Drummoyne Public School

Term 3 Week 10 Newsletter - Friday 27 September 2024


Dear Drummoyne PS Community,

A fete to go down in history

As we wrap up Term 3, I’d like to share and celebrate a significant achievement with you all. Our recent Spring Fete was recognised by our local MP, Stephanie Di Pasqua, in State Parliament and officially recorded in the Hansard. This is a wonderful testament to the hard work and dedication of our community. A particular recognition was made of  Angela, our P&C President, and Rob, our Fete co-coordinator, for their incredible leadership in making the event such a success. Please find the transcript of the recognition included below.

Stage 2 Choir at Primary Proms

In another standout moment this term, I was able to attend the performance of our Stage 2 choir at the Primary Proms last night, held in the amazing Sydney Town Hall. The students gave a truly memorable performance and their hard work and dedication were evident for all to see. A huge thank you to Ms Champion and Ms Sole who meticulously prepared our choir and supported them through rehearsals and the big night. 

Reflections on Term 3

Term 3 is often seen as a quieter term; however, it has been anything but! We’ve had so many highlights, including the Education Week open morning, the Art Trail, the completion of our Indigenous murals, Book Week, Science Week, an amazing fete, Year 4 camp and numerous excursions and incursions, all of which have provided meaningful learning experiences for our students. Thank you for your support of these events and activities - the learning environment for your children at Drummoyne is richer because of your active involvement, partnership with and support of the school.

Looking ahead

As we look ahead to Term 4, there’s much to be excited about. Just to name a few of the exciting activities, we’ll be welcoming our 2025 Kindergarten students for their transition program, sending our Stage 1 students off to swim school and enjoying the Year 6 County Fair. Of course, we’ll cap off the year with our much-anticipated end-of-year presentation assemblies.  I am looking forward to welcoming you all into the school to celebrate a wonderful year of learning and growth with us.

I hope you all have a happy and restful holiday break. Just a reminder that there is no pupil free day at the beginning of Term 4 and students will return to school on Monday 14th October.


John Nguyen​


E: john.nguyen34@det.n​sw.edu.au 

Community Recognition Statement – Hansard 20 September 2024

Drummoyne Public School Spring Fete

Ms STEPHANIE DI PASQUA (Drummoyne)—I rise to congratulate the Drummoyne Public School Parents and Citizens Association on an outstanding school fete held on Sunday 25 August. The Spring Fete brought together local families, students and the wider community for an amazing day that was enjoyed by all. The fete featured performances, amusement rides, food stalls, games and so much more family friendly fun. Congratulations to the Drummoyne Public School Junior and Senior Band and Choir for their fantastic performances. The Spring Fete was a lovely showcase of our outstanding local talent. I would like to sincerely thank P&C President Angela Farrell and Fete Coordinator Robert Tolliday and all members of the P&C executive and parent volunteers for organising such a wonderful and inclusive community event. The success of the Fete is a testament to the countless hours of hard work and dedication put into planning and facilitating the day for the most important cause – our local kids. I also acknowledge Drummoyne Public School Principal, Mr John Nguyen and all teachers and staff for their involvement in the day. Congratulations and thank you to everyone involved in the 2024 Drummoyne Public School Spring Fete!

Upcoming Events

Mondays11.50am Stage 1 Choir rehearsal in the KB classroom (second half of lunch)

8.30am Stage 2 Choir rehearsal in 5/6C

8.30am Stage 3 Choir rehearsal in the library

Week 1

Monday 14 October

First Day of Term 4
15 October2.40pm 3-6 Assembly - Hosted by 3/4W
15-18 OctoberStage 1 Swim School in the mornings
22 October

2.40pm K-2 Assembly

7.30 pm P&C Meeting in the Library - all welcome

22-25 OctoberStage 1 Swim School in the mornings
4 NovemberYear 5 Leadership Speeches
7 NovemberKindergarten Transition Visit 1
8 NovemberP&C Discos
14 NovemberKindergarten Transition Visit 2
19 November7.30pm P&C Meeting in the Library
21 NovemberKindergarten Transition Visit 3
3 DecemberYear 6 County Fair
6 DecemberFinal Scripture lessons & Volunteers Thank You Morning Tea
9 DecemberK-2 Presentation Day
13 DecemberStage 2 & Stage 3 Presentation Days
16 DecemberYear 6 Dinner Dance
17 DecemberK-5 Picnic Day
17 & 18 DecemberYear 6 Manly Surf School


18 December

3pm Year 6 Farewell arch

Last Day of Term for Students

19 DecemberStaff Development Day

2025 Term 1 dates

31 January &

3 February

Staff Development Days

Tuesday 4 February

First day of Term 1 for students in years 1-6

4-6 FebruaryKindy Best Start Interviews
Monday 10 FebruaryFirst Day of School for Kindergarten students
Tuesday 18 February3-6 Swimming Carnival
12-24 MarchNAPLAN for all students in years 3 & 5
Friday 28 MarchWhole School Photo Day


Year 6 Leadership

At the three quarter mark of a busy year I wanted to acknowledge and thank our Year 6 students who continue to demonstrate responsibility to supporting others in our school community and where their initiative and sustained commitment to their leadership roles are observed. We are proud of our leaders for the way they go out of their way to serve others with quiet determination.

Thank you to each of our Year 6 students who:

  • Raise and lower the flags on Thompson Street each morning and afternoon
  • Arrange the 'Class of the week' display outside Ms Colb's office each week
  • Assist at our weekly assemblies setting up the hall and putting out and packing up chairs
  • Remove and replace the sandpit cover in the K-2 playground at the start of lunch and end of recess each day
  • Lead the slide presentation and music at weekly assemblies
  • Facilitate the BRIC lunch time program on Tuesday and Thursday
  • Carry sport equipment to South Street and K-2 playground each lunch break
  • Count PBL tokens every Friday
  • Lead soccer activities in the K-2 playground
  • Host assemblies
Congratulations Year 6. We are proud of you!

Leigh Russ

Relieving Deputy Principal

Class of the Week - 1/2A Tin Foil Art

With much determination and resilience, the students of 1/2A created landscapes using cardboard, string and foil. This artwork links with our geography program where we have been learning about natural features of places. The students enjoyed experimenting with the delicate nature and raised textures of this artwork. 


Principal's Awards and Principal's Badges

Students receive values certificates from their teachers throughout the year for demonstrating our values of Respect, Responsibility and Resilience.

Once a student receives 5 values certificates, they are able to trade them in at the school office for a Principal's Award.  The 5 values certificates can be a combination of the 3 school values and come from any year the student has been at DPS.

Once the student has received 3 Principal's Awards, they can bring them to the school office and choose their Principal's Badge from one of the 3 values.  

Principal's Awards

Respect awards - Rawson says congratulations to:
  • Adelaide B - 1/2A
  • Paddington S - 1/2A
  • Maya S - 1/2D
  • Olivia G - 1/2M
Responsibility awards - Monty says congratulations to:
  • Eva B - 1/2A
  • Zara T - 1/2J
  • Elodie D - 1/2P
  • Catherine L - 1/2P
  • Frankie S - 1/2P

Resilience awards - Bretty says congratulations to:

  • Gus M - 1/2A
  • Ishan M - 1/2D
  • CC P - 1/2D
  • Rian L - 1/2M
  • Astrid L - 1/2M
  • Lilou S - 1/2P

Principal's Badges

Mr Nguyen says congratulations to:

  • Amelia D - 1/2D - Respect
  • Olivia G - 1/2M - Respect
  • Frankie S - 1/2P - Responsibility
  • Eva B - 1/2A - Resilience

Assembly this week was hosted by class KN

Positive Behaviours for Leaning (PBL) Tokens

Tokens are handed out to students who demonstrate our school values of RespectResponsibility, and Resilience. Students post the tokens in the collection tubes divided by house teams. The tokens are counted at the end of each week, and the ongoing totals are displayed on our school notice board outside the office.

Congratulations to Daramu who celebrated today with a mufti day


Iron Cove Public Speaking Competition

The Stage 2 and Stage 3 school finals for the Iron Cove Public Speaking Competition were held on Monday, 23rd September. Congratulations to all participants on the high standard of speeches delivered. 

The results were as follows:

Stage 2

1st place - Eleanor S 3/4W

Highly Commended - Ivy N 3/4K

Stage 3

1st place - Aria S 5/6O

Highly Commended - Olive B 5/6P

Many thanks to adjudicators, Mrs Russ, Ms Cantlay and Ms O’Dowd and announcers, Chloe AB (Stage 2) and Phillipa M (Stage 3).

We would also like to acknowledge the students who assisted as timekeepers, recorders and ushers on the day, ensuring that the competition ran smoothly.

The local finals will be held at Annandale Public School on Tuesday, 29th October. We wish good luck to the students representing DPS at this event.

Ms Arruzza and Ms Hill

Public Speaking Coordinators

Debating Report Term 3-Week 10

This week Drummoyne debated against Five Dock Public School in our final round. The topic was ‘Schools should teach current affairs instead of history’.

The affirmative team, the Hawkes were the away team, with Olive as 1st speaker, Aria as 2nd speaker, David as 3rd speaker and Eme as team advisor. They argued that current affairs engage students with issues that directly impact their lives and the world today. Their team line was ‘Current affairs, empowering students with relevant knowledge to shape today's world.’ The Hawkes narrowly lost their debate despite putting up a good fight.

The Lyons were the home team. As the negative, they argued that schools should teach both history and current affairs in conjunction, not one or the other. Their team line was ‘Learning from the past to shape a better future.’ Congratulations to 1st speaker Theo, 2nd speaker Ava, 3rd speaker Phoebe V and team advisor Isaac N on winning their debate.

Many thanks to Aria’s dad, Todd, for providing transport. Also, thank you to our chairperson Sophia K and timekeepers Oliver and Sophie who were also meeters and greeters.

Primary Proms Rehearsal & Concert

After months of preparations with Ms Champion and Mrs Sole, 30 students from the Stage 2 choir excitedly hopped on the bus yesterday to Sydney Town Hall for the 2024 Primary Proms performance.

We sang 11 songs, including one in Japanese, one in Arabic, and a nursery rhyme from the Tiwi Islands. We were joined on stage by a live band and guest performers from various high schools.

Our favourite performance was by the acappella singing group who performed "Fragile."It was a privilege to sit in the front row because we got to experience the live band and see how the students played up close.

Everyone sang their hearts out and gave it their very best. We hope that Drummoyne auditions successfully so we can do it all over again next year. In 2025, the Year 4s hope to be performing at the Opera House with the Stage 3 choir.

Piper M & Claire L

Stage 1 Excursion to Centennial Park

On Wednesday, Stage 1 students headed to Centennial Parklands to learn about living things and the environment. We got to complete three different activities - dip netting, a nature walk, and creating a natural habitat for a clay animal. We all had a wonderful day and are looking forward to learning more about living things in Term 4. Here’s what the students loved about the day: 
  • “The clay animal making” - Isabella 1/2P
  • “How we got to scoop up the top of the water and catch some water bugs” - Zein 1/2P
  • “When we got to make all of the animals out of clay and nature” - Aleyna 1/2J 
  • “When we got to look at all of the bats, and some were even about to have babies! I got to name one puddles” - Zara 1/2J
  • “Making the things with clay” - Angus 1/2M
  • “When we went through the bush. It was a bit scary though!” - Christina 1/2M
  • “The clay because it was so great” - Selena 1/2K
  • “Using the clay to make some things” - Dillion 1/2K
  • “Sculpting the habitats” -  Maya 1/2A
  • “Seeing nature” - Chanel 1/2A
  • “When we looked for animals” - Nick 1/2D
  • “When we saw animal habitats” - Ishan 1/2D


Congratulations to Aydin D who danced at the State Dance Performance last Thursday night. Over the weekend he also attended the Australian Dance Festival workshops, rehearsals & performances. It was a huge weekend of dance but very rewarding all the same with Aydin being selected as a Dance Around The World Soloist for the 14&U 'Rising Star' award.


Yesterday, Australia's first Female Astronaut, Katherine Bennell-Pegg took part in a webinar brought to us by the NSW Department of Education, STEM Enrichment team, Optus and the Australian Space Agency.

Ewan Sutton

STEAM teacher

Peninsula Engagement Program more details



Our all conquering Snr Boys 4x100m Relay team

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.


Important - Please update your group subscriptions in Audiri ASAP

This year, our school will be beginning to streamline some of our communication practices in an effort to keep our school community engaged and informed. As part of this process, we ask that you please join your child/ren's CLASS GROUP as well as their YEAR GROUP (rolled over from last year) in the Audiri app. This will help us to ensure that you receive information relevant to you and your child/ren. Detailed instructions are included below.

How users can subscribe to open groups in the Audiri app: New users joining your school can subscribe to Open Groups by following these steps in the Audiri app:

  • Click on the Resources icon at the bottom of the screen.
  • Click on the Groups card that appears on the Resources page.
  • A list of all the Groups that have been created by the school appears, allowing the user to subscribe by sliding the button to the right of the group's name, to the right-hand side. The user can also unsubscribe to a Group by sliding the button to the left.
  • Thank you for your support.


    Second Hand Uniform Sale

    Thank you to all the awesome people who helped set up, organise and pack away at the second hand sale on such a gloomy morning. We raised $715 for the P&C, and made some families very happy to stock up for Summer on a budget.

    Angela Farrell

    P&C President

    Save the Date

    The P&C will be running an Infants and a Primary Disco on Friday 8th November.

    Stayed tuned for more details.

    Contact our P&C

    Please follow us on:

    Instagram @drummoynepublic.pandc

    Facebook @drummoynepublic.pandc

    And on our Facebook Private Group - for community members only. Please request access to join.


    Uniform Shop Opening Hours

    From Term 4 the uniform shop will be open for face to face sales on Thursday mornings from 9am - 10am.

    All uniform shop orders are now to be placed on Flexischools.

    Summer uniform is worn in Terms 4.  Please register and order uniforms online at: 

    If you need to contact the uniform shop volunteers please email:


    Uniform Shop Volunteers needed for Term 4 and 2025

    After having three children at DPS and spending many, many years of volunteering for us, Nadda's youngest child will be finishing year 6 this year and heading off to high school.

    We are looking for volunteers who can spare half an hour to an hour each week to come in and help package up any online uniform orders, open up for face to face sales or sort through 2nd hand items etc. The job is very flexible, can be done any day of the week. Come alone or bring a friend and join our small but fun team. 

    We would love to train volunteers during term 4 to take over from Nadda when she leaves. Please contact the school office if you would like any more information.or email: 


    The P&C Uniform Shop Committee


    This week @ Monty’s Munch

    Dear parents,

    Thank you to all the volunteers who have helped throughout the term. Thank you to Kate, Zahra, Belle and Leanne for helping with End of Term Sausage Sizzle and to all the students who also helped this term.

    Eugenie, Catherine, P&C Committee and most of all, the students are very grateful for your contribution. We will also be trialing 30 min time slots for volunteering next term so please pop your name down to help for even a short time. 

    Sushi will be moved to the first Tuesday of every month due to dwindling orders. This will start Tuesday October 15th. Cut off for orders will be Monday October 14th.


    Thursday 17th......9:30am -10:00am.......1         10;00AM-10:30AM......1           10:30AM-11:00AM.....1       11:00AM-11:30am.....1       11:30am-12:00pm......1

    Friday  18th.........9:30am -10:00am.......1         10;00AM-10:30AM......1           10:30AM-11:00AM.....2       11:00AM-11:30am.....1       11:30am-12:00pm......1

    We wish everyone a wonderful holiday break.

    kind regards,

    Canteen and P&C Committee

    To Volunteer

    • Log in to Flexischools account.
    • Click on NEWSFEED
    • Click on VOLUNTEER IN CANTEEN and click on the word here.

    If you need to pay for an emergency lunch:

    • Log in to Flexischools.
    • Select the next available date to pay.
    • Select the IOU option.
    • Select money denominations equal to money owing.
    • Add to basket.
    • Pay - so easy!!


    Band Monday and Friday am

    Contact Directions in Music on 9662 2211

    Keyboard & GuitarTuesday and Thursday pm

    Contact David Koh from VIP Music on 9411 3122

    Greek Classes – Monday, Tuesday, Thursday pm

    Contact Charoulla Themistocleous on 0411 137 266

    Turkish Language Class – Thursday pm

    Omer Can 0418 695 766. Enrolment forms and detailed Information on 

    Art on Canvas for Kids - Mondays pm

    Contact Tahlia 0424 093 991. Email:

    Top Serve Tennis Academy - Friday pm

    Phone: Neil or James 0434 845 925 Email: fivedock@topserveta.com

    Golden Kick Soccer Academy - Monday pm

    Phone coach Oz 0434 845 918 or Email: goldenkicksa@gmail.com

    Make Believe Drama Club - Tuesdays & Wednesdays pm

    Email makebelieveaustralia@gmail.com


    To book Gowrie NSW - enrolment forms can be found on the Gowrie website:


    Contact Rekkha for more information on 0436 616 744.

    Gowrie September Newsletter & OSHC Vacation Care Program



    The following notices are listed as a service to the community and are not endorsed by the school


    Spring Vacation Monday 30 September – Friday 11 October 2024

    No Staff Development Day for Start of Term 4

    Students return to school Monday 14 October 2024

    Last day for students for 2024 - Wednesday 18 December

    Summer Vacation Thursday 19 December 2024 – Thursday 30 January 2025

    Staff Development Days Friday 31 January & Monday 3 February 2025

    Year 1-6 Students return on Tuesday 4 February 2025

    Kindergarten Students commence - TBC

    Autumn Vacation Monday 14 April – Thursday 24 April 2025

    Staff Development Day Monday 28 April 2025

    Students return on Tuesday 29 April 2025

    Winter Vacation Monday 7 July -  Friday 18 July 2025

    Staff Development Day Monday 21 July 2025

    Students return on Tuesday 22 July 2025

    Instantly translate the newsletter to ANY language

    With Google Translation integration, you can access our newsletter in ANY language. Simply scroll to the bottom of the newsletter preview to give it a try.