Date | Event / Activity |
Week 8 | Refugee Week |
Sunday 18th June | 11th Sunday |
Monday 19th June | P&F Pizza Lunch |
Tuesday 20th June World Refugee Day | Sport & Music Lessons today Toastie Tuesday - R, 1 & 2 5:30pm Tour 7pm - School Board |
Wednesday 21st June St Aloysius | Rec & Yr 1 Parish Mass - 9:30am Dance Program |
Thursday 22nd June Saints John Fisher & Thomas More | Japanese lessons today 9:30am Tour Yr 3-6 Netball Clinic |
Friday 23rd June Olympic Day | 1:40pm Mentoring Moments |
Week 9 | |
Sunday 25th June | 12th Sunday |
Monday 26th June | |
Tuesday 27th June | Sport & Music Lessons Toastie Tuesday - Yr 3, 4, 5 & 6 |
Wednesday 28th June | Yr 6 Vinnies Shelter visit Dance Program |
Thursday 29th June Saints Peter & Paul | Japanese lessons today Rory's Lunch orders Yr 3-6 Netball Clinics |
Friday 30th June | Term 3 Reception Induction Yr 6 Vinnies Sleepout |
Week 10 | NAIDOC Week |
Sunday 2nd July | Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Sunday |
Monday 3rd July St Thomas | |
Tuesday 4th July St Elizabeth of Portugal | Sport & Music Lessons |
Wednesday 5th July | Dance Program Yr 3-6 Netball Carnival |
Thursday 6th July St Maria Goretti | Japanese Lessons Rory's Lunch Orders Dance Program |
Friday 7th July | PJ Day - Gold Coin Donation Hot Chocolate & Muffin Day - orders via QKR Reports go home Last day of term - finish 3:15pm |
Monday 24th July | First day of Term 3 |
Wed 26th July | Feast of Saint Anna & Jochiam (Jesus' Grandparents) Grandparents Afternoon - from 1:30pm |
Friday 28th July | start of Bike Ed Program for Yr 4, 5 & 6 start of Little Ants |
Monday 21st Aug | Pupil Free Day |
Tuesday 22nd Aug | School Concert - 6:30pm for 7pm start |
Friday 25th Aug | Book Week Parade |
Friday 1st Sept | Father's Day Breakfast & Early Years Morning |
Tuesday 19th Sept | School Photos |
Friday 29th Sept | Sports Day & End of Term |
Dear Families and Friends of St Anthony’s School,
WOW, our term of “love” is flying by, luckily with many great moments to love and much learning to celebrate.
Over the last few weeks, we have celebrated the Feast of Australia, National Simultaneous Reading Time, Reconciliation Week, Laudato Si Week, World Environment Day, class Masses, Cabra musical – including seeing some old St Anthony’s students on stage, Zoo and Botanical Gardens excursions, celebrated feast of St Anthony including donuts for all, warmed up with Toastie Tuesdays, begun netball clinics for Yr. 3 to Yr. 6, Japanese Languages Competition and started our dance program kindly supported by the P&F.
Learning in the classrooms has included illustrating and identifying the seasons in Reception Science, writing amazing – “off the page” recounts in Year 1 English, showing our care of creation through artwork in Year 2, learning about the states of Australia in Year 3 Geography, studying food webs in Yr. 4 Science, researching early Australian explorers in Yr. 5 History and investigating natural disasters in Yr. 6 Science.
The last few weeks of this term still has much instore –P&F Pizza lunch, highlighting World Refugee Day, Reception & Year 1 Mass, Yr. 3-6 Netball clinics, dance program, Yr 6 Vinnies Sleepout, welcoming our Term 3 receptions for a visit, NAIDOC Week, Yr 3-6 Netball Carnival, last day of term with PJ Day & Hot chocolate and muffins.
Currently, teachers are beginning to collate grades and comments that will go into end-of-semester reports, which will go home on the last day of the term. This year we are using a new reporting system in line with all Catholic Schools in South Australia. Our reports, overall, will remain the same with grades for each subject, a mark for each of our 5Ls together with a written comment. A new addition is a mark for how your child has applied themselves to each of the learning areas. More information will be sent home in the coming weeks giving further details.
Our teachers worked together on the pupil-free day to further explore our focus on writing. We analysed several key documents about the teaching of writing to help us develop a common agreements and practices guide about the teaching of writing at St Anthony’s School.
Today we celebrate the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and at mentoring moments today, students explored ways we experience love at school and how we can be the hearts and hands of God’s love in our world.
May the Sacred Heart of Jesus fill you with love, that you burn and glow with it more and more. Julian Tenison Woods (Founder of Josephite Sisters with Mary MacKillop) - 1879
Best wishes from Stuart