Term 3, Week 5, 2024

We learn on the lands of the Kaurna Nation

Acknowledgement of Country

Important Dates

Term 3Monday 22 July - Friday 27 September
School Closure Day Term 3Monday 2nd September
Pupil Free Day Term 3Tuesday 3rd September
Pupil Free Day Term 4Monday 14th October

From the Acting Principal

Wasleys Primary School Polo Tops

The Wasleys Primary School polo tops have arrived, and seeing students wearing them has already increased our sense of school pride. The polo top also helps us to live into our school values of belonging, opportunity, achievement and teamwork. The Governing Council and I will continue to update the Uniform Policy with a year transition plan beginning this term. 

Green and Gold Day

On Friday the 2nd of August Wasleys Primary School celebrated our Australian athletes with our Green and Gold Day! We had much discussion about resilience, growth mindset, persistence and practice time it takes to become an athlete. Lessons we can take beyond sport and into our learning. We look forward to the Paralympics starting on the 28th August.

Bully No Way National Week of Action 

Bully No Way National Week of Action was August 12th-16th. In classes we explored connections and how growing positive connections with other students and the broader school community can enhance students' cognitive, behavioural and emotional engagement.

In a class discussion students discussed:

How is bullying different to having an argument or fight with someone How can bullying make someone feel?  Who could you tell if you or your friends were being bullied? What are the ways that cyberbullying can happen?


Staff have continued to embed Kimochis to build emotional literacy and work to teach students the tools for regulation this term. Carli has also continued to work with classes and provide wellbeing support. Next term, we will have a focus on resilience and growth mindset. Our WEC (Wellbeing and Engagement Collection) survey results for 2024 have just become accessible for staff, and we will analyse these results in coming weeks to find our strengths and areas for future growth. 

Stobie Pole Project

You will see in this edition of the newsletter a feature on our stobie pole project as it is now complete. The Light Regional Council erected the artwork panels, and they stand as a beautiful entry to our school. We will officially open the Butterfly Garden and stobie poles on October 18th. 

School Closure and Pupil Free Day 

Please be aware that we have a School Closure Day on Monday 2nd, followed by a Pupil Free Day on Tuesday 3rd September. On this day staff will be working with other sites across the Gawler 1 Portfolio to attend training sessions at different schools.  

Father's Day Stall 

Thank you to the Governing Council for once again organising the Father's Day Stall on Thursday 29th August. Please see the flyer for more information. 

SSO Week

This week is also SSO week, and I would like to thank all of our wonderful SSO's for the work they do at Wasleys Primary School. You will see our SSO's featured as part of this newsletter. 

What a busy start to Term 3 it has been. We look forward to meeting with families in week 9 for interviews to continue to strengthen our partnership. 

Green and Gold Day

SSO Week

Week 5 Assembly Awards

Primary Class - Science Week

Science Week Activities

Book Week

Pastoral Care Worker

Vegetable Garden News

Bully No Way National Week of Action 12th-16th August

Kimochis and Emotions

150th Celebrations

Play Center

Canteen Hub Subway Orders

Father's Day Stall

Stobie Pole Project

Birthday Shout Outs!

Big Happy Birthday for August

21st Jackson

Enrolment 2025

Parent Noticeboard