Dear Parents/Carers,
Welcome to 2025! I would especially like to welcome our new parents/carers and students to our wonderful school. Welcome to Mrs Johnson who will be team teaching with Mrs Horton in 1A and also Ms Merwood who will be team teaching with Mrs Marks in 5/6B. Congratulations to everyone for a great start to the year. The atmosphere of our first two weeks has been calm and purposeful and classes have been active in learning from the very start. I am very excited to be working with you and your children this year to support them to be the very best they can be.
Day 8 census was completed yesterday. We were only 7 students away from making a 10th class. Unfortunately, we didn’t make this by Day 8. The good news is that our current 9 class structure will remain and there will be no class changes. Our nine classes for 2025 are Prep A, Prep/1, 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, 4/5, 5/6A & 5/6B.
Just a reminder that full school assemblies will be held in the hall each week on Tuesdays at 9:00am. Parents/carers are welcome to attend every week. If your child is receiving a certificate, you will receive an email from the classroom teacher the week before, inviting you or a nominated family member to remain behind after assembly for 10 minutes and have a piece of gluten free chocolate cake with your child to celebrate their success.
Name Labels for Stop, Drop & Go
Surname labels assist us to identify your car quickly at the stop, drop and go area and minimises wait times and congestion. If you need a label printed, please see the Office where a label can be printed for you on the spot. Attach the label with some rubber bands to your sun visor and then flip the sun visor down as you approach the pickup area.
Class Newsletters and Behaviour Management Plan
You will receive a classroom newsletter and classroom behaviour management plan from your child’s teacher. Please read the plan carefully as it explains how the teacher will be fostering appropriate classroom behaviour and managing inappropriate classroom behaviour. It is necessary for you to return the attached tear – off slip to your child’s teacher. Please discuss this plan with your child to reinforce their understandings.
Parent/Teacher Welcome Interviews
We host Parent / Teacher Welcome interviews in Week 4 on Wednesday, February 19, 2025 from 3:10pm in the Hall. All families are encouraged to take this opportunity to talk with your teacher about your child, their likes and dislikes, and what makes them the wonderfully unique human beings that they are, so as a partnership team we can get the best possible year of learning happening for them at Beerwah!! Please refer to information from Mr Deady in this Newsletter for more details around booking interviews.
This year, one of my focus areas will be school uniform. We have a school uniform policy which can be found on our school website. Please ensure your child is in full school uniform each day. Wearing our school uniform with pride helps to maintain a positive culture within the whole school community. Last year, I was concerned about some of our girls wearing short bike pants instead of the required school culottes, dresses or pants. This does not look good, especially when a long shirt is worn over the top and does not portray a good image of our school to the community. Please ensure your student is also wearing the correct school hat and not a cap along with black shoes. Please make an appointment to see me if you are having difficulty with uniforms.
Student Induction Ceremony
On Monday 10 February, we will hold our annual Student Induction Ceremony, where our 2025 student leaders received their badge of office. You will already have received an invitation if your Year 6 child is receiving a badge. All other parents are welcome to attend the Induction Assembly.
Think U Know
During Term 1, all classes will participate in a 45minute presentation regarding cyber-safety called Think U Know. Think U Know is an evidence-based education program led by the Australian Federal Police (AFP), delivered nationally in partnership with police and industry partners to prevent online child sexual exploitation.
The content of the lessons for Prep to Year 6 students, are age appropriate and designed by the Australian Federal Police. These sessions will be presented by Sarah Harding from the Queensland Police Service.
The program also helps parents, carers and teachers get a better understanding of the types of things that children SEE, SAY and DO online.
We will be holding a parent/carer information session regarding this program on Wednesday 12th February at 5pm in our Library for those that are interested in learning a little more about this program. The parent presentation will run for approximately 45mins. We do ask that parents do not bring their children to this parent session due to the content.
Apps to Download
Can I encourage all parents/carers to download the Skoolbag/Audiri app which is our preferred way to communicate important messages and also the QKR! app to order and pay for tuckshop. From Term 1 2025 All permissions/consents for excursions will be accessed through the QParents app. No stress, No paper, and payment can be made all at the same time, same place. Excursion Permission Consents/school payments will no longer be release on other platforms.
Consent for excursions is a simple tick off the box and most of the consent form will prepopulate to your information. Once completed an invoice will be generated in QParents ready for payment and you’re done!
School Review
Our school will be participating in a School Review from 4th to 6th of March, 2025. Reviews play an important part in how the Department of Education supports school improvement. They provide schools with independent feedback, tailored to their context and needs.
All Queensland state schools undergo a review at least once every 4 years.
Through meaningful engagement and input from school staff, students and communities, reviews involve the evaluation of evidence and practice.
Reviews are conducted by experienced educators trained in the use of the School Improvement Tool, an internationally recognised framework for reviewing practices that contribute to school improvement. Review teams generally consist of 2 to 4 reviewers.
Schools are not ranked or given a performance rating. They are provided with a comprehensive report detailing the key findings and recommended improvement strategies for consideration.
Feedback from parents and the community is an important part of school reviews, with everyone encouraged to have their say.
Conversations with a review team member can be in person or over the phone. All feedback remains confidential.
Reviewers endeavour to connect with parents and carers before or after school around school grounds and car parks. If you would like to participate in the review by talking to one of the reviewers, please contact the school office.
'Away for the day' – mobile phones and wearable devices
The Department of Education has implemented a new mobile phone and smart watch policy across all schools in QLD.
Queensland state school students are required to keep mobile phones switched off and 'away for the day' while on school grounds and while attending school activities, such as representative school sport, excursions and camps. Students may hand their devices to the Office upon arriving to school for safe keeping and collect upon leaving.
Wearable devices, such as smartwatches, can be worn to school but notifications must be switched off so that phone calls, messages and other notifications cannot be sent or received.
Your child can continue to bring their phone to school to communicate with you, once outside the school grounds.
'Away for the day' supports schools to maintain a strong focus on educational achievement, and student wellbeing and engagement by:
· providing optimal learning and teaching environments
· encouraging increased face-to-face social interactions between students
· promoting the health and wellbeing of students through increased social interaction and physical activity
· reducing the potential for students to be exposed to the negative impacts of the digital world, resulting from unsafe or inappropriate technology use.
As a parent or carer, you play an important role in supporting your child to engage with technology in safe and respectful ways. Parents can support schools to implement the 'away for the day' approach by:
· talking with your child about the requirement to have their phone switched off and away for the day, and/or notifications disabled on wearable devices
· using the school's preferred communication method to contact your child during the day, such as phoning the school office
· establishing routines at home to help your child balance their use of devices and screen time.
Please contact the school if you have any questions or concerns regarding this policy.
Have a wonderful weekend and I look forward to seeing you soon.
Scott Bowden