on lessons exploring light energy and colour and electricity circuits.

We learnt that light travels in a straight line. We caught, bounced, bent, split, and focused light using an assortment of torches, mirrors, and lenses. We made shadows, made a coin reappear in water, used crazy glasses to split light and looked at how our eyes and cameras use light to make images.

In the second session we learned about electricity and electrical conductivity. We made circuits, added buzzers, lights, motors, switches and fans making sure we connected black with black and red with red. We used batteries to push electrons through our circuits and then switched them for solar power.We didn’t need a switch for the solar power circuit because when we turned it away from the sun it switched off. At the end of the session, we had lots of fun constructing simple robots that jiggled and danced! 


Please note the following ways we can all create and maintain Carpark Harmony at St Luke’s

  • Enter slowly through the ONE entry driveway (closest to the church

  • Exit slowly through the one of the TWO exit driveways

  • Car Park speed is 10kms/hour

  • Do not park in between staff carpark spaces

  • The DROP OFF ZONE is just that. Adults remain in the car and children disembark and move into school safely. If you want to walk your child into school, please park in the general parish parking area.

Thank you. This will keep our precious youngsters safe and our wonderful adults happy!

Sports School Uniform

Spartan Uniforms now offer a SKORT for our girls to wear. This is a blend of a skirt and a short. It is an optional sports uniform item- either sports short or skort.

Parents & Friends Association News


We are seeking donations from all the St. Luke's families in regards to the Fete Hampers.  We will be placing bins for hamper donations in each classroom from next week. 

We have a theme for each year level:

  • Preps - Ladies Hamper
    (theme ideas include beauty products, wine, chocolate, candles, scented items etc.
  • Juniors (Grade 1 & 2) - 1 x Boys Hamper and 1 x Girls Hamper
    (theme ideas include kids toys, clothes, books etc)
  • Middles (Grade 3 & 4) - Outdoor Entertainment & Garden Hamper (theme ideas include decorative pots, garden tools, outdoor decorations, outdoor candles/mozzie repellent (no living plants please), picnic items, BBQ equipment, exercise equipment etc)
  • Seniors (Grade 5 & 6) - Family Entertainment Hamper
    (theme ideas include outdoor games, beach/pool equipment, board games, chocolates etc)

Thank you in advance for your generosity.


We are very keen to accept enrolments now and don’t want anyone missing out. If you know someone who is looking to enrol their child in Prep for 2025 or in other year levels, please encourage them to book a tour and have a chat with me. 

Clare Ryan: or Phone: 9877 4023

NCCD Information Sheet for Parents, Carers and Guardians

Community News

School Housekeeping


Please check the lost property cupboard in the office foyer if you are missing uniform or food containers.  


Winter uniform -  As the months get cooler, please make sure your child has his/her school jumper EVERY day. Rain jackets should not be worn in place of a school jumper and are for outside use only.


As part of our wellbeing care of children at St Luke's, every class engages in a morning routine at 8.50 am.  This quiet, calm time allows children to gather together in a circle, to greet each other by name, to pray and/or enter into some Christian meditation and get ready for the day.  Please make sure you allow enough time to get your child to school BEFORE 8.50 am.

If children arrive after the gate and student entry doors are locked, parents/carers are required to walk their child/ren to the school office and sign them in on the VPass iPad.

If leaving early (before the end of the day), parents/carers are required to sign their child/ren out on the VPASS iPad.


Allergic reactions to food… can be harmful to our children. For that reason we ask parents to think carefully about what they are packing in their child’s lunch boxes. Occasionally, something might slip through and once aware, we take precautions to ensure the safety of every child. As stated in the Family Handbook 2024:

We are an EGG and NUT free school due to the allergies of children within our community.  We ask that parents respect this request and the potential harm this could do to children if brought to school.

Thank you for your care and attention to this.

Buy/Sell second hand uniform:

Join the St Luke's Primary School Blackburn South Buy/Sell Uniform group on Facebook to buy/sell uniform with other parents. 

Friday - School Lunches

Friday lunches can now be ordered from Classroom Cuisine. There are many options and varying prices. Orders are made and paid for on-line and delivered straight to school. 

For details on how it works, pricing and to create an account please visit

School Uniform - Spartan School World

School Uniform is to be worn at all times.

Online orders placed by midday on a Monday will be included in the school delivery the next day.  Any orders placed after this time will be delivered in the following weeks run.

Store opening hours Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm and the 1st Saturday of the month 9am-12pm

Kelly Club

Kelly Club run programmes before and after school that our children love.  If you have any enquiries regarding availability, booking and cost, please contact Elena

Proudly acknowledging great sponsors of our Parish/School

We are St Luke's.  A community of faith, learning and partnership.

Journeying together, we strive to live the gospel so that all may enjoy the fullness of life.

We look with wonder at our world and embrace learning through inquiry, through action, through reflection to realise our potential.

We celebrate diversity and we welcome the opportunity to live and work together.

We are companions on the journey, now 60 years on ... guided by the Holy Spirit, inviting the participation of everyone.